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Premature Babies
Each year, nearly 500,000 babies are premature, or preemies. That's 1 of every 8 infants born in the United States. A premature birth is when a baby is born before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy. A full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks.
Important growth and development occur throughout pregnancy - especially in the final months and weeks. Because they are born too early, preemies weigh much less than full-term babies. They may have health problems because their organs did not have enough time to develop. Preemies need special medical care in a neonatal intensive care unit, or NICU. They stay there until their organ systems can work on their own. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Premature onset of adrenal androgen-mediated secondary sexual characteristics.

The examination of data and information in an application for premarket review described in sections 505, 510(k), 513(f), 515, or 520(g) or…

A premarket submission made to FDA to demonstrate that a device to be marketed is at least as safe and effective as…

A premarket submission made to FDA to review and evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a Class III medical device.

Stability data submitted for a PMA application.

A hematologic disorder which does not display the morphologic and/or clinical characteristics of an overt malignancy. Representative examples include atypical lymphoproliferative…