Health / Medical Topics |
Information Resources Management
Definition 1
Cataloging, grouping, and flagging data for ready retrieval. (NCI Thesaurus)
Definition 2
Management of the acquisition, organization, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of information. (From Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors, 1994) (NLM, Medical Subject Headings)

Sources of information such as libraries, databases, and websites.

For information to be useful, not only does it need to be made available at the right time to those who need…

An interdisciplinary study dealing with the transmission of messages or signals, or the communication of information. Information theory does not directly deal…

Knowledge derived from study, experience, or instruction that has been gathered or received by communication.

An Informatics Nurse encompasses the full range of activities that focus on the methods and technologies of information handling in nursing. Informatics…

An occupational discipline which unites information science with computer science. It is concerned with the development of techniques for the collection…