Library / English Dictionary


    Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

    Irregular inflected form: cocci  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

     I. (noun) 

    Sense 1


    Any spherical or nearly spherical bacteriaplay


    cocci; coccus

    Classified under:

    Nouns denoting animals

    Hypernyms ("coccus" is a kind of...):

    eubacteria; eubacterium; true bacteria (a large group of bacteria having rigid cell walls; motile types have flagella)

    Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "coccus"):

    staph; staphylococci; staphylococcus (spherical Gram-positive parasitic bacteria that tend to form irregular colonies; some cause boils or septicemia or infections)


    coccal (of or pertaining to or resembling a coccus)


     Context examples: 

    A species of anaerobic, Gram-positive, cocci shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Firmicutes.

    (Parvimonas micra, NCI Thesaurus)

    A genus of Gram positive, cocci shaped, lactic acid bacterium assigned to the phylum Firmicutes and the family Lactobacillaceae.

    (Pediococcus, NCI Thesaurus)

    A genus of anaerobic, Gram positive, cocci shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Firmicutes and the family Peptococcaceae.

    (Peptococcus, NCI Thesaurus)

    A species of aerobic, Gram negative, rod and coccus shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria.

    (Cupriavidus pauculus, NCI Thesaurus)

    A genus of aerobic, Gram positive, rod and cocci shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria and the family Dermabacteraceae.

    (Dermabacter, NCI Thesaurus)

    A species of Gram positive, cocci shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Firmicutes.

    (Aerococcus urinae, NCI Thesaurus)

    A species of facultatively anaerobic, Gram positive, cocci shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Firmicutes.

    (Aerococcus viridans, NCI Thesaurus)

    A genus of aerobic, Gram positive, cocci shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Firmicutes and the family Aerococcaceae.

    (Aerococcus, NCI Thesaurus)

    A genus of aerobic, Gram positive, cocci shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Firmicutes and the family Planococcaceae.

    (Planococcus, NCI Thesaurus)

    A species of facultatively anaerobic, Gram positive, cocci shaped bacteria in the phylum Firmicutes.

    (Abiotrophia defectiva, NCI Thesaurus)

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