
An infrequent pituitary gland adenoma composed of cells showing immunoreactivity for prolactin and less often growth hormone. Electron microscopic studies reveal… »

A cell whose cytoplasm or its granules stain with acid dyes. »

An abnormally high acidity (excess hydrogen-ion concentration) of the blood and other body tissues. »

Afección en la que la sangre es demasiado ácida. La causa puede ser una enfermedad grave o una septicemia (bacterias en el… »

Afección poco común en la que las estructuras del riñón que filtran la sangre se deterioran y producen orina que es más… »

A genus of aerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria and the family Comamonadaceae. »

A species of aerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is motile by a single polar… »

A species of aerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is motile by a single polar… »

A species of aerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is motile by a single polar… »

An agonist of niacin receptors capable of mimicking niacin's ability to increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Acifran produces these effects at lower doses… »

A secreting cell that lines an acinus (i.e. a small sac or sac-like structure). A representative example is the acinar cell… »

A benign glandular epithelial neoplasm consisting of secretory cells forming acinar patterns. »

A malignant glandular epithelial neoplasm consisting of secretory cells forming acinar patterns. Representative examples include the acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas… »

A benign or malignant glandular epithelial neoplasm consisting of secretory cells forming acinar patterns. It includes the acinar cell adenoma and acinar… »

A morphologic variant of lung adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of acinar structures composed of columnar or cuboidal cells. »

Forms small glandular structures without prominent gland lumen. »

An invasive adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland composed of secretory cells. It is the most common histologic type of prostate… »

An unusual variant of acinar prostate adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of neoplastic small atrophic glands that contain malignant cells with scant… »

A variant of acinar prostate adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of malignant cells with abundant xanthomatous appearing cytoplasm. »

A variant of prostate carcinoma characterized by the presence of malignant cells forming syncytial patterns and dense lymphocytic infiltrates. »

A variant of acinar prostate adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of malignant large cells with granular eosinophilic cytoplasm. »

A variant of acinar prostate adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of neoplastic large glands that resemble the benign, non-neoplastic prostate glands. … »

A rare morphologic variant of acinar adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland with unfavorable prognosis, composed of both malignant glandular and sarcomatous… »

A morphologic variant of acinar adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland characterized by the presence of signet ring malignant cells. »

A usually aggressive morphologic variant of acinar adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland characterized by the presence of lakes of extracellular mucin. … »

The glandular portion of the salivary system whose combined secretions constitute the saliva; a clear, alkaline, somewhat viscus secretion that keeps the… »

A genus of bacteria within the phylum Proteobacteria consisting of strictly aerobic nonfermentative gram-negative bacilli. »

A species of aerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is nonmotile, oxidase negative, catalase positive… »

A species of aerobic, Gram negative, rod and cocci shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is nonmotile and oxidase… »

A non taxonomic grouping of bacteria assigned to the Acinetobacter genus that include the A. calcoaceticus and A. baumannii species. »

A species of aerobic, Gram negative, rod and cocci shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is nonmotile, oxidase negative,… »

A species of aerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is nonmotile, oxidase negative, nonhemolytic and… »

A species of aerobic, Gram negative, rod and cocci shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is oxidase negative, catalase… »

A species of aerobic, Gram negative, rod and cocci shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is nonmotile, oxidase negative,… »

A species of aerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is nonmotile, non spore forming, catalase… »

A breast adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of serous (acinic cell) differentiation. »

A niacin derivative and nicotinic acid analog with activity as a hypolipidemic agent. Acipimox has special application for the treatment of hyperlipidemia… »

Afección en la que se encuentran células anormales en el tejido glandular que reviste algunos órganos internos, como el útero, el cuello… »

A substance that is used in the prevention of cancer and in the treatment of psoriasis. It belongs to the family of… »

Sustancia que se usa para prevenir el cáncer y tratar la psoriasis. Pertenece a la familia de medicamentos que se llaman… »

A modified amino acid and structural analog of glutamine. Acivicin inhibits glutamine amidotransferases in the purine and pyrimidine biosynthetic pathways, thereby… »

An oligosaccharide anthracycline antibiotic isolated from strains of the bacterium Streptomyces galilaeus with potential antineoplastic activity. These agents display potent antitumor properties… »

An antineoplastic oligosaccharide anthracycline antibiotic isolated from the bacterium Streptomyces galilaeus. Aclacinomycin B intercalates into DNA and inhibits both the topoisomerase… »

An oligosaccharide anthracycline antineoplastic antibiotic isolated from the bacterium Streptomyces galilaeus. Aclarubicin intercalates into DNA and interacts with topoisomerases I and II,… »

Falta de ácido clorhídrico en los jugos digestivos del estómago. El ácido clorhídrico ayuda a digerir los alimentos. »

Human ACLY wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 17q21.2 and is approximately 63 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

A substance that has been studied in the treatment of some types of cancer. ACN53 is a weakened adenovirus that carries the… »

Sustancia que se estudió para el tratamiento de algunos tipos de cáncer. El ACN53 es un adenovirus atenuado que lleva el gen… »

A chronic eruption of fibrous papules that develop and fuse to form a thick sclerotic, hypertrophic band at a site of deep… »

Cutaneous eruptions resembling acne, characterized by the presence of papulonodules, pustules, comedones, or cysts in the face, trunk, and extremities. Causes include… »

A synthetic imidazoquinoline with antineoplastic activity. Acodazole intercalates into DNA, resulting in disruption of DNA replication. Use of this agent has… »

The hydrochloride salt of acodazole, a synthetic imidazoquinoline with antineoplastic activity. Acodazole intercalates into DNA, resulting in disruption of DNA replication. … »

A substance being studied in the prevention of breast cancer in women at high risk of breast cancer. Acolbifene hydrochloride binds… »

A hydrazone derivative of isoniazid, used in the treatment and prophylaxis of tuberculosis. »

Procedimiento en el que entibia una taza de vidrio redonda y se coloca boca abajo en una parte del cuerpo para crear… »

A prokinetic agent with gastrointestinal (GI) motility-enhancing activity. Although the exact mechanism by which acotiamide exerts its effect has yet to be… »

The hydrochloride salt form of acotiamide, a prokinetic agent with gastrointestinal (GI) motility-enhancing activity. Although the exact mechanism by which acotiamide exerts… »

A brain mimicking fluid with an attenuation coefficient similar to that found in the adult human brain, which can potentially improve the… »

A genetic condition in which tumors form on the nerves of the inner ear and cause loss of hearing and balance. Tumors… »

An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor that develops on the nerve that connects the ear to the brain. The tumor usually… »

A type of benign brain tumor that begins in the Schwann cells, which produce the myelin that protects the acoustic nerve -… »

Injury to the hearing mechanisms within the inner ear, caused by excessively loud noise. »

This gene is involved in fatty acid metabolism. »

Human ACOX2 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 3p14.3 and is approximately 32 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

Método para aliviar el dolor, mediante el cual el paciente controla la cantidad de medicina que usa. Cuando se necesita aliviar el… »

This gene is involved in both the metabolism of flavinoids and the posttranslational modification of proteins. »

Human ACP1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 2p25 and is approximately 23 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

A protein encoded by the ACP5 gene. »

Human ACP5 wild-type allele is located within 19p13.3-p13.2 and is approximately 4 kb in length. This allele, which encodes tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase… »

Any immunoglobulin that recognizes prostatic acid phosphatase. »

Human ACPP wild-type allele is located within 3q21-q23 and is approximately 51 kb in length. This allele, which encodes prostatic acid phosphatase… »

Of or relating to a medical condition or characteristic that is not present at birth but develops subsequently. »

Cataracts in both eyes that result from the aging process, an injury, or as a manifestation of a systemic disorder. »

Cataract that results from the aging process, an injury, or as a manifestation of a systemic disorder. »

Chylothorax that results from malignancies (usually lymphoma), trauma to the thoracic duct, tuberculosis, or sarcoidosis. »

Deficiency of a coagulation factor that is not caused by genetic alterations. Causes include vitamin K deficiency, amyloidosis, and severe liver… »

Fanconi Syndrome caused by exposure to noxious agents. »

The development of secondary female sex characteristics in males due to extrinsic factors. »

A hemangioma that is not present at birth but develops later in life. »

Hydrocephalus that results from head trauma, brain tumors, intracranial hemorrhage, or meningitis. »

A chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by hyperostosis, osteitis, synovitis and palmoplantar pustulosis. The most common site of involvement is the anterior chest… »

An obtained image. »

A disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). People with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome are at an increased risk for developing certain cancers… »

Methemoglobinemia that is caused by exposure to certain drugs (xylocaine and benzene) and nitrate-rich foods. »

Phimosis that develops in an uncircumcised male with a previously loose foreskin. »

Damage to the phrenic nerve that was not present at birth. »

Damage to the phrenic nerve that results in paralysis of the hemidiaphragm and was not present at birth. »

A lymphangioma characterized by the presence of collagen bundle formation. It has an indolent clinical course and may be associated with… »

A rare disorder in which the bone marrow makes almost no red blood cells. It may be caused by infection or by… »

Rickets that is caused by vitamin D deficiency, hypocalcemia, or renal failure. »

Acquired as an adult. »

A cataract in one eye that results from the aging process, an injury, or as a manifestation of a systemic disorder. … »

The process by which something is acquired or obtained. »

The amount of time elapsed during the capture of data. »

A protocol for creating images or image-derived measurements. »

Temporal specification associated with a frame. Beginning and ending frame times after the start of injection completely specify an acquisition time. … »

Reddening of the palmar and plantar regions of the body with occasional involvement of the distal extremities. »

A form of melanoma occurring most often on the plantar, palmar, subungual, and periungual skin. It presents as a pigmented macular… »

This gene plays a role in the compartmentalization of acrosomal matrix and is associated with a number of cancers. »

Human ACRBP wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 12p13.31 and is approximately 9 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

A unit of area in British Imperial system named also the international acre. It is equal to 4046.8564224 square meters, or 10… »

A unit of area equal to 4046.87261 square meters. The unit is based on the USA survey foot of 1200/3937 meters. … »

Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento de cáncer. Es un tipo de inhibidor de la topoisomerasa. También se llama DACA. »

A polycyclic aromatic dye with antineoplastic, antimicrobial and imaging activities. Acridine and its derivatives intercalate within DNA and RNA by forming hydrogen-bonds… »

A substance being studied in the treatment of cancer. It is a type of topoisomerase inhibitor. Also called DACA. »

A microscopy staining method that utilizes acridine orange, a fluorescent cationic dye that is selective for nucleic acids, to determine the presence… »

Sustancia utilizada en la fabricación de plásticos, goma y productos textiles. La exposición al acrilonitrilo puede aumentar el riesgo de padecer de… »

A topical anti-fungal agent. Acrisorcin is comprised of two active ingredients, 9-aminoacridine and 4-hexylresorcinol, but its clinical use has been discontinued. … »

A synthetic alkylamine with non-sedative antihistaminergic activity. Acrivastine competitively blocks the histamine H1 receptor and limits the typical allergic and anaphylactic responses,… »

A rare genetic syndrome characterized by agenesis of the corpus callosum, polydactyly, mental and motor retardation. »

A genetic disorder characterized by craniosynostosis and fusion of the fingers and toes. »

