A World of Knowledge
    Tipiṭaka / Tipiṭaka (English) / Majjhima Nikāya, English translation

    मज्झिम निकाय १४५

    Majjhima Nikāya 145

    The Middle-Length Suttas Collection 145



    Advice to Puṇṇa

    एवं मे सुतं—एकं समयं भगवा सावत्थियं विहरति जेतवने अनाथपिण्डिकस्स आरामे।

    Evaṁ me sutaṁ—ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.

    So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery.

    अथ खो आयस्मा पुण्णो सायन्हसमयं पटिसल्लाना वुट्ठितो येन भगवा तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा भगवन्तं अभिवादेत्वा एकमन्तं निसीदि। एकमन्तं निसिन्नो खो आयस्मा पुण्णो भगवन्तं एतदवोच: “साधु मं, भन्ते, भगवा सङ्खित्तेन ओवादेन ओवदतु, यमहं भगवतो धम्मं सुत्वा एको वूपकट्ठो अप्पमत्तो आतापी पहितत्तो विहरेय्यन्”ति।

    Atha kho āyasmā puṇṇo sāyanhasamayaṁ paṭisallānā vuṭṭhito yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā puṇṇo bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: “sādhu maṁ, bhante, bhagavā saṅkhittena ovādena ovadatu, yamahaṁ bhagavato dhammaṁ sutvā eko vūpakaṭṭho appamatto ātāpī pahitatto vihareyyan”ti.

    Then in the late afternoon, Venerable Puṇṇa came out of retreat and went to the Buddha. He bowed, sat down to one side, and said to the Buddha, “Sir, may the Buddha please teach me Dhamma in brief. When I’ve heard it, I’ll live alone, withdrawn, diligent, keen, and resolute.”

    “तेन हि, पुण्ण, सुणाहि, साधुकं मनसि करोहि; भासिस्सामी”ति।

    “Tena hi, puṇṇa, suṇāhi, sādhukaṁ manasi karohi; bhāsissāmī”ti.

    “Well then, Puṇṇa, listen and apply your mind well, I will speak.”

    “एवं, भन्ते”ति खो आयस्मा पुण्णो भगवतो पच्चस्सोसि। भगवा एतदवोच:

    “Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho āyasmā puṇṇo bhagavato paccassosi. Bhagavā etadavoca:

    “Yes, sir,” replied Puṇṇa. The Buddha said this:

    “सन्ति खो, पुण्ण, चक्खुविञ्ञेय्या रूपा इट्ठा कन्ता मनापा पियरूपा कामूपसंहिता रजनीया। तञ्चे भिक्खु अभिनन्दति अभिवदति अज्झोसाय तिट्ठति। तस्स तं अभिनन्दतो अभिवदतो अज्झोसाय तिट्ठतो उप्पज्जति नन्दी। ‘नन्दीसमुदया दुक्खसमुदयो, पुण्णाऽति वदामि।

    “Santi kho, puṇṇa, cakkhuviññeyyā rūpā iṭṭhā kantā manāpā piyarūpā kāmūpasaṁhitā rajanīyā. Tañce bhikkhu abhinandati abhivadati ajjhosāya tiṭṭhati. Tassa taṁ abhinandato abhivadato ajjhosāya tiṭṭhato uppajjati nandī. ‘Nandīsamudayā dukkhasamudayo, puṇṇā’ti vadāmi.

    “Puṇṇa, there are sights known by the eye that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing. If a bhikkhu approves, welcomes, and keeps clinging to them, this gives rise to relishing. Relishing is the origin of suffering, I say.

