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    Health / Medical Topics

    Melphalan Hydrochloride


    Definition 1

    A bifunctional alkylating agent and phenylalanine derivative of nitrogen mustard. Melphalan hydrochloride is converted into highly reactive ethylenimmonium intermediates that induce covalent guanine N7-N7 intra- and inter-crosslinks and alkylation of adenine N3 of DNA. This agent also alkylates RNA and protein structures. As a result RNA transcription and protein synthesis are inhibited, ultimately leading to cell growth arrest and/or death. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    A drug that is used to treat multiple myeloma and ovarian epithelial cancer and is being studied in the treatment of other types of cancer. It belongs to the family of drugs called alkylating agents. (NCI Dictionary)


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