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A natural substance that stimulates the growth of epithelial cells in the skin and in the lining of the mouth, stomach, and intestines. A form of KGF made in the laboratory is called recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor. Also called keratinocyte growth factor. (NCI Dictionary)

A question associated with the KFSS questionnaire.

Kurtzke Functional Systems Scores (KFSS) Record number 1 in small box when weakness (grade 3 or worse on pyramidal) interferes with…

Kurtzke Functional Systems Scores (KFSS) Visual function.

Kurtzke Functional Systems Scores (KFSS) Sensory function.

Kurtzke Functional Systems Scores (KFSS) Pyramidal functions.

Kurtzke Functional Systems Scores (KFSS) Record number 1 in small box for presence of temporal pallor.