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    Health / Medical Topics

    Greater Than

    Definition 1

    A statement about the relative size or order of two objects specifying that an object of interest exceeds another object in quantity or measure or value or status. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    The value should not be smaller than the given value excluding the given value, which is equivalent to "greater than". (Food and Drug Administration)


    The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is a large, strong, muscular, draft dog. The head is large with a broad, flat skull and…
    A large fold of peritoneum that hangs down from the stomach, and extends from the stomach to the posterior abdominal wall after…
    The lateral and inferior border of the stomach. Attached to it is the greater omentum.
    Notable in size, number, measure, magnitude, degree, or effectiveness.
    A congenital vascular abnormality that affects the great vessels and/or aortic arch. Representative examples include double aortic arch, aortic coarctation, and absence…
    A large, irregular, quadrilateral area of bone found at the neck of the femur.

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