Health / Medical Topics |
Joubert Syndrome
A rare genetic syndrome characterized by the hypoplasia or absence of the cerebellar vermis. Signs and symptoms include rapid breathing (hyperpnea), sleep apnea, abnormal eye movements, mental retardation, and ataxia. (NCI Thesaurus)

The Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center conducts basic, clinical, and cancer prevention research, while providing the latest treatments to patients, while training the…

A test for patency of the lacrimal system; fluorescein instilled in the conjunctival sac can be recovered from the inferior nasal…

The oil extracted from the seeds of Simmondsia chinensis. Jojoba oil is used primarily in cosmetics.

A company which has some features of a corporation and some features of a partnership. The company sells fully transferable stock, but…

A sensation of discomfort and tightness while moving a joint. Typically there is decreased joint range of motion. Causes include arthritis, joint…

Decreased joint flexibility.