    सन्ति खो, पुण्ण, सोतविञ्ञेय्या सद्दा … घानविञ्ञेय्या गन्धा … जिव्हाविञ्ञेय्या रसा … कायविञ्ञेय्या फोट्ठब्बा … मनोविञ्ञेय्या धम्मा इट्ठा कन्ता मनापा पियरूपा कामूपसंहिता रजनीया। तञ्चे भिक्खु अभिनन्दति अभिवदति अज्झोसाय तिट्ठति। तस्स तं अभिनन्दतो अभिवदतो अज्झोसाय तिट्ठतो उप्पज्जति नन्दी। ‘नन्दीसमुदया दुक्खसमुदयो, पुण्णाऽति वदामि।

    Santi kho, puṇṇa, sotaviññeyyā saddā … ghānaviññeyyā gandhā … jivhāviññeyyā rasā … kāyaviññeyyā phoṭṭhabbā … manoviññeyyā dhammā iṭṭhā kantā manāpā piyarūpā kāmūpasaṁhitā rajanīyā. Tañce bhikkhu abhinandati abhivadati ajjhosāya tiṭṭhati. Tassa taṁ abhinandato abhivadato ajjhosāya tiṭṭhato uppajjati nandī. ‘Nandīsamudayā dukkhasamudayo, puṇṇā’ti vadāmi.

    There are sounds known by the ear … smells known by the nose … tastes known by the tongue … touches known by the body … thoughts known by the mind that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing. If a bhikkhu approves, welcomes, and keeps clinging to them, this gives rise to relishing. Relishing is the origin of suffering, I say.

    सन्ति च खो, पुण्ण, चक्खुविञ्ञेय्या रूपा इट्ठा कन्ता मनापा पियरूपा कामूपसंहिता रजनीया। तञ्चे भिक्खु नाभिनन्दति नाभिवदति नाज्झोसाय तिट्ठति। तस्स तं अनभिनन्दतो अनभिवदतो अनज्झोसाय तिट्ठतो नन्दी निरुज्झति। ‘नन्दीनिरोधा दुक्खनिरोधो, पुण्णाऽति वदामि।

    Santi ca kho, puṇṇa, cakkhuviññeyyā rūpā iṭṭhā kantā manāpā piyarūpā kāmūpasaṁhitā rajanīyā. Tañce bhikkhu nābhinandati nābhivadati nājjhosāya tiṭṭhati. Tassa taṁ anabhinandato anabhivadato anajjhosāya tiṭṭhato nandī nirujjhati. ‘Nandīnirodhā dukkhanirodho, puṇṇā’ti vadāmi.

    There are sights known by the eye that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing. If a bhikkhu doesn’t approve, welcome, and keep clinging to them, relishing ceases. When relishing ceases, suffering ceases, I say.

    सन्ति च खो, पुण्ण, सोतविञ्ञेय्या सद्दा … घानविञ्ञेय्या गन्धा … जिव्हाविञ्ञेय्या रसा … कायविञ्ञेय्या फोट्ठब्बा … मनोविञ्ञेय्या धम्मा इट्ठा कन्ता मनापा पियरूपा कामूपसंहिता रजनीया। तञ्चे भिक्खु नाभिनन्दति नाभिवदति नाज्झोसाय तिट्ठति। तस्स तं अनभिनन्दतो अनभिवदतो अनज्झोसाय तिट्ठतो नन्दी निरुज्झति। ‘नन्दीनिरोधा दुक्खनिरोधो, पुण्णाऽति वदामि।

    Santi ca kho, puṇṇa, sotaviññeyyā saddā … ghānaviññeyyā gandhā … jivhāviññeyyā rasā … kāyaviññeyyā phoṭṭhabbā … manoviññeyyā dhammā iṭṭhā kantā manāpā piyarūpā kāmūpasaṁhitā rajanīyā. Tañce bhikkhu nābhinandati nābhivadati nājjhosāya tiṭṭhati. Tassa taṁ anabhinandato anabhivadato anajjhosāya tiṭṭhato nandī nirujjhati. ‘Nandīnirodhā dukkhanirodho, puṇṇā’ti vadāmi.

    There are sounds known by the ear … smells known by the nose … tastes known by the tongue … touches known by the body … thoughts known by the mind that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing. If a bhikkhu doesn’t approve, welcome, and keep clinging to them, relishing ceases. When relishing ceases, suffering ceases, I say.

