Tipiṭaka / Tipiṭaka (English) / Majjhima Nikāya, English translation |
मज्झिम निकाय १२०
Majjhima Nikāya 120
The Middle-Length Suttas Collection 120
Rebirth by Habitual Patterns
एवं मे सुतं—एकं समयं भगवा सावत्थियं विहरति जेतवने अनाथपिण्डिकस्स आरामे। तत्र खो भगवा भिक्खू आमन्तेसि: “भिक्खवो”ति।
Evaṁ me sutaṁ—ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi: “bhikkhavo”ti.
So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. There the Buddha addressed the bhikkhus, “Bhikkhus!”
“भदन्ते”ति ते भिक्खू भगवतो पच्चस्सोसुं। भगवा एतदवोच:
“Bhadante”ti te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṁ. Bhagavā etadavoca:
“Venerable sir,” they replied. The Buddha said this:
“सङ्खारुपपत्तिं वो, भिक्खवे, देसेस्सामि, तं सुणाथ, साधुकं मनसि करोथ, भासिस्सामी”ति।
“saṅkhārupapattiṁ vo, bhikkhave, desessāmi, taṁ suṇātha, sādhukaṁ manasi karotha, bhāsissāmī”ti.
“I shall teach you rebirth by functioning patterns. Listen and apply your mind well, I will speak.”
“एवं, भन्ते”ति खो ते भिक्खू भगवतो पच्चस्सोसुं। भगवा एतदवोच:
“Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṁ. Bhagavā etadavoca:
“Yes, sir,” they replied. The Buddha said this:
“इध, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन समन्नागतो होति, सुतेन समन्नागतो होति, चागेन समन्नागतो होति, पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं कायस्स भेदा परं मरणा खत्तियमहासालानं सहब्यतं उपपज्जेय्यन्ऽति। सो तं चित्तं दहति, तं चित्तं अधिट्ठाति, तं चित्तं भावेति। तस्स ते सङ्खारा च विहारा च एवं भाविता एवं बहुलीकता तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तन्ति। अयं, भिक्खवे, मग्गो अयं पटिपदा तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तति।
“Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena samannāgato hoti, sutena samannāgato hoti, cāgena samannāgato hoti, paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā khattiyamahāsālānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyyan’ti. So taṁ cittaṁ dahati, taṁ cittaṁ adhiṭṭhāti, taṁ cittaṁ bhāveti. Tassa te saṅkhārā ca vihārā ca evaṁ bhāvitā evaṁ bahulīkatā tatrupapattiyā1 saṁvattanti. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattati.
“Take a bhikkhu who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of well-to-do aristocrats!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those functioning patterns and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन समन्नागतो होति, सुतेन समन्नागतो होति, चागेन समन्नागतो होति, पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं कायस्स भेदा परं मरणा ब्राह्मणमहासालानं …पे… गहपतिमहासालानं सहब्यतं उपपज्जेय्यन्ऽति। सो तं चित्तं दहति, तं चित्तं अधिट्ठाति, तं चित्तं भावेति। तस्स ते सङ्खारा च विहारा च एवं भाविता एवं बहुलीकता तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तन्ति। अयं, भिक्खवे, मग्गो अयं पटिपदा तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तति।
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena samannāgato hoti, sutena samannāgato hoti, cāgena samannāgato hoti, paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā brāhmaṇamahāsālānaṁ …pe… gahapatimahāsālānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyyan’ti. So taṁ cittaṁ dahati, taṁ cittaṁ adhiṭṭhāti, taṁ cittaṁ bhāveti. Tassa te saṅkhārā ca vihārā ca evaṁ bhāvitā evaṁ bahulīkatā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattanti. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattati.
Furthermore, take a bhikkhu who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of well-to-do brahmins … well-to-do householders.’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those functioning patterns and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन समन्नागतो होति, सुतेन समन्नागतो होति, चागेन समन्नागतो होति, पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स सुतं होति: ‘चातुमहाराजिका देवा दीघायुका वण्णवन्तो सुखबहुलाऽति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं कायस्स भेदा परं मरणा चातुमहाराजिकानं देवानं सहब्यतं उपपज्जेय्यन्ऽति। सो तं चित्तं दहति, तं चित्तं अधिट्ठाति, तं चित्तं भावेति। तस्स ते सङ्खारा च विहारा च एवं भाविता एवं बहुलीकता तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तन्ति। अयं, भिक्खवे, मग्गो अयं पटिपदा तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तति।
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena samannāgato hoti, sutena samannāgato hoti, cāgena samannāgato hoti, paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa sutaṁ hoti: ‘cātumahārājikā2 devā dīghāyukā vaṇṇavanto sukhabahulā’ti. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā cātumahārājikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyyan’ti. So taṁ cittaṁ dahati, taṁ cittaṁ adhiṭṭhāti, taṁ cittaṁ bhāveti. Tassa te saṅkhārā ca vihārā ca evaṁ bhāvitā evaṁ bahulīkatā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattanti. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattati.
