Health / Medical Topics |
An immune response to a person's tumor cells by immune cells present in a donor's transplanted tissue, such as bone marrow or peripheral blood. (NCI Dictionary)
Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) pathophysiology can be summerized in a three-step process. During step 1, the conditioning regimen (irradiation and/or chemotherapy) leads to…
A disease caused when cells from a donated stem cell graft attack the normal tissue of the transplant patient. Symptoms include jaundice,…
Therapy to prevent or treat graft vs host disease.
An incompatibility reaction (which may be fatal) in a subject (host) of low immunological competence (deficient lymphoid tissue) who has been the…
Failure of transplanted tissue to become functional or operational, often as a result of destruction by the host's immune system.
A solid composed of a piece of skin or other tissue intended for implantation into or on the body.