    इमिना च त्वं, पुण्ण, मया सङ्खित्तेन ओवादेन ओवदितो कतरस्मिं जनपदे विहरिस्ससी”ति?

    Iminā ca tvaṁ, puṇṇa, mayā saṅkhittena ovādena ovadito katarasmiṁ janapade viharissasī”ti?

    Puṇṇa, now that I’ve given you this brief advice, what country will you live in?”

    “इमिनाहं, भन्ते, भगवता सङ्खित्तेन ओवादेन ओवदितो, अत्थि सुनापरन्तो नाम जनपदो, तत्थाहं विहरिस्सामी”ति।

    “Imināhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena ovādena ovadito, atthi sunāparanto nāma janapado, tatthāhaṁ viharissāmī”ti.

    “Sir, there’s a country named Sunāparanta. I shall live there.”

    “चण्डा खो, पुण्ण, सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा; फरुसा खो, पुण्ण, सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा। सचे तं, पुण्ण, सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा अक्कोसिस्सन्ति परिभासिस्सन्ति, तत्थ ते, पुण्ण, किन्ति भविस्सती”ति?

    “Caṇḍā kho, puṇṇa, sunāparantakā manussā; pharusā kho, puṇṇa, sunāparantakā manussā. Sace taṁ, puṇṇa, sunāparantakā manussā akkosissanti paribhāsissanti, tattha te, puṇṇa, kinti bhavissatī”ti?

    “The people of Sunāparanta are wild and rough, Puṇṇa. If they abuse and insult you, what will you think of them?”

    “सचे मं, भन्ते, सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा अक्कोसिस्सन्ति परिभासिस्सन्ति, तत्थ मे एवं भविस्सति: ‘भद्दका वतिमे सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा, सुभद्दका वतिमे सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा, यं मे नयिमे पाणिना पहारं देन्तीऽति। एवमेत्थ, भगवा, भविस्सति; एवमेत्थ, सुगत, भविस्सती”ति।

    “Sace maṁ, bhante, sunāparantakā manussā akkosissanti paribhāsissanti, tattha me evaṁ bhavissati: ‘bhaddakā1 vatime sunāparantakā manussā, subhaddakā vatime sunāparantakā manussā, yaṁ me nayime pāṇinā pahāraṁ dentī’ti. Evamettha, bhagavā, bhavissati; evamettha, sugata, bhavissatī”ti.

    “If they abuse and insult me, I will think: ‘These people of Sunāparanta are gracious, truly gracious, since they don’t hit me with their fists.’ That’s what I’ll think, Blessed One. That’s what I’ll think, Holy One.”

    “सचे पन ते, पुण्ण, सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा पाणिना पहारं दस्सन्ति, तत्थ पन ते, पुण्ण, किन्ति भविस्सती”ति?

    “Sace pana te, puṇṇa, sunāparantakā manussā pāṇinā pahāraṁ dassanti, tattha pana te, puṇṇa, kinti bhavissatī”ti?

    “But if they do hit you with their fists, what will you think of them then?”

    “सचे मे, भन्ते, सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा पाणिना पहारं दस्सन्ति, तत्थ मे एवं भविस्सति: ‘भद्दका वतिमे सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा, सुभद्दका वतिमे सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा, यं मे नयिमे लेड्डुना पहारं देन्तीऽति। एवमेत्थ, भगवा, भविस्सति; एवमेत्थ, सुगत, भविस्सती”ति।

    “Sace me, bhante, sunāparantakā manussā pāṇinā pahāraṁ dassanti, tattha me evaṁ bhavissati: ‘bhaddakā vatime sunāparantakā manussā, subhaddakā vatime sunāparantakā manussā, yaṁ me nayime leḍḍunā pahāraṁ dentī’ti. Evamettha, bhagavā, bhavissati; evamettha, sugata, bhavissatī”ti.

    “If they hit me with their fists, I’ll think: ‘These people of Sunāparanta are gracious, truly gracious, since they don’t throw stones at me.’ That’s what I’ll think, Blessed One. That’s what I’ll think, Holy One.”