Persistent, symmetric, and painless blue discoloration of the extremities. It is the result of vasospasm in response to cold. The affected areas… »

An inflammatory skin condition affecting children. It is often associated with Epstein-Barr virus infection, hepatitis B infection or cytomegalovirus infection. It is… »

A rare genetic skin keratinization disorder with an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. It is characterized by numerous flesh-colored warty papules on… »

Afección por la que la hipófisis elabora demasiada hormona del crecimiento después de haber terminado el crecimiento normal del esqueleto. Esto hace… »

A condition in which the pituitary gland makes too much growth hormone after normal growth of the skeleton is finished. This causes… »

The junction of the upper distal end of the scapula to the distal edge of the collarbone, also known as the acromion… »

A natural alkaloid with an acridine structure isolated from the bark of the plant Acronychia baueri (Australian scrub ash) with antineoplastic… »

A natural alkaloid with an acridine structure isolated from the bark of the plant Acronychia baueri (Australian scrub ash) with antineoplastic… »

A disorder which affects sensation in the hands. Clinical signs usually include tingling or numbness with onset in middle-age. There is a… »

Encoded by human ACRBP Gene, 540-amino acid 61 kD Acrosin Binding Protein (CT Family) is similar to proacrosin binding protein sp32 precursor… »

A colorless, odorless, crystalline amide that polymerizes rapidly and can form as a byproduct during the heating of starch-rich foods to high… »

A substance used to make plastics, rubber, and textiles. Being exposed to acrylonitrile may increase the risk of developing certain cancers, such… »

This gene plays a role in lipid biosynthesis and fatty acid degradation. »

Human ACSL1 wild-type allele is located within 4q34-q35 and is approximately 70 kb in length. This allele, which encodes long-chain-fatty-acid-CoA ligase 1… »

This gene is involved in lipid biosynthesis. »

Human ACSL3 wild-type allele is located within 2q34-q35 and is approximately 84 kb in length. This allele, which encodes long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 3… »

This gene is involved in the biosynthesis of lipids. »

Human ACSL6 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 5q31 and is approximately 205 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

A fusion gene that results from a chromosomal translocation t(5;12)(q31;p13) which fuses the 5' portion of the ACSL6 gene and the 3'… »

A fusion protein encoded by the ACSL6/ETV6 fusion gene. This protein is comprised of the N-terminal portion of the long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 6… »

This gene plays a role in both cell morphology and cell motility. »

Human ACTA2 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 10q23.3 and is approximately 56 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

Human ACTB wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 7p22 and is approximately 37 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

This gene is involved in the maintenance of the cytoskeleton and in cellular motility. »

Human ACTG2 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 2p13.1 and is approximately 27 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

A hormone made in the pituitary gland. ACTH acts on the outer part of the adrenal gland to control its release of… »

An adenoma of the pituitary gland that produces corticotropin. The vast majority of cases are associated with Cushing disease. Clinical… »

A rare, hormonally functioning or non-functioning pituitary gland adenocarcinoma that produces corticotropin. It may be associated with Cushing disease. »

An adenoma or carcinoma of the pituitary gland that produces corticotropin. »

A globular subunit of microfilaments, highly conserved Actin is one of the most abundant proteins in eukaryotic cells. Monomeric actin, a slow… »

Mammalian cell motility requires actin polymerization in the direction of movement to change membrane shape and extend cytoplasm into lamellipodia. The… »

The finest filamentous element of the cytoskeleton, having a diameter of about 5 nm and consisting primarily of actin. »

A diverse group of proteins that bind to actin. These proteins direct a complex network of protein filaments that provide stability to… »

Actin-binding protein anillin (1124 aa, ~124 kDa) is encoded by the human ANLN gene. This protein is involved in both the structural… »

Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 1B (372 aa, ~41 kDa) is encoded by the human ARPC1B gene. This protein is involved in… »

Actin, aortic smooth muscle (377 aa, ~42 kDa) is encoded by the human ACTA2 gene. This protein plays a role in the… »

Actin, cytoplasmic 1 (375 aa, ~42 kDa) is encoded by the human ACTB gene. This protein is involved in both cell motility… »

Actin, Gamma 2, encoded by the ACTG2 gene, is a smooth muscle actin found in enteric tissues. Actins are highly conserved proteins… »

A drug put on the skin to treat growths caused by sun exposure. A form of Actinex that is taken by mouth… »

Medicamento que se aplica sobre la piel para tratar crecimientos causados por la exposición al sol. Una forma de Actinex que se… »

A precancerous lesion of the skin composed of atypical keratinocytes. It is characterized by the presence of thick, scaly patches of… »

A thick, scaly patch of skin that may become cancer. It usually forms on areas exposed to the sun, such as the… »

A radioimmunoconjugate consisting of the humanized monoclonal antibody lintuzumab conjugated to the alpha-emitting radioisotope actinium Ac 225 with potential antineoplastic activity. The… »

A genus of anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria and the family Pasteurellaceae. »

A genus of anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is nonmotile, secretes leukotoxin, is catalase… »

A species of anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is nonmotile, oxidase and urease positive,… »

A species of anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is nonmotile, catalase and oxidase positive,… »

A species of facultatively anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is nonmotile, beta hemolytic and… »

A species of anaerobic, Gram negative rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is nonmotile, catalase positive, nonencapsulated, and… »

A species of anaerobic, Gram negative, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This bacteria is oxidase and catalase positive, reduces… »

A taxonomic phylum within kingdom Bacteria consisting of gram-positive soil bacteria with a high G+C ratio. »

A naturally occurring, bright green, fibrous amphibole asbestos mineral found in metamorphic rocks and as a contaminant in amosite asbestos. Chronic inhalation… »

A genus of aerobic, Gram positive, rod shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria and the family Thermomonosporaceae. »

A species of aerobic, Gram positive bacteria assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria. This bacteria hydrolyzes esculin, is sensitive to bacitracin, reduces nitrates… »

A species of aerobic, Gram positive bacteria assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria. This bacteria does not hydrolyze esculin, reduces nitrates, does not… »

Medicamento que se usa para tratar el sarcoma de Ewing, el tumor trofoblástico gestacional, el tumor de Wilms y ciertos tipos de… »

A genus of bacteria within the phylum Actinobacteria consisting of gram-positive bacilli that can be anaerobic or facultatively anaerobic. »

A species of anaerobic, Gram positive, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria. A. bovis is an opportunistic pathogen in the… »

A species of anaerobic, Gram positive, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria. This bacteria hydrolyzes esculin, produces acid from xylose… »

A species of anaerobic, Gram positive, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria. This bacteria is catalase negative, not beta hemolytic… »

A species of anaerobic, Gram positive, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria. This bacteria is urease positive, hydrolyzes esculin and… »

A species of anaerobic, Gram positive, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria. This bacteria is catalase positive, not beta hemolytic… »

A species of anaerobic, Gram positive, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria. This bacteria reduces nitrates, is urease negative and… »

A species of anaerobic, Gram positive, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria. This bacteria is alpha hemolytic, catalase and indole… »

A species of anaerobic, Gram variable, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria. This bacteria is catalase negative, does not reduce… »

A species of anaerobic, Gram positive, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria. This bacteria is catalase positive, non acid fast,… »

A taxonomic family of filamentous or rod shaped bacterium in the phylum Actinobacteria with type genus actinomyces. »

An infectious process caused by actinomycetales which is an order of Actinobacteria. »

A chronic granulomatous inflammation involving the deep dermis and the subcutaneous tissues. It is caused by Actinomycetes bacteria. »

A chromopeptide antineoplastic antibiotic isolated from the bacterial genus Streptomyces. Actinomycin antibiotics inhibit DNA replication and RNA and protein synthesis by various… »

A natural analogue of actinomycin, a chromopeptide antineoplastic antibiotic isolated from the bacterial genus Streptomyces. Actinomycin C2 inhibits DNA replication as well… »

A natural analogue of actinomycin, a chromopeptide antineoplastic antibiotic isolated from the bacterial genus Streptomyces. Actinomycin C3 inhibits DNA replication as well… »

A drug used to treat Ewing sarcoma, gestational trophoblastic tumor, Wilms tumor, and certain types of testicular cancer. It is also used… »

A chromopeptide antineoplastic antibiotic isolated from the bacterium Streptomyces chrysomallus. Actinomycin F1 intercalates into the minor groove of DNA and binds… »

An infectious process caused by bacteria of the Actinomyces species. It is characterized by the formation of purulent and painful abscesses in… »

The use of light at various frequencies to produce thermal analgesia and prevent damage to nerve and muscle tissue. It includes… »

In cancer prevention clinical trials, a study that focuses on finding out whether actions people take can prevent cancer. »

The reason that changes were made to the specific pharmacologic therapy under study. »

The reason that changes were made to the specific therapy under study. »

Enzima elaborada por el cuerpo que ayuda a disolver los coágulos de sangre. Una forma de esta enzima se produce en el… »

Forma de activador del plasminógeno tisular que se produce en el laboratorio. Ayuda a disolver los coágulos de sangre y se usa… »

Enzima elaborada por el riñón y que se encuentra en la orina. Una forma de esta enzima se produce en el… »

Enzima elaborada por el riñón y que se encuentra en la orina. Una forma de esta enzima se produce en el… »

En el campo de la biología, estimular una célula que está en descanso para que se vuelva activa. Esto causa cambios bioquímicos… »

Forma de activador del plasminógeno tisular que se produce en el laboratorio. Ayuda a disolver los coágulos de sangre y se usa… »

A form of tissue plasminogen activator that is made in the laboratory. It helps dissolve blood clots and is used to treat… »

In biology, to stimulate a cell in a resting state to become active. This causes biochemical and functional changes in the activated… »

A biologic subset of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas with a unique molecular signature or expression profile. It represents approximately 30% of… »

A white blood cell produced in the bone marrow that, due to contact with an antigen, able to proliferate and differentiate into… »

Activated CDC42 kinase 1 (1038 aa, ~115 kDa) is encoded by the human TNK2 gene. This protein is involved in tyrosine phosphorylation,… »

The determination of the amount of the inhibition of blood coagulation in response to anticoagulant therapies. »

A white blood cell that, after being in contact with an antigen, rearranges its DNA to defend against that one specific type… »

A preparation of cells, which consists of autologous marrow infiltrating lymphocytes (MILs), that are manipulated in vitro, with potential antitumor and immune… »

A white blood cell that is derived from a lymphocyte stem cell matured in the thymus and characterized by a CD8 marker… »

A mature lymphocyte whose T cell receptor, a gamma polypeptide chain linked by a disulfide bridge to a delta polypeptide chain, has… »

A cell that acts in a similar manner to a cytotoxic T cell and must be activated like a cytotoxic T… »

A measurement of the resistance in the anticoagulation response to activated protein C in a biological specimen. »

The determination of the ratio of a subject's partial thromboplastin time to a standard or control partial thromboplastin time. The measurement may… »

Activated RNA polymerase II transcriptional coactivator p15 (127aa, ~14 kDa) is encoded by the human SUB1 gene. This protein is involved in… »

A white blood cell, differentiated in the thymus, activated by an antigen that causes the cell to preferentially migrate to the… »

To cause something to start or to stimulate activity. »

