Health / Medical Topics |
Obturator Nerve
A nerve that arises from the second, third, and fourth lumbar nerves and enters the thigh through the obturator canal. It is responsible for the sensory innervation of the skin of the medial aspect of the thigh and also responsible for the motor innervation of the adductor muscles of the lower extremity. (NCI Thesaurus)

A pelvic lymph node located along the obturator artery.

An opening in the hip bone formed by the public bone and the ischium and closed by the obturator membrane.

A plug-like device used to close an opening in a body structure or a removable plug used during the insertion of a…

An artery arising from the anterior or posterior trunk of the internal iliac artery that supplies the ilium and pubic bones as…

A dulled or reduced level of alertness or consciousness.

Encoded by human OBTP Gene, 74-amino acid 8 kD Over-Expressed Breast Tumor Protein contains two LIM domains and may mediate protein-protein…