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A brown, blue, or gray hamartoma of dermal melanocytes, usually on the skin of the face along the distribution of the ophthalmic…

A large brown, blue, or gray hamartoma of dermal melanocytes, usually on the shoulder and upper arm that is most commonly found…

A nevus that arises from the female genital organs. This category includes congenital nevus, acquired nevus, dysplastic nevus, blue nevus, and atypical…

A congenital vascular malformation in the skin (birthmark) characterized by the presence of dilated capillaries. The affected area of the skin is…

A rare developmental skin condition consisting of abnormal pilosebaceous follicle development. It is characterized by linear or band-like distributions of groups of…

A neoplastic cutaneous melanocyte that characterizes benign and atypical cutaneous neoplastic lesions called nevi.