A series of reactions that result in formation of a pore, composed of complement proteins C5b, C6, C7, C8, and C9, in… »

Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (198 aa, ~24 kDa) is encoded by the human AICDA gene. This protein plays a role in both B-cell… »

Activator of apoptosis harakiri (91 aa, ~10 kDa) is encoded by the human HRK gene. This protein is involved in the activation… »

Expressed in a variety of tissues (heart strongest), human RASD1 Gene (RASD GTPase Family) at 17p11.2 encodes 281-aa 32-kDa Activator of G-Protein… »

Encoded by growth factor and E2F-regulated widely expressed human ASK Gene, 77-kD nuclear Activator of S Phase Kinase (dup) is a cyclin-like… »

Tooth decay that is increasing in size or scope. »

A therapeutically active agent, treatment regimen or procedure that is intended to provide baseline measurements for the experimental protocol of a clinical… »

A therapeutically active agent that is intended to provide baseline measurements for the experimental protocol of a clinical trial. »

The use of a pharmacologic substance as a control within a treatment regimen where the pharmacologic properties of that substance are relevant… »

An indication of whether the item in question is an active item. »

A research project that is in an active grant funding cycle. »

The determination of the amount of active ghrelin present in a sample. »

The determination of the amount of active glucagon-like peptide-1 present in a sample. »

Deliberate stimulation of a host's immune response via administration of antigens or immunologic adjuvants. »

Specifies whether the entity is active. »

The pharmaceutically active components of a preparation. »

Specifies whether the ingredient is biologically active. »

The period during the first stage of labor and childbirth involved with cervical dilatation, effacement, and fetal station. »

A measure of how far a patient can move a body part against gravity »

The catalytic site of an enzyme, the part of an enzyme where the actual enzymatic function is performed. »

A clinical study status designating the study open to accrual. »

A treatment plan that involves closely watching a patient’s condition but not giving any treatment unless there are changes in test results… »

Active Transporter Interaction involves temporary non-covalent binding of a molecule through intermolecular physical forces of attraction with a protein that, after conformational… »

Indicates that a product is currently being promoted for use. »

• La actividad física es todo movimiento del cuerpo que hace trabajar los músculos y usa más energía que la que uno… »

Relacionado con la presencia de células que se multiplican (proliferan). El tejido canceroso tiene, por lo general, más actividad mitótica que los… »

Tareas de la vida cotidiana. Son las incluyen comer, vestirse, acostarse o levantarse de una cama o una silla, bañarse o… »

Disulfide-linked homo- and heterodimeric growth factors (Activin A, Activin B, Activin AB) of the TGF Family with effects on a range of… »

Activin receptor type-1 (509 aa, ~57 kDa) is encoded by the human ACVR1 gene. This protein is involved in embryonic development, protein… »

Activin receptor type-1B (505 aa, ~57 kDa) is encoded by the human ACVR1B gene. This protein plays a role in protein phosphorylation,… »

Activin receptor type-1C (493 aa, ~55 kDa) is encoded by the human ACVR1C gene. This protein plays a role in both cytokine… »

Activin receptor type-2A (513 aa, ~58 kDa) is encoded by the human ACVR2A gene. This protein is involved in signal transduction and… »

Activin receptor type-2B (512 aa, ~58 kDa) is encoded by the human ACVR2B gene. This protein plays a role in protein kinase-dependent… »

A soluble fusion protein containing the extracellular domain of the activin receptor type 2B (ACVR2B or ActRIIB) fused to a human Fc… »

A question about whether an individual is or has limited their activities due to urination problems. »

The tasks of everyday life. These activities include eating, dressing, getting into or out of a bed or chair, taking a bath… »

A section of the Older Americans Resource Scale Multidimensional Functional Assessment Questionnaire (OMFAQ) that seeks information on a person's level of functioning… »

A generic self-report tool developed to measure, describe, and evaluate changes in the level of daily life activities and performance in children… »

An artifact resulting from excess signal at the injection site. »

The designated category assigned by the National Institutes of Health to a specific funding mechanism for an extramural research activity. »

Additional description of the activity. »

A unique symbol that establishes identity of an activity. »

Those physical activities which are required for our daily existence. These include personal maintenance activities and activities for maintenance of our living… »

A coded value specifying the motivation, cause, or rationale of an activity. »

A state of an activity in relation to its execution, timing, objective(s) or other quantitative or qualitative parameter(s). »

Other name for ex vivo-expanded autologous T cells IMA101. »

Other name for metformide hydrochloride/pioglitazone hydrochloride extended-release tablet. »

A drug that is used to treat type 2 diabetes and is being studied in the prevention of head and neck… »

Medicamento que se usa para tratar la diabetes tipo 2 y que está en estudio para prevenir el cáncer de cabeza y… »

A number of subjects that have been enrolled for the participation in a study at a given specified point in time (including… »

The date and time span when the planned event or activity actually began and ended. »

The period of time over which the event or activity actually occurs. »

Specifies whether the entity is real (actual) versus a placeholder (kind of). »

The actual number of subjects entered into a clinical trial. »

A device designed to automate an action. »

Estimulación eléctrica suave en los puntos de acupuntura para controlar síntomas tales como la náusea y el vómito. »

A specific spot on the body where an acupuncture needle may be inserted to control pain and other symptoms. Also called acupuncture… »

Aplicación de presión o masaje localizado en lugares específicos del cuerpo para controlar síntomas tales como el dolor o la náusea. Se… »

The application of pressure or localized massage to specific sites on the body to control symptoms such as pain or nausea. It… »

The application of non-invasive finger pressure along energy points throughout the body in order to relieve pain and induce a feeling of… »

The technique of inserting thin needles through the skin at specific points on the body to control pain and other symptoms. It… »

A subcategory of Alternative Medical Systems in Complementary and Alternative Medicine. These systems of practice include areas acupuncture, acupressure, herbal applications, massage,… »

A stainless steel needle that is slightly thicker than a human hair. Acupuncture needles are inserted through the skin at specific points… »

A specific spot on the body where an acupuncture needle may be inserted to control pain and other symptoms. Also called… »

A procedure in which drugs, vitamins, herbal extracts, or other fluids are injected into the body at an acupuncture point using a… »

The practice of piercing specific points on the body with very thin sterile needles in order to relieve pain or induce regional… »

A procedure in which mild electric currents are applied to certain acupuncture points (spots on the body where an acupuncture needle may… »

A person trained in acupuncture (therapy that uses thin needles inserted through the skin at specific points on the body to control… »

Punto específico del cuerpo donde se puede introducir una aguja de acupuntura para controlar el dolor y otros síntomas. También se llama… »

Persona entrenada en acupuntura (terapia en la que se utilizan agujas que se introducen en puntos específicos de la piel del cuerpo… »

Técnica que consiste en introducir agujas finas en puntos específicos de la piel del cuerpo para controlar el dolor y otros… »

Uso de un rayo láser de baja potencia, en lugar de una aguja de acupuntura, para estimular un punto de acupuntura. … »

Tipo de acupuntura en la que se conecta un dispositivo de microonda a la aguja, para administrar radiación con microonda en un… »

Tipo de acupuntura basada en una forma de medicina oriental en la que el tratamiento depende de la constitución de una… »

Tipo de acupuntura basada en una forma de medicina oriental en la que el tratamiento depende de la constitución de una… »

Forma milenaria de acupuntura que se basa en el principio de que existen cinco elementos universales (madera, fuego, tierra, metal y agua)… »

Uso de la acupuntura para tratar el dolor por medio de la inserción de agujas en los puntos desencadenantes del cuerpo. Los… »

Forma milenaria de acupuntura que se basa en el principio de que existen cinco elementos universales (madera, fuego, tierra, metal y agua)… »

Se refiere a la acupuntura tradicional, que es la técnica de introducir agujas delgadas a través de la piel hasta distintas profundidades… »

Mild electrical stimulation of acupuncture points to control symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. »

Use of a low intensity electrical current to provide mild stimulation of the body's acupuncture points in order to control symptoms such… »

The most common variant of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. It is characterized by systemic disease with a leukemic phase, generalized lymphadenopathy, and… »

An electrocardiographic finding of pathologic Q waves with accompanying ST elevation in leads V3 and V4, which is suggestive of acute myocardial… »

An electrocardiographic finding of pathologic Q waves with accompanying ST elevation in leads V3 through V6, which is suggestive of acute myocardial… »

An electrocardiographic finding of pathologic Q waves with accompanying ST elevation in leads V1 through V4, which is suggestive of acute myocardial… »

Acute inflammation of the vermiform appendix. »

Inflammation of the prostate gland that begins suddenly and gets worse quickly. It is caused by a bacterial infection. Symptoms include fever… »

An acute myeloid leukemia in which the immature cells differentiate towards basophils. This is a rare leukemia. The observed cases… »

An acute leukemia of ambiguous lineage in which there is a dual population of blasts with each population expressing markers of a… »

An acute leukemia of ambiguous lineage characterized by blasts which coexpress myeloid and T or B lineage antigens or concurrent B and… »

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the airways that carry air to your lungs. It causes a cough that often… »

A registered nurse prepared in a graduate level acute care nurse practitioner program to provide and manage health care of acutely ill,… »

Acute inflammation of the cervix. Clinical manifestations include mucopurulent vaginal discharge and burning sensation. »

Acute inflammation of the conjunctiva characterized by pink or red color in the eyes. »

Signs and symptoms related to acute ischemia of the myocardium secondary to coronary artery disease. The clinical presentation covers a spectrum of… »

An acute infection of the bladder. It is usually caused by bacteria. Signs and symptoms include increased frequency of urination, pain or… »

An inflammatory process affecting the central nervous system. It is characterized by perivascular demyelination. Symptoms usually follow an acute viral infection or… »

Acute inflammation of the endocardium. Bacteria is the usual etiologic agent, and the distinction between "acute" and "subacute" has traditionally been made… »

An acute, usually bacterial infection affecting the endometrium. It is characterized by the presence of neutrophils or microabscesses in the endometrial… »

Inflammatory cells are composed of primarily neutrophils or eosinophils typically associated with little other damage to the intestinal tract »

A poorly defined concept which at best is described as an extremely rare entity, possibly related to various subtypes of acute myeloid… »

An acute myeloid leukemia characterized by a predominant immature erythroid population. There are two subtypes recognized: erythroleukemia and pure erythroid… »

Acute erythroid leukemia that is responding to therapy, i.e. It is not progressing and possibly regressing »

An acute inflammatory process affecting the esophageal wall. »

An electrocardiographic finding of pathologic Q waves with accompanying ST elevation in leads V1 to V6, I and aVL, which is suggestive… »

A widespread acute rash characterized by fever and multiple small pustules on a reddish background. »

A syndrome of immologically mediated tissue damage occurring following allogeneic transplant usually affecting the skin, liver, and gi tract. Onset is… »

A degenerative brain disorder presenting with acute neurological manifestations. It usually associated with an acute infection or vaccination. It is characterized by… »

An electrocardiographic finding of pathologic Q waves with accompanying ST elevation in leads I and aVL, which is suggestive of acute myocardial… »

A subdiscipline of nursing focusing on care for patients with short term illnesses. »

An acute, autoimmune inflammatory process affecting the peripheral nervous system and nerve roots. It results in demyelination. It is often caused by… »