    “सचे पन ते, पुण्ण, सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा लेड्डुना पहारं दस्सन्ति, तत्थ पन ते, पुण्ण, किन्ति भविस्सती”ति?

    “Sace pana te, puṇṇa, sunāparantakā manussā leḍḍunā pahāraṁ dassanti, tattha pana te, puṇṇa, kinti bhavissatī”ti?

    “But if they do throw stones at you, what will you think of them then?”

    “सचे मे, भन्ते, सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा लेड्डुना पहारं दस्सन्ति, तत्थ मे एवं भविस्सति: ‘भद्दका वतिमे सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा, सुभद्दका वतिमे सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा, यं मे नयिमे दण्डेन पहारं देन्तीऽति। एवमेत्थ, भगवा, भविस्सति; एवमेत्थ, सुगत, भविस्सती”ति।

    “Sace me, bhante, sunāparantakā manussā leḍḍunā pahāraṁ dassanti, tattha me evaṁ bhavissati: ‘bhaddakā vatime sunāparantakā manussā, subhaddakā vatime sunāparantakā manussā, yaṁ me nayime daṇḍena pahāraṁ dentī’ti. Evamettha, bhagavā, bhavissati; evamettha, sugata, bhavissatī”ti.

    “If they throw stones at me, I’ll think: ‘These people of Sunāparanta are gracious, truly gracious, since they don’t beat me with a club.’ That’s what I’ll think, Blessed One. That’s what I’ll think, Holy One.”

    “सचे पन ते, पुण्ण, सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा दण्डेन पहारं दस्सन्ति, तत्थ पन ते, पुण्ण, किन्ति भविस्सती”ति?

    “Sace pana te, puṇṇa, sunāparantakā manussā daṇḍena pahāraṁ dassanti, tattha pana te, puṇṇa, kinti bhavissatī”ti?

    “But if they do beat you with a club, what will you think of them then?”

    “सचे मे, भन्ते, सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा दण्डेन पहारं दस्सन्ति, तत्थ मे एवं भविस्सति: ‘भद्दका वतिमे सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा, सुभद्दका वतिमे सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा, यं मे नयिमे सत्थेन पहारं देन्तीऽति। एवमेत्थ, भगवा, भविस्सति; एवमेत्थ, सुगत, भविस्सती”ति।

    “Sace me, bhante, sunāparantakā manussā daṇḍena pahāraṁ dassanti, tattha me evaṁ bhavissati: ‘bhaddakā vatime sunāparantakā manussā, subhaddakā vatime sunāparantakā manussā, yaṁ me nayime satthena pahāraṁ dentī’ti. Evamettha, bhagavā, bhavissati; evamettha, sugata, bhavissatī”ti.

    “If they beat me with a club, I’ll think: ‘These people of Sunāparanta are gracious, truly gracious, since they don’t stab me with a knife.’ That’s what I’ll think, Blessed One. That’s what I’ll think, Holy One.”

    “सचे पन ते, पुण्ण, सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा सत्थेन पहारं दस्सन्ति, तत्थ पन ते, पुण्ण, किन्ति भविस्सती”ति?

    “Sace pana te, puṇṇa, sunāparantakā manussā satthena pahāraṁ dassanti, tattha pana te, puṇṇa, kinti bhavissatī”ti?

    “But if they do stab you with a knife, what will you think of them then?”

    “सचे मे, भन्ते, सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा सत्थेन पहारं दस्सन्ति, तत्थ मे एवं भविस्सति: ‘भद्दका वतिमे सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा, सुभद्दका वतिमे सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा, यं मं नयिमे तिण्हेन सत्थेन जीविता वोरोपेन्तीऽति। एवमेत्थ, भगवा, भविस्सति; एवमेत्थ, सुगत, भविस्सती”ति।

    “Sace me, bhante, sunāparantakā manussā satthena pahāraṁ dassanti, tattha me evaṁ bhavissati: ‘bhaddakā vatime sunāparantakā manussā, subhaddakā vatime sunāparantakā manussā, yaṁ maṁ2 nayime tiṇhena satthena jīvitā voropentī’ti. Evamettha, bhagavā, bhavissati; evamettha, sugata, bhavissatī”ti.

