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    Health / Medical Topics


    A hexose which is almost identical to glucose except that orientation of -H and -OH on carbon 4 are exchanged, making it an epimer at C-4 of glucose (in Fisher projection). (NCI Thesaurus/CRCH)


    Abnormal milky discharge from the nipple.
    A carbohydrate polymer composed of mannose and galactose, with chemotherapeutic enhancing activity. Galactomannan derivative binds to galectins on cell surfaces and may…
    A procedure that uses x-rays to create pictures of milk ducts in the breast. A very thin catheter (tube) is inserted into…
    Single or multiple, milk-containing nodules in the breast. It is caused by obstruction of the breast ducts during lactation. Needle…
    Gal is a non-SI, CGS system unit of gravitational acceleration equal to one centimeter per second per second, named after Galileo. …
    A finding referring to walking difficulties.

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