An electrocardiographic finding of pathologic Q waves with accompanying ST elevation in leads III, aVF and often II, which is suggestive of… »

A morphologic finding indicating the presence of neutrophils and/or eosinophils in a tissue sample. »

A genetic metabolic disorder inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. It is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme porphobilinogen deaminase, which… »

An acute inflammatory process affecting the larynx. It is caused by bacteria, viruses, or vocal strain. Signs and symptoms include… »

An electrocardiographic finding of pathologic Q waves with accompanying ST elevation in leads V5, V6, I and aVL , which is suggestive… »

A rapidly progressing cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow, and causes large numbers of white blood cells… »

Acute leukemia not growing; responding to treatment. »

An acute leukemia in which the blasts lack sufficient evidence to classify as myeloid or lymphoid or they have morphologic and/or immunophenotypic… »

Rapid deterioration of liver function causing encephalopathy and coagulopathy. It results from damage to the liver parenchyma usually secondary to acetaminophen overdose… »

An aggressive (fast-growing) type of leukemia (blood cancer) in which too many lymphoblasts (immature white blood cells) are found in the blood… »

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia not growing; responding to treatment. »

An aggressive (fast-growing) type of leukemia (blood cancer) in which too many lymphoblasts (immature white blood cells) are found in the blood… »

The arteries that arise at the junction of the proximal and mid-right coronary artery conduit segments. »

An acute myeloid leukemia in which at least 50% of the blasts are of megakaryocytic lineage. The prognosis is usually… »

Acute myeloid leukemia in which 80% or more of the leukemic cells are of monocytic lineage, including monoblasts, promonocytes, and monocytes. Bleeding… »

An acute myeloid leukemia in which the monoblasts represent 80% or more of the total cellular population. (WHO, 2001) -- 2003… »

An acute myeloid leukemia in which the majority of monocytic cells are promonocytes. »

An acute monocytic leukemia responding to treatment and not proliferating. »

An aggressive (fast-growing) disease in which too many myeloblasts (immature white blood cells that are not lymphoblasts) are found in the bone… »

An aggressive (fast-growing) disease in which too many myeloblasts (immature white blood cells that are not lymphoblasts) are found in the bone… »

An aggressive (fast-growing) disease in which too many myeloblasts (immature white blood cells that are not lymphoblasts) are found in the bone… »

An acute myeloid leukemia associated with t(1;22)(p13;q13) resulting in the expression of RBM15-MKL1 fusion protein. It affects infants and children and usually… »

An acute myeloid leukemia developing in patients with a prior history of myelodysplastic syndrome. »

Acute myeloid leukemia not growing, responding to treatment. »

This term refers to acute myeloid leukemias that do not fulfill the criteria for inclusion in the group of acute myeloid leukemias… »

Two major types of genetic events are crucial for the molecular pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukemias (AML): activating mutations of signal transduction… »

A term referring to acute myeloid leukemias which show variant translocations involving the RARA gene. The variant fusion partners include NUMA1,… »

A term referring to acute myeloid leukemias associated with gene mutations most often of the FLT3, NPM1, and CEBPA genes. These leukemias… »

An acute myeloid leukemia with monocytic and granulocytic differentiation and the presence of a characteristically abnormal eosinophil component in the bone… »

Acute myeloid leukemia characterized by the presence of abnormal bone marrow eosinophils and the characteristic cytogenetic abnormality inv(16)(p13.1q22) which results in the… »

An acute myeloid leukemia associated with inv(3)(q21q26.2) or t(3;3)(q21;q26.2) resulting in the expression of RPN1-EVI1 fusion protein. It may present de novo… »

An acute myeloid leukemia (AML) characterized by blasts with evidence of maturation to more mature neutrophils. Patients often present with anemia, neutropenia,… »

An acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in which the blasts do not show evidence of myeloid differentiation by morphology and conventional cytochemistry. … »

An acute myeloid leukemia arising de novo and not as a result of treatment. It is characterized by the presence of myelodysplastic… »

An acute myeloid leukemia with mutation of the CEBPA gene. It is usually associated with normal karyotype and most cases meet the… »

An acute myeloid leukemia with mutation of the nucleophosmin gene. It is usually associated with normal karyotype and frequently has myelomonocytic or… »

An acute myeloid leukemia with at least 20% blasts in the bone marrow or blood, and either a previous history of myelodysplastic… »

A group of acute myeloid leukemias characterized by recurrent genetic abnormalities, mainly balanced translocations. »

Acute myeloid leukemia characterized by the presence of abnormal bone marrow eosinophils and the characteristic cytogenetic abnormality t(16;16)(p13.1;q22) which results in the… »

An acute myeloid leukemia associated with t(6;9)(p23;q34) resulting in DEK-NUP214(CAN) fusion protein expression. It is often associated with multilineage dysplasia and… »

An acute myeloid leukemia (AML) showing maturation in the neutrophil lineage. The bone marrow and the peripheral blood show large myeloblasts… »

An acute myeloid leukemia associated with t(9;11)(p22;q23) and MLLT3 (AF9)-MLL fusion protein expression. Morphologically it usually has monocytic features. It… »

A term referring to acute myeloid leukemias with rearrangement of the MLL gene which results in translocations with various genes other than… »

An acute myeloid leukemia (AML) characterized by blasts without evidence of maturation to more mature neutrophils. The patients present with anemia,… »

An acute leukemia characterized by the proliferation of both neutrophil and monocyte precursors. Patients typically present with anemia, thrombocytopenia, fever and… »

Necrosis of the myocardium, as a result of interruption of the blood supply to the area. It is characterized by a severe… »

An electrocardiographic finding showing a current of injury with ST elevation. No specification is provided for localization. »

Myocardial infraction (MI) is the condition of irreversible necrosis of the heart muscle that results from prolonged ischemia. Nearly 1.5 million people… »

An acute inflammatory process that affects the nasopharynx. It is caused by viruses. Signs and symptoms include fever, coughing, sneezing,… »

An aggressive (fast-growing) disease in which too many myeloblasts (immature white blood cells that are not lymphoblasts) are found in the bone… »

Pain that comes on quickly, can be severe, but lasts a relatively short time. »

An acute inflammatory process that leads to necrosis of the pancreatic parenchyma. Signs and symptoms include severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,… »

An acute myeloid leukemia characterized by bone marrow fibrosis. The prognosis is usually poor. »

Acute appendicitis with gangrenous changes resulting in the rupture of the appendiceal wall. The appendiceal wall rupture causes the release of inflammatory… »

An acute inflammatory process that affects the tissues that surround and support the teeth. »

An acute and painful inflammatory process that affects the pharynx. It is usually caused by viruses and less often bacteria. Signs… »

An acute infectious disorder that affects the nervous system. It is caused by the poliovirus. The virus spreads by direct contact, and… »

An electrocardiographic finding in leads V1 or V2 of an initial R wave duration greater than or equal to 40 ms, R… »

An aggressive (fast-growing) type of acute myeloid leukemia in which there are too many immature blood-forming cells in the blood and bone… »

An acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in which abnormal promyelocytes predominate. It is characterized by the t(15;17)(q22;q12) translocation. There are two… »

A type of acute myeloid leukemia, a quickly progressing disease in which too many immature blood-forming cells are found in the blood… »

An acute inflammatory process that affects the prostate gland. It is caused by bacteria, most often Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella… »

Serious illness caused by being exposed to high doses of certain types of radiation, usually over a short period of time. Symptoms… »

Serious illness caused by being exposed to high doses of certain types of radiation, usually over a short period of time. Symptoms… »

Rejection of a transplanted organ that usually occurs after the first week of the transplantation. The risk of acute rejection is… »

Sudden and sustained deterioration of the kidney function characterized by decreased glomerular filtration rate, increased serum creatinine or oliguria. »

Acute renal failure caused by the cell death of the renal tubules. Causes include nephrotoxins, cytotoxic drugs, and antibiotics. »

Progressive and life-threatening pulmonary distress in the absence of an underlying pulmonary condition, usually following major trauma or surgery. Cases of neonatal… »

Life-threatening respiratory failure that develops rapidly. Causes include injury, sepsis, drug overdose, and pancreatitis. It manifests with dyspnea and cyanosis and may… »

An electrocardiographic finding in leads V1 or V2 of an initial R wave duration greater than or equal to 40 ms, R… »

Acute inflammation of the fallopian tube. It is most often caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis infections. The infections usually originate… »

An electrocardiographic finding of pathologic Q waves with accompanying ST elevation in leads V1, V2 and often V3, which is suggestive of… »

An electrocardiographic finding of an acute myocardial infarction which produces characteristic elevations of the ST segment of the ECG. »

An anxiety disorder precipitated by an experience of intense fear or horror while exposed to a traumatic (especially life-threatening) event. The disorder… »

An acute inflammation of a synovial membrane. It is associated with swelling and pain in the affected area. »

An acute inflammation of the tonsils caused by viruses or bacteria. Signs and symptoms include fever, enlargement of the tonsils, difficulty swallowing,… »

A rare acute leukemia of ambiguous lineage in which the blasts do not express markers specific to myeloid or lymphoid lineage. … »

En el campo de la medicina, pérdida del flujo de sangre a una parte del cerebro que daña el tejido… »

A regimen consisting of doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vindesine, bleomycin and prednisone used to treat aggressive forms of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. »

This gene plays a role in the transforming growth factor-beta signal transduction pathway through serine/threonine specificity. »

Human ACVR1 wild-type allele is located within 2q23-q24 and is approximately 139 kb in length. This allele, which encodes activin receptor type-1… »

This gene plays a role in the transforming growth factor-beta signal transduction pathway. The gene also plays a role in the regulation… »

Human ACVR1B wild-type allele is located within 12q13 and is approximately 45 kb in length. This allele, which encodes activin receptor type… »

This gene plays a role in protein phosphorylation and signal transduction. »

Human ACVR1C wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 2q24.1 and is approximately 102 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

This gene plays a role in the transforming growth factor-beta signal transduction pathway through constitutive kinase activity. »

Human ACVR2A wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 2q22.3 and is approximately 83 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

This gene plays a role in the transforming growth factor-beta signal transduction pathway and is essential for ligand binding and kinase… »

Human ACVR2B wild-type allele is located within 3p22 and is approximately 29 kb in length. This allele, which encodes activin receptor type… »

This gene is involved in the mediation of cell-surface receptor interactions for the TGF-beta superfamily of ligands. »

Human ACVRL1 wild-type allele is located within 12q11-q14 and is approximately 14 kb in length. This allele, which encodes serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor… »

A substance used to prevent or treat cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex infections that may occur when the body is immunosuppressed. It belongs… »

The sodium salt form of acyclovir, a synthetic analog of the purine nucleoside, guanosine, with potent antiviral activity against herpes simplex viruses… »

The determination of the amount of acyl coenzyme A oxidase present in a sample. »

A genetic disorder characterized by deficiency of the enzyme long-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase that metabolizes long-chain fatty acids. Signs and symptoms appear… »

A genetic disorder characterized by deficiency of the enzyme medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase that metabolizes medium-chain fatty acids. Signs and symptoms appear… »

A genetic disorder characterized by deficiency of the enzyme short-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase that metabolizes short-chain fatty acids. Signs and symptoms appear… »