    “If they stab me with a knife, I’ll think: ‘These people of Sunāparanta are gracious, truly gracious, since they don’t take my life with a sharp knife.’ That’s what I’ll think, Blessed One. That’s what I’ll think, Holy One.”

    “सचे पन तं, पुण्ण, सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा तिण्हेन सत्थेन जीविता वोरोपेस्सन्ति, तत्थ पन ते, पुण्ण, किन्ति भविस्सती”ति?

    “Sace pana taṁ, puṇṇa, sunāparantakā manussā tiṇhena satthena jīvitā voropessanti, tattha pana te, puṇṇa, kinti bhavissatī”ti?

    “But if they do take your life with a sharp knife, what will you think of them then?”

    “सचे मं, भन्ते, सुनापरन्तका मनुस्सा तिण्हेन सत्थेन जीविता वोरोपेस्सन्ति, तत्थ मे एवं भविस्सति: ‘सन्ति खो भगवतो सावका काये च जीविते च अट्टीयमाना हरायमाना जिगुच्छमाना सत्थहारकं परियेसन्ति। तं मे इदं अपरियिट्ठंयेव सत्थहारकं लद्धन्ऽति। एवमेत्थ, भगवा, भविस्सति; एवमेत्थ, सुगत, भविस्सती”ति।

    “Sace maṁ, bhante, sunāparantakā manussā tiṇhena satthena jīvitā voropessanti, tattha me evaṁ bhavissati: ‘santi kho bhagavato sāvakā kāye ca jīvite ca aṭṭīyamānā harāyamānā jigucchamānā satthahārakaṁ pariyesanti. Taṁ me idaṁ apariyiṭṭhaṁyeva satthahārakaṁ laddhan’ti. Evamettha, bhagavā, bhavissati; evamettha, sugata, bhavissatī”ti.

    “If they take my life with a sharp knife, I’ll think: ‘There are disciples of the Buddha who looked for someone to assist with slitting their wrists because they were horrified, repelled, and disgusted with the body and with life. And I have found this without looking!’ That’s what I’ll think, Blessed One. That’s what I’ll think, Holy One.”

    “साधु साधु, पुण्ण। सक्खिस्ससि खो त्वं, पुण्ण, इमिना दमूपसमेन समन्नागतो सुनापरन्तस्मिं जनपदे विहरितुं। यस्सदानि त्वं, पुण्ण, कालं मञ्ञसी”ति।

    “Sādhu sādhu, puṇṇa. Sakkhissasi kho tvaṁ, puṇṇa, iminā damūpasamena samannāgato sunāparantasmiṁ janapade viharituṁ. Yassadāni tvaṁ, puṇṇa, kālaṁ maññasī”ti.

    “Good, good Puṇṇa! Having such self-control and peacefulness, you will be quite capable of living in Sunāparanta. Now, Puṇṇa, go at your convenience.”

    अथ खो आयस्मा पुण्णो भगवतो भासितं अभिनन्दित्वा अनुमोदित्वा उट्ठायासना भगवन्तं अभिवादेत्वा पदक्खिणं कत्वा सेनासनं संसामेत्वा पत्तचीवरमादाय येन सुनापरन्तो जनपदो तेन चारिकं पक्कामि। अनुपुब्बेन चारिकं चरमानो येन सुनापरन्तो जनपदो तदवसरि। तत्र सुदं आयस्मा पुण्णो सुनापरन्तस्मिं जनपदे विहरति। अथ खो आयस्मा पुण्णो तेनेवन्तरवस्सेन पञ्चमत्तानि उपासकसतानि पटिवेदेसि, तेनेवन्तरवस्सेन पञ्चमत्तानि उपासिकसतानि पटिवेदेसि, तेनेवन्तरवस्सेन तिस्सो विज्जा सच्छाकासि। अथ खो आयस्मा पुण्णो अपरेन समयेन परिनिब्बायि।