Furthermore, take a bhikkhu who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. And they’ve heard: ‘The Gods of the Four Great Kings are long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’ They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of the Gods of the Four Great Kings!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those functioning patterns and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन समन्नागतो होति, सुतेन समन्नागतो होति, चागेन समन्नागतो होति, पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स सुतं होति—तावतिंसा देवा …पे… यामा देवा … तुसिता देवा … निम्मानरती देवा … परनिम्मितवसवत्ती देवा दीघायुका वण्णवन्तो सुखबहुलाति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं कायस्स भेदा परं मरणा परनिम्मितवसवत्तीनं देवानं सहब्यतं उपपज्जेय्यन्ऽति। सो तं चित्तं दहति, तं चित्तं अधिट्ठाति, तं चित्तं भावेति। तस्स ते सङ्खारा च विहारा च एवं भाविता एवं बहुलीकता तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तन्ति। अयं, भिक्खवे, मग्गो अयं पटिपदा तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तति।
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena samannāgato hoti, sutena samannāgato hoti, cāgena samannāgato hoti, paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa sutaṁ hoti—tāvatiṁsā devā …pe… yāmā devā … tusitā devā … nimmānaratī devā … paranimmitavasavattī devā dīghāyukā vaṇṇavanto sukhabahulāti. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā paranimmitavasavattīnaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyyan’ti. So taṁ cittaṁ dahati, taṁ cittaṁ adhiṭṭhāti, taṁ cittaṁ bhāveti. Tassa te saṅkhārā ca vihārā ca evaṁ bhāvitā evaṁ bahulīkatā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattanti. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattati.
Furthermore, take a bhikkhu who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. And they’ve heard: ‘The Gods of the Thirty-Three … the Gods of Yama … the Joyful Gods … the Gods Who Love to Create … the Gods Who Control the Creations of Others are long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’ They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of the Gods Who Control the Creations of Others!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those functioning patterns and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन समन्नागतो होति, सुतेन समन्नागतो होति, चागेन समन्नागतो होति, पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स सुतं होति: ‘सहस्सो ब्रह्मा दीघायुको वण्णवा सुखबहुलोऽति। सहस्सो, भिक्खवे, ब्रह्मा सहस्सिलोकधातुं फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। येपि तत्थ सत्ता उपपन्ना तेपि फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। सेय्यथापि, भिक्खवे, चक्खुमा पुरिसो एकं आमण्डं हत्थे करित्वा पच्चवेक्खेय्य; एवमेव खो, भिक्खवे, सहस्सो ब्रह्मा सहस्सिलोकधातुं फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। येपि तत्थ सत्ता उपपन्ना तेपि फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं कायस्स भेदा परं मरणा सहस्सस्स ब्रह्मुनो सहब्यतं उपपज्जेय्यन्ऽति। सो तं चित्तं दहति, तं चित्तं अधिट्ठाति, तं चित्तं भावेति। तस्स ते सङ्खारा च विहारा च एवं भाविता एवं बहुलीकता तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तन्ति। अयं, भिक्खवे, मग्गो अयं पटिपदा तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तति।
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena samannāgato hoti, sutena samannāgato hoti, cāgena samannāgato hoti, paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa sutaṁ hoti: ‘sahasso brahmā dīghāyuko vaṇṇavā sukhabahulo’ti. Sahasso, bhikkhave, brahmā sahassilokadhātuṁ pharitvā adhimuccitvā3 viharati. Yepi tattha sattā upapannā tepi pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, cakkhumā puriso ekaṁ āmaṇḍaṁ hatthe karitvā paccavekkheyya; evameva kho, bhikkhave, sahasso brahmā sahassilokadhātuṁ pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Yepi tattha sattā upapannā tepi pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sahassassa brahmuno sahabyataṁ upapajjeyyan’ti. So taṁ cittaṁ dahati, taṁ cittaṁ adhiṭṭhāti, taṁ cittaṁ bhāveti. Tassa te saṅkhārā ca vihārā ca evaṁ bhāvitā evaṁ bahulīkatā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattanti. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattati.