An autosomal recessive inherited disorder characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme very long-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase that metabolizes long-chain fatty… »

Acyl-CoA desaturase (359 aa, ~42 kDa) is encoded by the human SCD gene. This protein plays a role in the synthesis of… »

Acyl-protein thioesterase 1 (230 aa, ~25 kDa) is encoded by the human LYPLA1 gene. This protein plays a role in regulating membrane… »

Acylamino-acid-releasing enzyme (732 aa, ~81 kDa) is encoded by the human APEH gene. This protein plays a role in aminopeptidase activity. … »

Class of enzymes that catalyze the transfer of acyl groups, most commonly a carboxylic acyl group forming either esters or amides. … »

Other name for dapsone gel, 5%. »

A drug used to treat bladder cancer that does not respond to BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guerin). It is an anthracycline and is… »

Medicamento que se usa para tratar el cáncer de vejiga que no responde al BCG (Bacilo de Calmette Guérin). Es una antraciclina… »

A regimen consisting of doxorubicin and dacarbazine used for the treatment of unresectable soft tissue sarcoma. »

The NCI term type designation for the adjectival form of a noun. »

A human serotype 5, replication-defective, first generation adenoviral vector, with the viral E1a and E3 protein encoding regions deleted, which is engineered… »

A human serotype 5, replication-defective, first generation adenoviral vector, with the viral E1a and E3 protein encoding regions deleted, which is engineered… »

A replication-defective adenovirus vector (Ad-ISF35), which encodes a membrane-stabilized, chimeric human-mouse CD40 binding protein (CD40 ligand; CD40L; CD154), with potential immunomodulatory and… »

A replication incompetent adenoviral vector encoding the full-length tumor suppressor gene Reduced Expression in Immortalized Cells (REIC or DKK3) (ad-REIC/DKK3), with potential… »

A cancer vaccine consisting of a recombinant adenoviral vector encoding the tumor-associated antigen (TAA) human MUC-1 (hMUC-1) linked to the extracellular domain… »

A recombinant type 5 adenovirus (Ad5), encoding the gene for the human sodium-iodide symporter (NIS) linked to the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter, with… »

A cell-based cancer vaccine containing autologous dendritic cells (DCs) that are transduced with a replication-deficient adenovirus type 5 vector (Ad5) encoding a… »

A second generation, replication-competent adenovirus type 5 containing a yeast cytosine deaminase(yCD)/mutant sr39 herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase fusion (yCD/mutTKsr39) gene and… »

A replication-competent oncolytic adenovirus encoding the murine pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-12 (IL-12) gene and two suicide fusion genes, a yeast cytosine deaminase (yCD)… »

An RGD-4C-modified, infectivity-enhanced, bicistronic type 5 adenovirus expressing herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) gene, a therapeutic suicide gene, and the somatostatin… »

A recombinant replication-deficient serotype 5 adenovirus. Containing an expression cassette consisting of the human cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter and the simian virus 40… »

A replication-defective adenoviral-CMV vector that encodes a wild-type p53 gene. Ad5CMV-p53 induces tumor cells that have been transfected with the vector to… »

Autologous dendritic cells (DCs) transduced with the replication-deficient adenoviral vector Ad5F53 encoding the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transmembrane latent membrane proteins 1 and… »

T cells harvested from a patient with adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency and transduced with a vector containing the gene for ADA. ADA… »

Human ADA wild-type allele is located within 20q12-q13.11 and is approximately 32 kb in length. This allele, which encodes adenosine deaminase protein,… »

A recombinant, human IgG1 monoclonal antibody directed against tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), with immunomodulating activity. Upon administration, adalimumab binds to TNF-alpha, thereby… »

ADAMs (A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase Domain) are membrane-anchored proteases that regulate cell behavior by proteolytically modifying the cell surface and extracellular… »

The ADAM family consists of transmembrane proteins that contain a disintegrin and metalloprotease domain. By virtue of these domains they have… »

ADAMs are transmembrane proteins containing both a disintegrin and a metalloprotease domain. Two thirds of the proteins with an ADAM type metalloprotease… »

This gene plays a role in the regulation of protein cleavage. »

Human ADAM10 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 15q22 and is approximately 155 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

This gene plays a role in cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. »

Human ADAM11 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 17q21.3 and is approximately 21 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

This gene plays a role in the regulation of proteolysis. »

Human ADAM12 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 10q26.3 and is approximately 373 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

This gene is involved in the restructuring of the mesangial matrix. »

Human ADAM15 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 1q21.3 and is approximately 11 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

This gene plays a role in the cleavage of membrane proteins, resulting in the release of their extracellular domains from cells. … »

Human ADAM17 wild-type allele is located within 2p25 and is approximately 66 kb in length. This allele, which encodes ADAM17 protein, is… »

This gene is involved in the mediation of proteolysis. »

Human ADAM8 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 10q26.3 and is approximately 14 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

A low grade malignant biphasic tumor characterized by a variety of morphologic patterns, most commonly epithelial cells surrounded by a relatively bland… »

A low grade malignant neoplasm arising from the long bones. The tibia is the most frequently affected bone site. Patients present with… »

A craniopharyngioma consisting of broad strands, cords and bridges of a multistratified squamous epithelium with peripheral palisading of nuclei. Diagnostic features include… »

This gene is involved in the inhibition of angiogenesis and cell proliferation. »

Human ADAMTS1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 21q21.2 and is approximately 9 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

This gene plays a role in apoptosis and development. »

Human ADAMTS9 wild-type allele is located within 3p14.3-p14.2 and is approximately 172 kb in length. This allele, which encodes ADAMTS-9, is involved… »

A topical retinoid-like compound, chemically similar to vitamin A. Although the exact mechanism of action is unknown, adapalene binds to specific… »

A device designed to make different pieces of apparatus compatible. »

Adapter molecule crk (304 aa, ~34 kDa) is encoded by the human CRK gene. This protein is involved in the modulation of… »

A study design which includes a prospectively planned opportunity for modification of one or more specified aspects of the study design and/or… »

A class of signaling pathway proteins that function to mediate the coupling of multiple cell surface receptors to downstream signaling pathways in… »

A class of genes that encode signaling pathway proteins that function to mediate the coupling of multiple cell surface receptors to downstream… »

A synthetic, phenolic hydroxyl retinoid with proapoptotic activity. As an atypical retinoid, adarotene has the ability to induce apoptosis which is independent… »

A question associated with the ADAS-Cog CDISC version questionnaire. »

Trastorno muy poco frecuente por el que la médula ósea no produce suficientes glóbulos rojos. Habitualmente se observa en el primer año… »

A substance made up of a monoclonal antibody chemically linked to a drug. The monoclonal antibody binds to specific proteins or receptors… »

A type of immune reaction in which a target cell or microbe is coated with antibodies and killed by certain types of… »

An assay based on Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity, which involves the killing of a target cell by a killer cell. This is… »

A drug used to treat Hodgkin lymphoma and systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma that did not get better with other treatment. It… »

Medicamento que se usa para tratar el linfoma de Hodgkin y el linfoma anaplásico de células grandes sistémico que no mejoraron… »

Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study-Clinical Global Impression of Change (ADCS-CGIC) Clinical impression of change from baseline. »

A question associated with the ADCS-CGIC questionnaire. »

This gene is involved in nucleotide metabolism and signal transduction. »

Human ADCY9 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 16p13.3 and is approximately 154 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

A zinc finger protein domain that is comprised of a C2C2 sequence in close proximity to an incomplete PHD domain containing a… »

Human ADD3 wild-type allele is located within 10q24.2-q24.3 and is approximately 130 kb in length. This allele, which encodes gamma-adducin protein, is… »

A fusion gene that results from a chromosomal translocation t(10;11)(q25;p15) which fuses the 5' half of the ADD3 gene with the 3'… »

An appendage to an existing document that contains supplemental information. The parent document remains content is unaltered. »

A combination of drugs used as a treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy (a sleep disorder). It is a… »

Combinación de medicamentos que se usan para tratar el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) y la narcolepsia (un… »

Other name for dextroamphetamine-amphetamine. »

A rare disorder in which the adrenal glands do not make enough of certain hormones. Symptoms include weight loss, loss of appetite,… »

Diminished production of adrenocortical hormones due to autoimmune destruction of the adrenal glands. »

Added; extra; further. »

Any surgical procedure performed subsequent to a primary or initial surgical procedure. »

A standardized representation of the location of a person, business, building, or organization. »

A data type comprised of mailing and home or office addresses. »

A person who coordinates and manages address and contact information for an organization. »

A data type comprised of a portion of an address such as a street, house number, post box number, postal code, city… »

A group of muscles causing movement of the leg towards the midline of the body. »

An abbreviation for a chemotherapy combination used to treat childhood acute myeloid leukemia (AML). It includes the drugs cytarabine (Ara-C), daunorubicin… »

Abreviatura del nombre de un régimen de quimioterapia combinada que se usa para tratar la leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA) infantil. Incluye… »

An abbreviation for a chemotherapy combination used to treat childhood acute myeloid leukemia (AML). It includes the drugs cytarabine (Ara-C), daunorubicin… »

A recombinant human IgG1 monoclonal antibody (MoAb) directed against the tumor associated antigen (TAA) epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) with potential antitumor… »

A person responsible within the Cooperative Group and/or a particular clinical trial for the completion and filing of reports (along with any… »

A nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor analog of adenosine with activity against hepatitis B virus (HBV), herpes virus, and human immunodeficiency virus… »

A dipivoxil formulation of adefovir, a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor analog of adenosine with activity against hepatitis B virus (HBV), herpes virus,… »

Compuesto químico que las células usan para elaborar los elementos fundamentales del ADN y el ARN. También forma parte de muchas sustancias… »

A chemical compound that is used to make one of the building blocks of DNA and RNA. It is also a part… »

Expressed in heart, kidney, liver, skeletal muscle by human SLC25A4 Gene (Mitochondrial Carrier Family), 298-aa 33-kDa homodimeric Adenine Nucleotide Translocator-1 is an… »

Encoded by human SLC25A5 Gene (Mitochondrial Carrier Family), 298-aa 33-kDa homodimeric integral membrane protein Adenine Nucleotide Translocator-2 contains 3 Solcar repeats and… »

Encoded by human SLC25A6 Gene (Mitochondrial Carrier Family), 298-aa 33-kDa homodimeric integral membrane protein Adenine Nucleotide Translocator-3 contains 3 Solcar repeats and… »

Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (180 aa, ~20 kDa) is encoded by the human APRT gene. This protein is involved in the recycling of adenine… »

This strain of viridae is a non-pathogenic human parvovirus that is icosahedral, 20-25 nm in diameter, minus sense, and comprised of a… »

A carcinoma arising from the ovary. It is characterized by the presence of malignant epithelial cells in a fibrotic stroma. Histologic variants… »

Cancer that begins in glandular (secretory) cells. Glandular cells are found in tissue that lines certain internal organs and makes and releases… »

Cáncer que empieza en las células glandulares (secretoras). Las células glandulares se encuentran en el tejido que reviste ciertos órganos internos; producen… »

Tipo de tumor poco frecuente, generalmente del aparato genital femenino, en el que el interior de las células parece vacío cuando se… »

