Health / Medical Topics |
In medicine, a disturbance of normal functioning of the mind or body. Disorders may be caused by genetic factors, disease, or trauma. (NCI Dictionary)
A class Ia antiarrhythmic agent with cardiac depressant properties. Disopyramide phosphate exerts its actions by blocking both sodium and potassium channels in…
A class IA anti-arrhythmic agent with cardiac depressant property. Disopyramide blocks the fast sodium channel in normal cardiac cell membranes within atrial…
Bar from attention or consideration; cease to consider.
Dislocations are joint injuries that force the ends of your bones out of position. The cause is often a fall or a…
A displacement of a part (especially a bone) from its normal position.
Disks large homolog 4 (724 aa, ~80 kDa) is encoded by the human DLG4 gene. This protein is involved in synaptic signal…