Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda

    Sama Veda

    First part, Book 6, Chapter I, Decade IV, Soma, Pavamana

    1. Run onward to the reservoir and seat thee: cleansed by the men speed forward to the battle!
    Making thee glossy like an able courser, forth to the sacred grass with reins they lead thee.

    2. The God declares the deities' generations, like Uaana, proclaiming lofty wisdom.
    With brilliant kin, far-ruling, sanctifying, the wild boar, singing with his foot, advances.

    3. Three are the voices that the car-steed utters: he speaks the lore of prayer, the thought of Order.
    To the cows' master come the cows inquiring: the hymns with eager longing come to Soma.

    4. Made pure by this man's urgent zeal and impulse, the God hath with his juice the Gods pervaded.
    Pressed, singing, to the sieve he goes, as passes the Hotar to enclosures holding cattle.

    5. Father of holy hymns Soma flows onward, the father of the earth, father of heaven;
    Father of Agni, Surya's generator, the father who begat Indra and Vishnu

    6. To him, praiseworthy, sacred tones have sounded, Steer of the triple height, the life-bestower.
    Dwelling in wood, like Varuna, a river, lavishing treasure, he distributes blessings.

    7. Guard of all being, generating creatures, loud roared the sea as highest law commanded.
    Strong, in the filter, on the fleecy summit, pressed from the stone, Soma hath waxen mighty.

    8. Loud neighs the tawny steed when started, settling deep in the wooden vessel while they cleanse him.
    Led by the men he makes the milk his raiment; then shall he, of himself, engender worship.

    9. This thine own Soma, rich in meath, O Indra, the Strong, hath flowed into the Strong One's filter.
    The swift steed, bounteous, giving hundreds, thousands, hath reached the sacred grass which never fails him.

    10. Flow onward, Soma, rich in meath, and holy, enrobed in waters, on the fleecy summit!
    Settle in vessels that are full of fatness, as cheering and most gladdening drink for Indra!


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