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Failure to Disconnect Medical Device Problem
Issue associated with the linking of device and/or device components whereby termination of the transfer of liquid, gas, electricity, or information cannot be accomplished, or linking components do not come apart, or disconnect, when expected. (Food and Drug Administration)

Issue associated with the failure of a battery or other charge storage device to appropriately discharge as intended.

Issues associated with the effective electromotive force within a system that fails to oppose the passage of current in a specified…

Issue associated with the device failing to complete a series of processes or events.

Failure of a device therapy or set of therapies to terminate the arrhythmia that the therapy is meant to terminate.

Issue associated with the inability of a device and/or device components to allow a current of electricity to pass or to conduct…

Issue associated with inability to initiate the appropriate charging process (e.g. of a battery or other charge storage device).