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Gastric Vein
Either of two veins (left gastric and right gastric) that drain blood away from the stomach and lesser curvature. (NCI Thesaurus)

An ulcerated lesion in the mucosal surface of the stomach. It may progress to involve the deeper layers of the gastric…

An intestinal-type adenomatous polyp that arises from the stomach. It is characterized by the presence of a tubulovillous architectural pattern. …

An intestinal-type adenomatous polyp that arises from the stomach. It is characterized by the presence of a tubular architectural pattern. …

A variant of gastric adenocarcinoma characterized by prominent dilated or slit-like tubules.

The tissue of the stomach. It is composed of a fibrous outer layer bounded by smooth muscle, the submucosa, and the…

A mature or immature teratoma that arises from the stomach.