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Preservative Excipient
Chemicals that are added to drug products to prolong shelf life and maintain sterility. Protection of formulations, especially aqueous solutions, against microbial growth requires use of either antibacterial or antifungal preservatives. Generally, such agents are active against either bacteria or fungi but a few are active against both. The antimicrobials include but not limited to chlorobutanol, benzyl alcohol, sodium benzoate, sorbic acid, and phenol. The antioxidizing agents include butylated hydroxytolune, hydroxyanisole, propyl gallate, and sulfites. The necessary addition of preservatives for both safety and economy sometimes has been associated with significant adverse effects in certain patient populations. (NCI Thesaurus)

Procedures utilized to save substances from decay. Some preservation procedures are meant to maintain cells, tissues, or organisms in a viable…

The activity of protecting something from loss or danger; a process that saves organic substances from decay; to maintain or keep…

To show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view: how something looks.

Indicates relative presence or absence. From the enumeration AbsoluteCallTypeEnum (Present / Absent / Marginal / No call) or ComparisonCallTypeEnum (Increase /…

Being or existing in a specified place or at the specified time.

Presenilin-2 (448 aa, ~50 kDa) is encoded by the human PSEN2 gene. This protein is involved in proteolytic processing.