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Definition 1
An inflammatory skin disorder of unknown etiology characterized by papules and plaques or scaly patches resembling psoriasis. (NCI Thesaurus)
Definition 2
The term applied to a group of relatively uncommon inflammatory, maculopapular, scaly eruptions of unknown etiology and resistant to conventional treatment. Eruptions are both psoriatic and lichenoid in appearance, but the diseases are distinct from psoriasis, lichen planus, or other recognized dermatoses. Proposed nomenclature divides parapsoriasis into two distinct subgroups, PITYRIASIS LICHENOIDES and parapsoriasis en plaques (small- and large-plaque parapsoriasis). (NLM, Medical Subject Headings)

A plasma cell disorder in which an abnormal amount of a single immunoglobulin is present in the serum. Paraproteinemias may be seen…

A genus of enveloped, oval-shaped virions with surface filaments, in the family Poxviridae. The genome is composed of non-segmented, double-stranded DNA. Two…

Complete paralysis of the lower half of the body including both legs, often caused by damage to the spinal cord.

A drug that is used to treat advanced ovarian cancer that has never been treated or symptoms of ovarian cancer that has…

A form of schizophrenia characterized by delusions (of persecution or grandeur or jealousy); symptoms may include anger and anxiety and aloofness and…

A condition in which the foreskin of an uncircumcised male is retracted and cannot be pulled back over the glans penis. …