Furthermore, take a bhikkhu who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. And they’ve heard: ‘The Brahmā of a thousand is long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’ Now the Brahmā of a thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of a thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. As a person might pick up a gallnut in their hand and examine it, so too the Brahmā of a thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of a thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of the Brahmā of a thousand!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those functioning patterns and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन समन्नागतो होति, सुतेन … चागेन … पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स सुतं होति—द्विसहस्सो ब्रह्मा …पे… तिसहस्सो ब्रह्मा … चतुसहस्सो ब्रह्मा … पञ्चसहस्सो ब्रह्मा दीघायुको वण्णवा सुखबहुलोति। पञ्चसहस्सो, भिक्खवे, ब्रह्मा पञ्चसहस्सिलोकधातुं फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। येपि तत्थ सत्ता उपपन्ना तेपि फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। सेय्यथापि, भिक्खवे, चक्खुमा पुरिसो पञ्च आमण्डानि हत्थे करित्वा पच्चवेक्खेय्य; एवमेव खो, भिक्खवे, पञ्चसहस्सो ब्रह्मा पञ्चसहस्सिलोकधातुं फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। येपि तत्थ सत्ता उपपन्ना तेपि फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं कायस्स भेदा परं मरणा पञ्चसहस्सस्स ब्रह्मुनो सहब्यतं उपपज्जेय्यन्ऽति। सो तं चित्तं दहति, तं चित्तं अधिट्ठाति, तं चित्तं भावेति। तस्स ते सङ्खारा च विहारा च एवं भाविता एवं बहुलीकता तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तन्ति। अयं, भिक्खवे, मग्गो अयं पटिपदा तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तति।
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena samannāgato hoti, sutena … cāgena … paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa sutaṁ hoti—dvisahasso brahmā …pe… tisahasso brahmā … catusahasso brahmā … pañcasahasso brahmā dīghāyuko vaṇṇavā sukhabahuloti. Pañcasahasso, bhikkhave, brahmā pañcasahassilokadhātuṁ pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Yepi tattha sattā upapannā tepi pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, cakkhumā puriso pañca āmaṇḍāni hatthe karitvā paccavekkheyya; evameva kho, bhikkhave, pañcasahasso brahmā pañcasahassilokadhātuṁ pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Yepi tattha sattā upapannā tepi pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā pañcasahassassa brahmuno sahabyataṁ upapajjeyyan’ti. So taṁ cittaṁ dahati, taṁ cittaṁ adhiṭṭhāti, taṁ cittaṁ bhāveti. Tassa te saṅkhārā ca vihārā ca evaṁ bhāvitā evaṁ bahulīkatā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattanti. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattati.
Furthermore, take a bhikkhu who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. And they’ve heard: ‘The Brahmā of two thousand … the Brahmā of three thousand … the Brahmā of four thousand … the Brahmā of five thousand is long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’ Now the Brahmā of five thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of five thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. As a person might pick up five gallnuts in their hand and examine them, so too the Brahmā of five thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of five thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of the Brahmā of five thousand!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those functioning patterns and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन समन्नागतो होति, सुतेन … चागेन … पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स सुतं होति: ‘दससहस्सो ब्रह्मा दीघायुको वण्णवा सुखबहुलोऽति। दससहस्सो, भिक्खवे, ब्रह्मा दससहस्सिलोकधातुं फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। येपि तत्थ सत्ता उपपन्ना तेपि फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। सेय्यथापि, भिक्खवे, मणि वेळुरियो सुभो जातिमा अट्ठंसो सुपरिकम्मकतो पण्डुकम्बले निक्खित्तो भासते च तपते च विरोचति च; एवमेव खो, भिक्खवे, दससहस्सो ब्रह्मा दससहस्सिलोकधातुं फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। येपि तत्थ सत्ता उपपन्ना तेपि फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं कायस्स भेदा परं मरणा दससहस्सस्स ब्रह्मुनो सहब्यतं उपपज्जेय्यन्ऽति। सो तं चित्तं दहति, तं चित्तं अधिट्ठाति, तं चित्तं भावेति। तस्स ते सङ्खारा च विहारा च एवं भाविता एवं बहुलीकता तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तन्ति। अयं, भिक्खवे, मग्गो अयं पटिपदा तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तति।
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena samannāgato hoti, sutena … cāgena … paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa sutaṁ hoti: ‘dasasahasso brahmā dīghāyuko vaṇṇavā sukhabahulo’ti. Dasasahasso, bhikkhave, brahmā dasasahassilokadhātuṁ pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Yepi tattha sattā upapannā tepi pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, maṇi veḷuriyo subho jātimā aṭṭhaṁso suparikammakato paṇḍukambale nikkhitto bhāsate ca tapate ca4 virocati ca; evameva kho, bhikkhave, dasasahasso brahmā dasasahassilokadhātuṁ pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Yepi tattha sattā upapannā tepi pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā dasasahassassa brahmuno sahabyataṁ upapajjeyyan’ti. So taṁ cittaṁ dahati, taṁ cittaṁ adhiṭṭhāti, taṁ cittaṁ bhāveti. Tassa te saṅkhārā ca vihārā ca evaṁ bhāvitā evaṁ bahulīkatā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattanti. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattati.
