Health / Medical Topics |
Natural or acquired mechanisms, functions, activities, or processes exhibited by an organism to maintain immunity to, or to resist the effects of, an antagonistic agent, e.g., pathogenic microorganism, toxin, drug. (NCI Thesaurus)

A topical gel containing the Toll-like receptor (TLR) agonist resiquimod, an imidazoquinolinamine and with potential immunomodulating activity. Resiquimod binds toTLR7 and 8,…

A substance being studied in the treatment of some types of skin cancer. When put on the skin, resiquimod causes some immune…

A naturally occurring capsaicin analog found in the latex of the cactus Euphorbia resinifera with analgesic activity. Resiniferatoxin (RTX) binds to and…

A dental restorative material made up of disparate or separate parts (e.g., resin and quartz particles).

A dental restorative material made up of disparate or separate parts (e.g., resin and quartz particles) in a glass polyalkenoate cement (a…

A semi-solid composed of a mixture of gum and a plant based hydrocarbon.