Health / Medical Topics |
Definition 1
One of the two photoreceptor cell types in the vertebrate retina. Cones are less sensitive to light than rods, but they provide vision with higher spatial and temporal acuity, and the combination of signals from cones with different pigments allows color vision. (NLM, Medical Subject Headings)
Definition 2
A shape whose base is a circle and whose sides taper up to a point. (NCI Thesaurus)

Condyloma acuminatum that is associated with the presence of dysplastic epithelial changes.

A sexually transmitted papillary growth caused by the human papillomavirus. It usually arises in the skin and mucous membranes of the perianal…

A raised growth on the surface of the genitals caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The HPV in condyloma is very contagious…

A rounded bony projection at the end of the bone.

A coil consisting of a conducting material such as that in a solenoid.

Hearing loss caused by a problem in the outer ear or middle ear. Conductive losses usually affect all frequencies to the same…