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Protocol Treatment Arm
Definition 1
A specific treatment plan within a clinical trial that describes the activities a subject will be involved in as he or she progresses through the study. (NCI Thesaurus)
Definition 2
A path through the study which describes what activities the study subject or experimental unit will be involved in as they pass through the study, and is typically equivalent to a treatment group in a parallel design trial. Generally, each subject is assigned to an arm, and the design of the study is reflected in the number and composition of the individual arms. This intended path through which the subject progresses in a trial is composed of time point events (study cell) for each epoch of the study. Each time point event, in turn, has a pattern of child time points through which the subject would pass. This planned path thus describes how subjects assigned to the arm will be treated. EXAMPLE(S): A study could have 2 arms named IV-Oral and Oral-IV. The name IV-Oral reflects a path that passes through IV treatment, then Oral treatment. (NCI Thesaurus/BRIDG)