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Indicates an absence of a measurable amount of a specific function or role performed by a biological entity in a Biophysical Process, Biochemical Reaction, or Biochemical Process. (NCI Thesaurus)
A poxvirus made non-infectious by ultraviolet light or other inactivation methods in order to reduce its pathogenicity. In cancer gene therapy, inactivated…
A preparation of killed microorganisms that is intended to prevent or treat an infectious disease by inducing active immunity to the causative…
A vaccine consisting of inactivated poliovirus (IPV) types 1,2 and 3, with active immunizing activity against poliomyelitis. Upon intramuscular vaccination, inactivated poliovirus…
Issue associated with an error due to imperfect timing of two operations; this may or may not include signal transmission time. …
A type of metastasis in which skin cancer spreads through a lymph vessel and begins to grow more than 2 centimeters away…
Administration of a medicinal product into an egg or an embryo.