Tipo más común de cáncer de riñón. Comienza en el revestimiento de los túbulos renales del riñón. Los túbulos renales filtran la… »

Tipo de cáncer de cuello uterino que comienza en las células glandulares del cuello del útero. Estas células producen moco y se… »

A non-invasive or invasive adenocarcinoma arising from the neoplastic glandular cells in an adenomatous polyp. »

Adenocarcinomas developing in colorectal adenomas in patients with a history of adenomatous polyposis coli. The mean age of development of adenocarcinoma is… »

Adenocarcinomas developing in gastrointestinal tract adenomas in patients with multiple adenomatous polyps. »

A condition in which abnormal cells are found in the glandular tissue that lines certain internal organs, such as the uterus, cervix,… »

Afección en la que se encuentran células anormales en el tejido glandular que reviste algunos órganos internos, como el útero, el cuello… »

A non-invasive adenocarcinoma arising from the neoplastic glandular cells in an adenomatous polyp. »

A non-invasive adenocarcinoma arising from a tubulovillous adenoma. »

A non-invasive adenocarcinoma arising from a villous adenoma. »

A non-invasive or invasive adenocarcinoma arising from a tubulovillous adenoma. »

A non-invasive or invasive adenocarcinoma arising from a villous adenoma. »

Tumors with glandular components but distinct from any other adenocarcinoma. This subgroup can be used for temporary allocation of novel lesions. … »

An adenocarcinoma that arises from and straddles the junction of the stomach and esophagus. The category of adenocarcinomas of the gastroesophageal… »

Malignant neoplasia of glandular epithelium composed of tubular and or villous structures penetrating beyond the muscularis mucosa. Tumors display varying degrees… »

Compared to adenomas, adenocarcinomas show greater cytological atypia, increased frequency of mitoses, regional variation in growth pattern, more papillary structures, have size… »

An adenocarcinoma which has metastasized from an unknown primary anatomic site. »

An invasive adenocarcinoma characterized by focal or extensive transformation of the malignant glandular cells to cells with abundant, usually granular eosinophilic… »

An invasive adenocarcinoma characterized by focal or extensive cartilage and/or bone formation. »

Consists of various combinations of papillary, acinar and solid structures. »

An invasive adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of focal or extensive neurosecretory cell differentiation with the formation of organoid patterns. »

An invasive adenocarcinoma characterized by focal or extensive transformation of the malignant glandular cells to spindle-shaped cells. »

An invasive adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of focal or extensive transformation of malignant glandular cells to squamous epithelial cells. »

An adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of malignant glandular epithelium resembling the endocervical epithelium. »

A benign neoplasm characterized by the presence of connective tissue stroma and epithelial structures. It occurs in the ovary, fallopian tube, uterine… »

One of five types of secreting cells (somatotrophs, lactotrophs, corticotrophs, thyrotrophs, and gonadotrophs) found in the anterior lobe of the pituitary… »

An adenoid cystic carcinoma primarily involving the breast. Three morphologic patterns are seen: cribriform, trabecular, and solid. The prognosis is… »

A rare type of cancer that usually begins in the salivary glands. »

Surgical removal of the pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids). »

A tumor that is not cancer. It starts in gland-like cells of the epithelial tissue (thin layer of tissue that covers organs,… »

Tumor que no es canceroso. Empieza en células que parecen glándulas en el tejido epitelial (capa delgada de tejido que cubre órganos,… »

Cáncer que se forma en los tejidos de los bronquios (grandes conductos de aire de los pulmones, incluso los que van de… »

A rare, benign neoplasm that arises from the vulva It is characterized by the presence of clusters of small glands lined by… »

An intramucosal malignant glandular epithelial infiltrate in a colonic adenoma. There is no evidence of submucosal invasion. »

A benign (well differentiated) neoplastic proliferation of glandular tissue with a non-invasive, expansile margin. Cell features include nuclei that are not… »

A benign neoplastic proliferation of glandular units (acini) with a non-invasive, expansile margin. »

Among features indicating benign character are a small size, and absence of vascular invasion. Well delineated demarcation and absence of lepidic growth… »

Both papillary and solid structures are present. »

Tipo de pólipo que crece en el colon y otros lugares del aparato digestivo y, a veces, en otras partes del… »

Tipo de pólipo que crece en el colon y otros lugares del tubo digestivo y, a veces, en otras partes del… »

A benign, slow growing neoplasm arising from tooth-forming tissues. The vast majority of cases are intraosseous and most often grow in the… »

A benign neoplasm arising from mesothelial cells. It is characterized by the formation of glandular and tubular patterns. It can occur in… »

Trastorno hereditario poco frecuente que afecta las glándulas endocrinas y puede causar tumores en las glándulas paratiroideas y la hipófisis, así como… »

Trastorno genético poco común que afecta las glándulas endocrinas y puede causar tumores en la glándula tiroidea, las glándulas paratiroideas y las… »

Trastorno genético poco frecuente que afecta las glándulas endocrinas y causa un tipo de cáncer de tiroides que se llama cáncer medular… »

Trastorno genético poco frecuente que afecta las glándulas endocrinas y causa un tipo de cáncer de tiroides que se llama cáncer medular… »

A polypoid neoplasm arising from the glandular epithelium. There is proliferation of glandular cells which may display dysplastic cytologic features. Representative examples… »

Encoded by human APCL Gene, 2303-amino acid 244 kD tumor suppressor APCL Protein is similar to APC and regulates formation of active… »

APC protein is expressed in many tissues. The cytoplasmic APC complex may regulate cell adhesion or transmission of contact inhibition signals into… »

A benign tumor composed of both myoepithelium and glands. »

A benign neoplasm characterized by the presence of a glandular and a mesenchymal (fibromyomatous) component. It occurs in the uterine corpus and… »

Large or swollen lymph glands. »

Ganglios linfáticos grandes o hinchados. »

A tumor that is a mixture of an adenoma (a tumor that starts in the gland-like cells of epithelial tissue) and a… »

Tumor que es una mezcla de un adenoma (tumor que comienza en células similares a las glándulas de tejido epitelial) y un… »

A clinical finding about one or more characteristics of adenosarcoma, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification system. »

A pathologic finding about one or more characteristics of adenosarcoma, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification system as they… »

A pathologic finding about one or more characteristics of adenosarcoma, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification system as they… »

A pathologic finding about one or more characteristics of adenosarcoma, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification system. »

A finding about one or more characteristics of adenosarcoma, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification system. »

A nucleoside that is composed of adenine and d-ribose. Adenosine or adenosine derivatives play many important biological roles in addition to being… »

An orally bioavailable adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) antagonist, with potential antineoplastic activity. Upon administration, A2AR antagonist PBF-509 selectively binds to and inhibits… »

An orally bioavailable, synthetic, highly selective adenosine A3 receptor (A3AR) agonist with potential antineoplastic activity. Adenosine A3 receptor agonist CF102 selectively binds… »

An adenine nucleotide containing one phosphate group which is esterified to both the 3'- and 5'-positions of the sugar moiety. It is… »

Adenosine deaminase (363 aa, ~41 kDa) is encoded by the human ADA gene. This protein plays a role in purine metabolism. … »

An autosomal recessive deficiency of the purine salvage enzyme adenosine deaminase which results in Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease (SCID). The most… »

Any substance that inhibits adenosine deaminase, an enzyme involved with the degradation of adenine in purine metabolism and that acts as a… »

The determination of the amount of adenosine diphosphate present in a sample. »

The most abundant mitochondrial protein, Adenine Nucleotide Translocator (ANT), is a homodimer of 30-kD subunits embedded asymmetrically in the inner mitochondrial membrane… »

One of the purinergic P1 receptors that prefers adenosine to other endogenous purines. »

Adenosine receptor A1 (326 aa, 37 kD) is a cell fate protein that is encoded by the human ADORA1 gene and has… »

Adenosine receptor A2a (412 aa, 45 kD) is a cell defense response protein that is encoded by the human ADORA2A gene and… »

Adenosine receptor A2b protein (332 aa, 36 kD) is a cell communication protein that is encoded by the human ADORA2B gene and… »

Widely expressed by human ADORA3 Gene (GPCR1 Family), 318-aa 36-kDa Adenosine A3 Receptor is a cell-surface integral membrane protein containing 7 transmembrane… »

A point mutation involving the substitution of Cytosine (a pyrimidine base) for Adenosine (a purine base) in a DNA sequence from eukaryotic… »

A point mutation involving the substitution of Guanosine (a purine base) for Adenosine (a purine base) in a DNA sequence from eukaryotic… »

A point mutation involving the substitution of Thymidine (a pyrimidine base) for Adenosine (a purine base) in a DNA sequence from eukaryotic… »

A substance present in all living cells that provides energy for many metabolic processes and is involved in making RNA. Adenosine triphosphate… »

A small molecule immune checkpoint inhibitor of the adenosine A2A receptor (ADORA2A) with potential antineoplastic activity. Upon oral administration, adenosine-A2A receptor antagonist… »

An electrocardiographic finding of tachycardia that is usually terminated by the administration of adenosine. Usually, it is a result of cAMP-mediated triggered… »

A disease or abnormal change in a gland. Breast adenosis is a benign condition in which the lobules are larger than… »

Enfermedad o cambio anormal en una glándula. La adenosis de mama es una afección benigna en la cual los lobulillos son… »

Afección benigna por la que se encuentra un tejido similar a una cicatriz en una glándula, como en los lobulillos de la… »

An invasive breast carcinoma characterized by the presence of tubular and glandular neoplastic cell structures, admixed with islands of neoplastic cells showing… »

A type of cancer that contains two types of cells: squamous cells (thin, flat cells that line certain organs) and gland-like… »

Composed of both adenocarcinoma and malignant squamous components in equal or almost equal proportions. Keratinization is common. »

Invasive malignant neoplasm that shows an admixture of foci of squamous differentiation with foci of glandular differentiation. »

An aggressive carcinoma with a poor prognosis characterized by a presence of both malignant squamous cells and glandular cells. »

A malignant neoplasm that has both glandular and squamous differentiation. »

Adenosylhomocysteinase (432 aa, ~48 kDa) is encoded by the human AHCY gene. This protein plays a role in amino acid modification. … »

A nonreplicating adenoviral vector (adenovector) encoding the melanoma differentiation-associated 7 gene (MDA7) with potential antineoplastic activity. After intratumoral injection and adenovector-mediated gene… »

A genetically-modified, dendritic cell-based (DCs) vaccine in which the autologous cells are transduced with an adenoviral vector expressing the tumor antigen prostate-specific… »

Autologous dendritic cells tranduced with a replication incompetent adenovirus encoding human pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-12 (IL-12) (INXN-3001) in combination with the proprietary orally… »

A replication-defective, E1- and E2b-deleted oncolytic adenoviral serotype 5 (Ad5) encoding an epitope of human carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) with potential antineoplastic… »

An adenoviral vector engineered to express the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) gene, which, when administered in conjunction with a synthetic… »

Autologous dendritic cells tranduced with a replication incompetent adenovirus encoding human pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-12 (IL-12) (INXN-3001) in combination with the proprietary orally… »

A member of a family of viruses that can cause infections in the respiratory tract, eye, and gastrointestinal tract. Forms of adenoviruses… »