Furthermore, take a bhikkhu who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. And they’ve heard: ‘The Brahmā of ten thousand is long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’ Now the Brahmā of ten thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of ten thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. Suppose there was a beryl gem that was naturally beautiful, eight-faceted, well-worked. When placed on a cream rug it would shine and glow and radiate. In the same way the Brahmā of ten thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of ten thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of the Brahmā of ten thousand!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those functioning patterns and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन … सुतेन … चागेन … पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स सुतं होति: ‘सतसहस्सो ब्रह्मा दीघायुको वण्णवा सुखबहुलोऽति। सतसहस्सो, भिक्खवे, ब्रह्मा सतसहस्सिलोकधातुं फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। येपि तत्थ सत्ता उपपन्ना तेपि फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। सेय्यथापि, भिक्खवे, निक्खं जम्बोनदं दक्खकम्मारपुत्तौक्कामुखसुकुसलसम्पहट्ठं पण्डुकम्बले निक्खित्तं भासते च तपते च विरोचति च; एवमेव खो, भिक्खवे, सतसहस्सो ब्रह्मा सतसहस्सिलोकधातुं फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। येपि तत्थ सत्ता उपपन्ना तेपि फरित्वा अधिमुच्चित्वा विहरति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं कायस्स भेदा परं मरणा सतसहस्सस्स ब्रह्मुनो सहब्यतं उपपज्जेय्यन्ऽति। सो तं चित्तं दहति, तं चित्तं अधिट्ठाति, तं चित्तं भावेति। तस्स ते सङ्खारा च विहारा च एवं भाविता एवं बहुलीकता तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तन्ति। अयं, भिक्खवे, मग्गो अयं पटिपदा तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तति।
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena … sutena … cāgena … paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa sutaṁ hoti: ‘satasahasso brahmā dīghāyuko vaṇṇavā sukhabahulo’ti. Satasahasso, bhikkhave, brahmā satasahassilokadhātuṁ pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Yepi tattha sattā upapannā tepi pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, nikkhaṁ5 jambonadaṁ dakkhakammāraputtaukkāmukhasukusalasampahaṭṭhaṁ paṇḍukambale nikkhittaṁ bhāsate ca tapate ca virocati ca; evameva kho, bhikkhave, satasahasso brahmā satasahassilokadhātuṁ pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Yepi tattha sattā upapannā tepi pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā satasahassassa brahmuno sahabyataṁ upapajjeyyan’ti. So taṁ cittaṁ dahati, taṁ cittaṁ adhiṭṭhāti, taṁ cittaṁ bhāveti. Tassa te saṅkhārā ca vihārā ca evaṁ bhāvitā evaṁ bahulīkatā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattanti. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattati.
