Health / Medical Topics |
Extraordinary Opportunity: Imaging Technologies
Goal: to develop a comprehensive imaging research program to fit the development of imaging technology with medical needs to create a system to evaluate new imaging technologies rapidly and effectively. (NCI Web) (NCI Thesaurus)

Goal: identify and characterize every major human gene that predisposes people to cancer; begin to apply these discoveries through clinical practice to…

Research areas of exceptional promise in the cancer field. To qualify as extraordinary opportunities these research initiatives must: Respond to important…

Retinoblastoma that has spread beyond the eye e.g. to brain, soft tissue/bone, bone marrow.

A slight or incomplete paralysis of an extraocular muscle.

Located outside the eye.

An indolent, extranodal type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma composed of small B-lymphocytes (centrocyte-like cells). The gastrointestinal tract is the most common site…