    Atha kho āyasmā puṇṇo bhagavato bhāsitaṁ abhinanditvā anumoditvā uṭṭhāyāsanā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṁ katvā senāsanaṁ saṁsāmetvā pattacīvaramādāya yena sunāparanto janapado tena cārikaṁ pakkāmi. Anupubbena cārikaṁ caramāno yena sunāparanto janapado tadavasari. Tatra sudaṁ āyasmā puṇṇo sunāparantasmiṁ janapade viharati. Atha kho āyasmā puṇṇo tenevantaravassena pañcamattāni upāsakasatāni paṭivedesi, tenevantaravassena pañcamattāni upāsikasatāni paṭivedesi, tenevantaravassena tisso vijjā sacchākāsi. Atha kho āyasmā puṇṇo aparena samayena parinibbāyi.

    And then Puṇṇa welcomed and agreed with the Buddha’s words. He got up from his seat, bowed, and respectfully circled the Buddha, keeping him on his right. Then he set his lodgings in order and, taking his bowl and robe, set out for Sunāparanta. Traveling stage by stage, he arrived at Sunāparanta, and stayed there. Within that rainy season he confirmed around five hundred male and five hundred female lay followers. And within that same rainy season he realized the three knowledges. Some time later he became fully extinguished.

    अथ खो सम्बहुला भिक्खू येन भगवा तेनुपसङ्कमिंसु; उपसङ्कमित्वा भगवन्तं अभिवादेत्वा एकमन्तं निसीदिंसु। एकमन्तं निसिन्ना खो ते भिक्खू भगवन्तं एतदवोचुं: “यो सो, भन्ते, पुण्णो नाम कुलपुत्तो भगवता सङ्खित्तेन ओवादेन ओवदितो सो कालङ्कतो। तस्स का गति, को अभिसम्परायो”ति?

    Atha kho sambahulā bhikkhū yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdiṁsu. Ekamantaṁ nisinnā kho te bhikkhū bhagavantaṁ etadavocuṁ: “yo so, bhante, puṇṇo nāma kulaputto bhagavatā saṅkhittena ovādena ovadito so kālaṅkato. Tassa kā gati, ko abhisamparāyo”ti?

    Then several bhikkhus went up to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and said to him, “Sir, the gentleman named Puṇṇa, who was advised in brief by the Buddha, has passed away. Where has he been reborn in his next life?”

    “पण्डितो, भिक्खवे, पुण्णो कुलपुत्तो पच्चपादि धम्मस्सानुधम्मं, न च मं धम्माधिकरणं विहेठेसि। परिनिब्बुतो, भिक्खवे, पुण्णो कुलपुत्तो”ति।

    “Paṇḍito, bhikkhave, puṇṇo kulaputto paccapādi3 dhammassānudhammaṁ, na ca maṁ dhammādhikaraṇaṁ viheṭhesi. Parinibbuto, bhikkhave, puṇṇo kulaputto”ti.

    “Bhikkhus, Puṇṇa was astute. He practiced in line with the teachings, and did not trouble me about the teachings. Puṇṇa has become completely extinguished.”

    इदमवोच भगवा। अत्तमना ते भिक्खू भगवतो भासितं अभिनन्दुन्ति।

    Idamavoca bhagavā. Attamanā te bhikkhū bhagavato bhāsitaṁ abhinandunti.

    That is what the Buddha said. Satisfied, the bhikkhus approved what the Buddha said.

    पुण्णोवादसुत्तं निट्ठितं ततियं।

    Puṇṇovādasuttaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ tatiyaṁ.

    The authoritative text of the Majjhima Nikāya is the Pāli text. The English translation is provided as an aid to the study of the original Pāli text. [CREDITS »]

    1. bhaddakā → bhadrakā (mr)
    2. yaṁ maṁ → yaṁ me (si, pts1ed, mr)
    3. kulaputto paccapādi → saccavādī dhammavādī (mr)

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