Furthermore, take a bhikkhu who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. And they’ve heard: ‘The Brahmā of a hundred thousand is long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’ Now the Brahmā of a hundred thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of a hundred thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. Suppose there was a pendant of river gold, fashioned by a deft smith, well wrought in the forge. When placed on a cream rug it would shine and glow and radiate. In the same way the Brahmā of a hundred thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of a hundred thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of the Brahmā of a hundred thousand!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those functioning patterns and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन … सुतेन … चागेन … पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स सुतं होति—आभा देवा …पे… परित्ताभा देवा … अप्पमाणाभा देवा … आभस्सरा देवा दीघायुका वण्णवन्तो सुखबहुलाति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं कायस्स भेदा परं मरणा आभस्सरानं देवानं सहब्यतं उपपज्जेय्यन्ऽति। सो तं चित्तं दहति, तं चित्तं अधिट्ठाति, तं चित्तं भावेति। तस्स ते सङ्खारा च विहारा च एवं भाविता एवं बहुलीकता तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तन्ति। अयं, भिक्खवे, मग्गो अयं पटिपदा तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तति। पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन … सुतेन … चागेन … पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स सुतं होति—परित्तसुभा देवा …पे… अप्पमाणसुभा देवा … सुभकिण्हा देवा दीघायुका वण्णवन्तो सुखबहुलाति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं कायस्स भेदा परं मरणा सुभकिण्हानं देवानं सहब्यतं उपपज्जेय्यन्ऽति। सो तं चित्तं दहति, तं चित्तं अधिट्ठाति, तं चित्तं भावेति। तस्स ते सङ्खारा च विहारा च एवं भाविता एवं बहुलीकता तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तन्ति। अयं, भिक्खवे, मग्गो अयं पटिपदा तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तति। पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन … सुतेन … चागेन … पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स सुतं होति—वेहप्फला देवा …पे… अविहा देवा … अतप्पा देवा … सुदस्सा देवा … सुदस्सी देवा … अकनिट्ठा देवा दीघायुका वण्णवन्तो सुखबहुलाति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं कायस्स भेदा परं मरणा अकनिट्ठानं देवानं सहब्यतं उपपज्जेय्यन्ऽति। सो तं चित्तं दहति, तं चित्तं अधिट्ठाति, तं चित्तं भावेति। तस्स ते सङ्खारा च विहारा च एवं भाविता एवं बहुलीकता तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तन्ति। अयं, भिक्खवे, मग्गो अयं पटिपदा तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तति। पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन … सुतेन … चागेन … पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स सुतं होति: ‘आकासानञ्चायतनूपगा देवा दीघायुका चिरट्ठितिका सुखबहुलाऽति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं कायस्स भेदा परं मरणा आकासानञ्चायतनूपगानं देवानं सहब्यतं उपपज्जेय्यन्ऽति। सो तं चित्तं दहति, तं चित्तं अधिट्ठाति, तं चित्तं भावेति। तस्स ते सङ्खारा च विहारा च एवं भाविता एवं बहुलीकता तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तन्ति। अयं, भिक्खवे, मग्गो अयं पटिपदा तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तति। पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन … सुतेन … चागेन … पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स सुतं होति: ‘विञ्ञाणञ्चायतनूपगा देवा दीघायुका चिरट्ठितिका सुखबहुलाऽति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं कायस्स भेदा परं मरणा विञ्ञाणञ्चायतनूपगानं देवानं सहब्यतं उपपज्जेय्यन्ऽति। सो तं चित्तं दहति, तं चित्तं अधिट्ठाति, तं चित्तं भावेति। तस्स ते सङ्खारा च विहारा च एवं भाविता एवं बहुलीकता तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तन्ति। अयं, भिक्खवे, मग्गो अयं पटिपदा तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तति। पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन … सुतेन … चागेन … पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स सुतं होति—आकिञ्चञ्ञायतनूपगा देवा …पे… नेवसञ्ञानासञ्ञायतनूपगा देवा दीघायुका चिरट्ठितिका सुखबहुलाति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं कायस्स भेदा परं मरणा नेवसञ्ञानासञ्ञायतनूपगानं देवानं सहब्यतं उपपज्जेय्यन्ऽति। सो तं चित्तं दहति, तं चित्तं अधिट्ठाति, तं चित्तं भावेति। तस्स ते सङ्खारा च विहारा च एवं भाविता एवं बहुलीकता तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तन्ति। अयं, भिक्खवे, मग्गो अयं पटिपदा तत्रुपपत्तिया संवत्तति।