Miembro de una familia de virus que pueden causar infecciones en las vías respiratorias, los ojos y el tubo gastrointestinal. Hay formas… »

An adenovirus vector engineered to produce CD40 ligand. For use as a possible gene therapy agent. May induce apoptosis through… »

A replication-defective, recombinant adenoviral serotype 5 (Ad5) encoding human guanylyl cyclase C (hGCC) and the synthetic Pan DR epitope (PADRE), with potential… »

The determination of the amount of adenovirus antibody present in a sample. »

A gene-viral vector complex comprised of an adenovirus vector and B7-1 gene targeting the CD80 antigen. Adenovirus B7-1 is used as… »

An adenovirus nuclear membrane glycoprotein synthesized from the E3 transcription unit in large amounts late in infection. It is required for… »

A replication-incompetent adenovirus encoding E. coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase (Ad/PNP) used as a prodrug activating agent. Administered intratumorally, Ad/PNP expresses the enzyme… »

A replication-deficient, recombinant adenovirus encoding human aquaporin-1 with potential membrane water channel activity. Upon transfection of salivary glands, adenovirus encoding human aquaporin-1… »

A replication-defective oncolytic adenovirus, encoding rat Her-2/neu (ErbB-2), with potential antineoplastic activity. Upon administration, adenovirus encoding rat HER-2/neu may induce an immune… »

A replication-defective, recombinant oncolytic adenovirus encoding human endostatin with potential antineoplastic activity. Endostatin, a 20 kDa C-terminal proteolytic fragment of collagen XVIII,… »

A cell-based cancer vaccine composed of autologous dendritic cells (DCs) transduced with a recombinant adenoviral vector encoding three full-length human melanoma associated… »

A cell-based cancer vaccine composed of autologous dendritic cells (DCs) transduced with a recombinant adenoviral vector encoding three full length human melanoma… »

A cell-based cancer vaccine composed of autologous dendritic cells (DCs) transduced with a replication-deficient adenovirus vector encoding HER-2 with potential antineoplastic… »

Proteins that are encoded by adenoviral genes. »

Sustancia que se estudió para el tratamiento de algunos tipos de cáncer. El adenovirus recombinate-p53 es un adenovirus atenuado que lleva el… »

A gene viral vector complex comprised of a replication-defective adenovirus and a herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene that activates ganciclovir, causing… »

A class of viral vaccines based on adenovirus genome which was engineered to harbor gene of therapeutic interest, and were to be… »

One of a number of genetically-engineered adenoviruses designed to insert a gene of interest into a eukaryotic cell where the gene of… »

The determination of the amount of adenovirus viral load present in a sample. »

A replication-incompetent adenovirus encoding E. coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase (Ad/PNP) used as a prodrug activating agent. Administered intratumorally, Ad/PNP expresses the enzyme… »

A nanoparticle-based formulation containing a recombinant non-replicating adenovirus (Ad) encoding toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) and its specific ligand protein 502S, with potential… »

A replication-defective adenoviral vector encoding human interferon-gamma (IFN-g) cDNA with potential antineoplastic and immunoregulatory activities. Upon intratumoral administration, the prolonged expression of… »

A replication incompetent adenovirus encoding human pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-12 (IL-12) (Ad.hIL-12), with potential immunomodulating and antineoplastic activities. Upon intratumoral administration, the adenovirus… »

A replication incompetent adenovirus encoding the human pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-12 (IL-12) (INXN-2001) in combination with the proprietary activator ligand INXN-1001, with potential… »

A replication incompetent adenovirus encoding the human pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-12 (IL-12) (INXN-2001) in combination with the proprietary activator ligand veledimex, with potential… »

A cancer vaccine consisting of autologous dendritic cells (DCs) transduced with a recombinant adenovirus encoding p53 peptide, with potential immunomodulating activity. Intradermal… »

A cancer vaccine composed of a genetically engineered, replication-deficient type 5 adenovirus carrying the human prostate-specific antigen (PSA), with potential immunostimulating and… »

Allogeneic tri-viral specific, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus (Adv, CMV and EBV or ACE), cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) with potential antiviral activity. Donor-derived… »

Adenylyl cyclases are membrane-associated enzymes of the lyase class that are expressed in most human tissues. These enzymes catalyze the formation of… »

Any substance that inhibits adenylosuccinate synthetase, an enzyme involved in the de novo synthesis of adenosine. A reduction in adenosine interferes with… »

Autologous dendritic cells (DCs) transduced with a recombinant, replication-defective adenoviral vector expressing the fusion gene granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and carbonic anhydrase… »

A benign (not cancer) condition in which there are more cells than normal in the lining of breast ducts and the cells… »

A small, cyclic pentapeptide vascular-targeting agent with potential antineoplastic and antiangiogenic activities. ADH-1 selectively and competitively binds to and blocks N-cadherin, which… »

This gene is involved in the metabolism of alcohols. »

Human ADH1C wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 4q23 and is approximately 17 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

Human ADH4 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 4q22 and is approximately 34 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

A disorder which limits movement of the eye following ocular surgery. It is caused by the inadvertent scarring down of the middle… »

Las adherencias son cintas de tejido fibroso. Estas pueden pegar lazos intestinales entre sí o con órganos cercanos o con la pared… »

Cell-cell adherens junctions (AJs), the most common type of intercellular adhesions, are important for maintaining tissue architecture and cell polarity and can… »

A type of culture in which cells grow as a monolayer that is attached to the culture substrate. »

The property of remaining in close proximity, as that resulting from the physical attraction of molecules to a substance or the molecular… »

Adherencia intima (vínculo) de superficies celulares contiguas. »

By induction of conjugation, transport, oxidation, and/or proteolysis, Adhesion Factor Degradation consists of breakdown of members of the class of cell surface… »

Any cellular process that results in the elaboration of adhesion molecules on the cell surface. »

Any cellular process that results in the reduction or loss of adhesion molecules on the cell surface. »

B cell and T cell lymphocytes interact with a variety of cells as part of their immune function, circulating and homing in… »

Adhesions are bands of scar-like tissue. Normally, internal tissues and organs have slippery surfaces so they can shift easily as the body… »

Any substance that affixes 2 or more parts or tissues together. »

A substance being studied in the treatment of melanoma, liver cancer, and other types of cancer. It breaks down the amino acid… »

Sustancia en estudio para el tratamiento del melanoma, el cáncer de hígado y otros tipos de cáncer. Descompone el aminoácido arginina y… »

Muchas personas disfrutan de los juegos de azar, ya sea apostándole a un caballo o jugando al póquer por Internet. La mayoría… »

Increased adipocyte volume and number are positively correlated with leptin production, and negatively correlated with production of adiponectin. »

The production of fat, either fatty degeneration or fatty infiltration; also applied to the normal deposition of fat or to the conversion… »

Adiponectin (244 aa, ~26 kDa) is encoded by the human ADIPOQ gene. This protein is involved in the modulation of both glucose… »

The determination of the amount of adiponectin hormone present in a sample. »

Adiponectin receptor protein 1 (375 aa, ~43 kDa) is encoded by the human ADIPOR1 gene. This protein is involved in adiponectin binding… »

Adiponectin receptor protein 2 (386 aa, ~44 kDa) is encoded by the human ADIPOR2 gene. This protein plays a role in adiponectin-mediated… »

This gene is involved in the metabolism of glucose and lipids. »

Human ADIPOQ wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 3q27 and is approximately 16 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

This gene is involved in hormone binding and signal transduction. »

Human ADIPOR1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 1q32.1 and is approximately 18 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

This gene plays a role in adiponectin binding and ligand-mediated signaling. »

Human ADIPOR2 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 12p13.31 and is approximately 100 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

A specialized form of connective tissue consisting primarily of adipocytes (fat cells), surrounded by a meshwork of collagen fibers. »

Shrinking of adipose tissue. »

A finding that indicates the accumulation of lipids in tissues. »

A population of cells derived from adipose tissue with stem cell and wound repair activities. Adipose-derived regenerative cells (ADRC) consists of several… »

A population of stromal vascular fraction (SVF) cells derived from autologous adipose tissue, with potential tissue regenerative activity. SVF cells are obtained… »

A rare genetic disorder characterized by the development of painful lipomas during adulthood, especially in menopausal women. Associated symptoms include fatigue, obesity,… »

A pyrimidinediamine derivative and dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor related to trimethoprim, with bactericide and diuretic activities. Aditeren has never been marketed. »

A long-acting, selective, reversible inhibitor of dihydrofolate reductase with application as a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent in animals. »

A matrix with rows and columns labeled by graph vertices, with a 1 or 0 in position (vi,vj) according to whether vi… »

The final judgment in a legal proceeding. »

An external committee whose purpose is to evaluate study data and decide whether a study endpoint or other criterion has been… »

An individual that presides over and arbitrates disputes between individuals or organizations. »

In cancer therapy, a drug or substance used in addition to the primary therapy. »

A grant that uses materials from some other clinical trial. »

Another treatment used together with the primary treatment. Its purpose is to assist the primary treatment. Also called adjunctive therapy. »

Any orthodontic procedure that is done as part of another dental procedure. »

Another treatment used together with the primary treatment. Its purpose is to assist the primary treatment. Also called adjunct therapy. »

A dosing unit based on an adjustment in the pH. »

A syringe with a measured dose of medication that has an apparatus that enables the user to specify the amount of the… »

A multiple comparison adjustment method where the p-values are ranked in descending order. For the highest p-value, the critical p-value becomes (alpha/n),… »

The goodness of fit statistic for the terminal elimination phase, adjusted for the number of time points used in the estimation of… »

The act of making necessary corrections or modifications. »

A condition in which a person responds to a stressful event (such as an illness, job loss, or divorce) with extreme emotions… »

An agent that enhances the activity or therapeutic effect of another pharmacologic substance without having much, if any, therapeutic impact by… »

Drugs used in combination with other pain drugs to assist or enhance their action. »

Chemotherapy that is administered subsequent to the main treatment plan to minimize or prevent disease recurrence. »

Radiation therapy that is administered subsequent to the main treatment plan to minimize or prevent disease recurrence. »

Radiation therapy that is administered to augment or stimulate other treatment modalities or to minimize or prevent disease recurrence. »

A study performed secondary to and in support of a primary or base study in order to support, enhance, or expand upon… »

Additional cancer treatment given after the primary treatment to lower the risk that the cancer will come back. Adjuvant therapy may include… »

the ability to nonspecifically stimulate the immune response. »

Activities of daily living. The tasks of everyday life. Basic ADLs include eating, dressing, getting into or out of a bed or… »

ADM (185 aa, ~20 kDa) is encoded by the human ADM gene. This protein plays a role in both signal transduction and… »

Human ADM wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 11p15.4 and is approximately 3 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

The result of the investigation of the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of an experimental substance by an organism. »

A group of pharmacokinetic parameters commonly investigated during preclinical drug development. »

To dispense, apply, or tender something to another, such as administering a medicine. »

The act of having given something (e.g., a medication or test). »

The concept for an administered component. »

A name by which an Administered Component is known in a specific Context. Also a placeholder to track the usage of Administered… »

A registry item for which administrative information is recorded in an Administration Record. »

En el campo de la medicina, es el acto de proporcionar un tratamiento; por ejemplo darle un medicamento a un paciente. También… »

