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Minerals are important for your body to stay healthy. Your body uses minerals for many different jobs, including building bones, making hormones and regulating your heartbeat.
There are two kinds of minerals: macrominerals and trace minerals. Macrominerals are minerals your body needs in larger amounts. They include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and sulfur. Your body needs just small amounts of trace minerals. These include iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride and selenium.
The best way to get the minerals your body needs is by eating a wide variety of foods. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a mineral supplement. (NIH)
Also called: Chromium, Copper, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Selenium
Mineralocorticoid Secretion Induction consists of initiation of activities involved in release into the bloodstream of a class of C21 corticosteroids (mineralocorticoids) involved…
Mineralocorticoid Secretion Inhibition consists of interference with, or restraint of, activities involved in release into the bloodstream of a class of C21…
Mineralocorticoid receptor (984 aa, ~107 kDa) is encoded by the human NR3C2 gene. This protein is involved in the modulation of mineralcorticoid…
A class of corticosteroid hormones that maintains fluid and electrolyte balance. The main mineralocorticoid is Aldosterone.
Indicates that a product is derived from a specified mineral material.
A type of oil that is made from petroleum (mixture of oily liquids found in the earth). Mineral oil is used in…