Health / Medical Topics


    A cytostatic triazole derivative antimetabolite. Guanazole scavenges tyrosine free radicals, thereby inhibiting mammalian ribonucleotide reductase activity and DNA synthesis. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A state in central Mexico. Its capital is Guanajuato.
    A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Guam or the Mariana Islands.
    Denotes the inhabitants of Guam, a person from there, or their descendants elsewhere.
    A combination preparation containing guaifenesin and the indirect-acting sympathicomimetic agent pseudoephedrine with expectorant and decongestant activities, respectively. Guaifenesin works by drawing water…
    A combination preparation containing guaifenesin and the opioid agonist codeine with expectorant and antitussive activities, respectively. Guaifenesin works by drawing water into…
    A combination preparation containing guaifenesin and the opioid agonist dextrometorphan with expectorant and antitussive activities, respectively. Guaifenesin works by drawing water into…

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