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Rotator Cuff Injuries
Your rotator cuff is located in your shoulder area. It is made of muscles and tendons. It helps your shoulder to move and stay stable. Problems with the rotator cuff are common. They include tendinitis, bursitis, and injuries such as tears.
Rotator cuff tendons can become inflamed from frequent use or aging. Sometimes they are injured from a fall on an outstretched hand. Sports or jobs with repeated overhead motion can also damage the rotator cuff. Aging causes tendons to wear down, which can lead to a tear.
Some tears are not painful, but others can be very painful. Treatment for a torn rotator cuff depends on age, health, how severe the injury is, and how long you've had the torn rotator cuff.
Treatment for torn rotator cuff includes:
• Rest
• Heat or cold to the sore area
• Medicines that reduce pain and swelling
• Electrical stimulation of muscles and nerves
• Ultrasound
• Cortisone injection
• Surgery (NIH: National Institute on Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease)