Library / English Dictionary


    Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

     I. (noun) 

    Sense 1


    In some classifications restricted to the gurnards and subdivided into the subfamilies Triglinae (true sea robins) and Peristediinae (armored sea robins)play


    family Triglidae; Triglidae

    Classified under:

    Nouns denoting animals

    Hypernyms ("family Triglidae" is a kind of...):

    fish family (any of various families of fish)

    Meronyms (members of "family Triglidae"):

    gurnard (bottom-dwelling coastal fishes with spiny armored heads and fingerlike pectoral fins used for crawling along the sea bottom)

    genus Triga; Triga (type genus of the Triglidae)

    subfamily Triglinae; Triglinae (in some classifications considered a subfamily of Triglidae comprising searobins having ordinary scales and no barbels (true searobins))

    genus Prionotus; Prionotus (a genus of Triglidae)

    Peristediinae; subfamily Peristediinae (in some classifications considered a subfamily of Triglidae comprising the armored searobins)

    genus Peristedion; Peristedion (in some classifications the type genus of the subfamily Peristediinae: armored sea robins)

    Holonyms ("family Triglidae" is a member of...):

    Scorpaenoidea; suborder Scorpaenoidea (mail-cheeked fishes: scorpionfishes; gurnards)


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