Enriquecimiento del régimen de alimentación con nutrientes. »

Organismo del Gobierno Federal de los Estados Unidos cuya misión es proteger la salud pública al garantizar que los alimentos, los productos… »

In medicine, the act of giving a treatment, such as a drug, to a patient. It can also refer to the way… »

Drug administration through a gastric fistula or a surgically created artificial opening into the stomach through the abdominal wall with insertion of… »

Method of administering the drug through hemodialysate fluid. »

Drug administration via imbedded implants used as depot formulations to limit high drug concentrations to the area surrounding the pathology or to… »

Administration of a drug through a surgical opening between the jejunum and the surface of the abdominal wall. »

Administration into a stoma. »

Performing or possessing executive duties; acting as a supervisor or manager. »

Activities involved in the performance of executive, supervisory, or managerial duties. »

A location defined for administrative purposes. »

A coded value specifying the physical or societal properties by which male is distinguished from female. »

Mechanism to fund current awardees whose research is going better than expected or who are poised to test new ideas. »

These provide administrative supplements to existing NIH research grants for the purpose of 1) promote reentry into biomedical and behavioral research careers… »

A person who manages a computer, a network or specific software components and has rights to perform all operations. »

The physician responsible for the admission of a patient to a hospital or other inpatient health institution. The admitting physician evaluates patients,… »

A compound formed by mixing different substances together; an ingredient added in small quantity. »

Moléculas del interior de las células que contienen información genética y la transmiten de una generación a otra. También se llama ácido… »

Pequeños trozos de ADN que se pueden unir a moléculas específicas de ARN e impedir que las células usen ARN para elaborar… »

A carcinoma arising from the sebaceous glands, sweat glands, or the hair follicles. Representative examples include sebaceous carcinoma, apocrine carcinoma, eccrine carcinoma,… »

A lump in tissue near the uterus, usually in the ovary or fallopian tube. Adnexal masses include ovarian cysts, ectopic (tubal) pregnancies,… »

Clonal proliferations arising from adnexal skin structures including hair follicles, and apocrine and eccrine glands and ducts. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of intrusions while recalling List A, 30… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of words recalled from List A, 30… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 1. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 10. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 11. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 12. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 13. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 14. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 15. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 2. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 3. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 4. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 5. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 6. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 7. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 8. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, 30 Minute Delay Recall, Word 9. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of intrusions while recalling List A, first… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of intrusions while recalling List A, second… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of intrusions while recalling List A, third… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of intrusions while recalling List A, fourth… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of intrusions while recalling List A, fifth… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of intrusions while recalling List A, sixth… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of words recalled from List A, first… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 1. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 10. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 11. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 12. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 13. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 14. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 15. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 2. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 3. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 4. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 5. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 6. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 7. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 8. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 1, Word 9. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of words recalled from List A, second… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 1. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 10. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 11. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 12. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 13. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 14. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 15. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 2. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 3. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 4. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 5. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 6. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 7. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 8. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 2, Word 9. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of words recalled from List A, third… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 1. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 10. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 11. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 12. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 13. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 14. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 15. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 2. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 3. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 4. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 5. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 6. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 7. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 8. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 3, Word 9. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of words recalled from List A, fourth… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 1. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 10. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 11. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 12. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 13. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 14. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 15. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 2. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 3. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 4. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 5. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 6. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 7. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 8. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 4, Word 9. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of words recalled from List A, fifth… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 1. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 10. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 11. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 12. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 13. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 14. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 15. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 2. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 3. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 4. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 5. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 6. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 7. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 8. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 5, Word 9. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of words recalled from List A, sixth… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List A, Recall 6 (after B Recall), Word… »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of intrusions on recognition test. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of words correct on recognition test. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of intrusions while recalling List B. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) The number of words recalled from List B. … »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 1. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 10. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 11. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 12. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 13. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 14. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 15. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 2. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 3. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 4. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 5. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 6. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 7. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 8. »

Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Auditory Verbal Learning Test Version A (ADNI-AVLT Version A) List B, Word 9. »

A question associated with the ADNI version of the AVLT questionnaire. »

An antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) consisting of the recombinant anti-epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) monoclonal antibody trastuzumab conjugated to the maytansinoid DM1… »

Medicamento que se usa para tratar el cáncer de mama positivo al HER2 que se diseminó a otras partes del cuerpo. Se… »

A drug used to treat HER2-positive breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. It is used in patients… »

The time period between the beginning of puberty and adulthood. »

A juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity; in the state of development between puberty and maturity. »

Adolescents; persons of age 13-17 (from PSY94) »

La adopción lleva un hijo nacido de unos padres, a una nueva familia. Los padres naturales pueden tener muchos motivos para dar… »

Adoption brings a child born to other parents into a new family. Birth parents have a number of reasons for placing children… »

A treatment used to help the immune system fight diseases, such as cancer and infections with certain viruses. T cells are collected… »

A technique for enhancing cell-mediated immunity by: 1) artificially increasing the number of specific immunocompetent cells through inoculation of either ex-vivo expanded… »

A family relation established by a legal proceeding that creates a parent-child relation between persons not related by blood. »

This gene is a critical biological mediator of several physiological functions. »

Human ADORA1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 1q32.1 and is approximately 77 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

This gene plays a regulatory role in the enzymatic activity of adenylyl cyclase. »

Human ADORA2A wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 22q11.23 and is approximately 15 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

This gene plays a regulatory role in the enzymatic activity of adenylate cyclase and axon elongation. »

Human ADORA2B wild-type allele is located within 17p12-p11.2 and is approximately 31 kb in length. This allele, which encodes adenosine A2b receptor… »

This gene is involved in ischemic cellular protection and G protein-coupled receptor signal transduction. »

Human ADORA3 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 1p13.2 and is approximately 81 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

An alkylating agent that bind to the DNA minor groove in a sequence-specific manner and form covalent adducts with adenines, resulting in… »

ADP-ribosyl cyclase 1 (300 aa, ~34 kDa) is encoded by the human CD38 gene. This protein is involved in both ADP-ribose metabolism… »

ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs) are 20-kDa guanine nucleotide-binding proteins, members of the Ras GTPase superfamily that were initially recognized and purified because of… »

This gene plays a regulatory role in the growth and proliferation of several cell types. »

Human ADRA1A wild-type allele is located within 8p21-p11.2 and is approximately 117 kb in length. This allele, which encodes alpha-1A adrenergic receptor… »

This gene is involved in the induction of neoplastic transformation and receptor signaling. »

Human ADRA1B wild-type allele is located within 5q23-q32 and is approximately 56 kb in length. This allele, which encodes alpha-1B adrenergic receptor… »

This gene plays a role in the regulation of neurotransmitter release from nerves and neurons in the central nervous system. »

Human ADRA2A wild-type allele is located within 10q24-q26 and is approximately 4 kb in length. This allele, which encodes alpha-2A adrenergic receptor… »

This gene is involved in transcriptional regulation and G protein-coupled receptor signal transduction. »

Human ADRA2B wild-type allele is located within 2p13-q13 and is approximately 3 kb in length. This allele, which encodes alpha-2B adrenergic receptor… »

This gene is involved in the regulation of neurotransmitter release. »

Human ADRA2C wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 4p16 and is approximately 2 kb in length. This allele, which encodes… »

This gene plays a role in neuronal G protein-coupled receptor signal transduction that modulates the physiological effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine. … »

Human ADRB1 wild-type allele is located within 10q24-q26 and is approximately 2 kb in length. This allele, which encodes beta-1 adrenergic receptor… »

This gene is involved in maintaining the integrity and rate of G protein-coupled receptor signal transduction. »

Human ADRB2 wild-type allele is located within 5q31-q32 and is approximately 2 kb in length. This allele, which encodes beta-2 adrenergic receptor… »

This gene is involved in signal transduction. »

Human ADRBK1 wild-type allele is located within 11q13 and is approximately 20 kb in length. This allele, which encodes beta-adrenergic receptor kinase… »

This gene plays a role in signal transduction. »

Human ADRBK2 wild-type allele is located within 22q11 and is approximately 159 kb in length. This allele, which encodes beta-adrenergic receptor kinase… »

Pharmacological agents which affect the function of the adrenal glands. »

Abnormally low or absent secretion of the androgen precursor hormones dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA sulfate, and androstenedione, from the adrenal gland. »

Excessive secretion of the androgen hormones dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA sulfate, and androstenedione, from the adrenal gland. Clinical manifestations may include virilization. … »

An artery located in the abdomen that provides blood to the adrenal glands. »

Treatment to block production of adrenal hormones. »

Cancer that forms in the tissues of the adrenal glands (two glands located just above the kidneys). The adrenal glands make hormones… »

A clinical finding about one or more characteristics of adrenal cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification system as… »

A pathologic finding about one or more characteristics of adrenal cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification system as… »

A pathologic finding about one or more characteristics of adrenal cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification system as… »

A finding about one or more characteristics of adrenal cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification system. »

The outer part of the adrenal gland (a small organ on top of each kidney). The adrenal cortex makes androgen and corticosteroid… »

A carcinoma arising from the adrenal cortical cells. Adrenal cortex carcinomas (ACCs) are rare, comprising between only 0.05% and 0.2% of… »

A benign neoplasm that can arise from any of the adrenal cortical layers. It can be associated with the overproduction of… »

A rare, usually large (greater than 5cm), malignant epithelial tumor arising from the adrenal cortical cells. Symptoms are usually related to… »

A term that refers to the staging of adrenal cortical carcinoma according to the European network for the study of adrenal tumors… »

An adenoma of the adrenal cortex composed of neoplastic clear cells containing intracytoplasmic lipid droplets. »

An adenoma of the adrenal cortex composed of neoplastic compact cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm. »

An adenoma of the adrenal cortex composed of neoplastic cells with cytologic features of glomerulosa cells. »

An adenoma of the adrenal cortex composed of a mixed neoplastic cellular population, including varying numbers of neoplastic clear and compact… »

A benign or malignant (primary or metastatic) neoplasm affecting the adrenal cortex. »

A usually non-functioning variant of adrenal cortex adenoma, composed of large cells with abundant granular eosinophilic cytoplasm. »

An endocrine glandular cell located on the surface of the adrenal gland (adrenal cortex). It is responsible for the synthesis of glucocorticoids,… »

An endocrine or hormonal disorder that occurs when the adrenal cortex does not produce enough of the hormone cortisol and in some… »

A life threatening condition due to inadequate levels of glucocorticoids in an individual with adrenal insufficiency. »

Epinephrine and norepinephrine from the medulla and steroid hormones from the cortex. »

A small gland that makes steroid hormones, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. These hormones help control heart rate, blood pressure, and other important body… »

A benign neoplasm that can arise from any of the adrenal cortical layers. It can be associated with the overproduction of… »

A benign neoplasm probably arising from mesothelial inclusions in the adrenal gland tissue. »

A rare malignant soft tissue neoplasm arising from the vascular endothelium of the adrenal gland. »

Your adrenal, or suprarenal, glands are located on the top of each kidney. These glands produce hormones that you can't live without,… »

The thin fibrous tissue that surrounds the adrenal gland. »

A carcinoma arising from the adrenal cortical cells. Adrenal cortex carcinomas (ACCs) are rare, comprising between only 0.05% and 0.2% of… »