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena … sutena … cāgena … paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa sutaṁ hoti—ābhā devā …pe… parittābhā devā … appamāṇābhā devā … ābhassarā devā dīghāyukā vaṇṇavanto sukhabahulāti. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā ābhassarānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyyan’ti. So taṁ cittaṁ dahati, taṁ cittaṁ adhiṭṭhāti, taṁ cittaṁ bhāveti. Tassa te saṅkhārā ca vihārā ca evaṁ bhāvitā evaṁ bahulīkatā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattanti. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattati. Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena … sutena … cāgena … paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa sutaṁ hoti—parittasubhā devā …pe… appamāṇasubhā devā … subhakiṇhā devā dīghāyukā vaṇṇavanto sukhabahulāti. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā subhakiṇhānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyyan’ti. So taṁ cittaṁ dahati, taṁ cittaṁ adhiṭṭhāti, taṁ cittaṁ bhāveti. Tassa te saṅkhārā ca vihārā ca evaṁ bhāvitā evaṁ bahulīkatā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattanti. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattati. Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena … sutena … cāgena … paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa sutaṁ hoti—vehapphalā devā …pe… avihā devā … atappā devā … sudassā devā … sudassī devā … akaniṭṭhā devā dīghāyukā vaṇṇavanto sukhabahulāti. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā akaniṭṭhānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyyan’ti. So taṁ cittaṁ dahati, taṁ cittaṁ adhiṭṭhāti, taṁ cittaṁ bhāveti. Tassa te saṅkhārā ca vihārā ca evaṁ bhāvitā evaṁ bahulīkatā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattanti. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattati. Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena … sutena … cāgena … paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa sutaṁ hoti: ‘ākāsānañcāyatanūpagā devā dīghāyukā ciraṭṭhitikā sukhabahulā’ti. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā ākāsānañcāyatanūpagānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyyan’ti. So taṁ cittaṁ dahati, taṁ cittaṁ adhiṭṭhāti, taṁ cittaṁ bhāveti. Tassa te saṅkhārā ca vihārā ca evaṁ bhāvitā evaṁ bahulīkatā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattanti. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattati. Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena … sutena … cāgena … paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa sutaṁ hoti: ‘viññāṇañcāyatanūpagā devā dīghāyukā ciraṭṭhitikā sukhabahulā’ti. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā viññāṇañcāyatanūpagānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyyan’ti. So taṁ cittaṁ dahati, taṁ cittaṁ adhiṭṭhāti, taṁ cittaṁ bhāveti. Tassa te saṅkhārā ca vihārā ca evaṁ bhāvitā evaṁ bahulīkatā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattanti. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattati. Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena … sutena … cāgena … paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa sutaṁ hoti—ākiñcaññāyatanūpagā devā …pe… nevasaññānāsaññāyatanūpagā devā dīghāyukā ciraṭṭhitikā sukhabahulāti. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā nevasaññānāsaññāyatanūpagānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyyan’ti. So taṁ cittaṁ dahati, taṁ cittaṁ adhiṭṭhāti, taṁ cittaṁ bhāveti. Tassa te saṅkhārā ca vihārā ca evaṁ bhāvitā evaṁ bahulīkatā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattanti. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā tatrupapattiyā saṁvattati.
Furthermore, take a bhikkhu who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. And they’ve heard: ‘The Radiant Gods … the Gods of Limited Radiance … the Gods of Limitless Radiance … the Gods of Streaming Radiance … the Gods of Limited Glory … the Gods of Limitless Glory … the Gods Replete with Glory … the Gods of Abundant Fruit … the Gods of Aviha … the Gods of Atappa … the Gods Fair to See … the Fair Seeing Gods … the Gods of Akaniṭṭha … the gods of the dimension of infinite space … the gods of the dimension of infinite consciousness … the gods of the dimension of nothingness … the gods of the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception are long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’ They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of the gods of the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those functioning patterns and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु सद्धाय समन्नागतो होति, सीलेन … सुतेन … चागेन … पञ्ञाय समन्नागतो होति। तस्स एवं होति: ‘अहो वताहं आसवानं खया अनासवं चेतोविमुत्तिं पञ्ञाविमुत्तिं दिट्ठेव धम्मे सयं अभिञ्ञा सच्छिकत्वा उपसम्पज्ज विहरेय्यन्ऽति। सो आसवानं खया अनासवं चेतोविमुत्तिं पञ्ञाविमुत्तिं दिट्ठेव धम्मे सयं अभिञ्ञा सच्छिकत्वा उपसम्पज्ज विहरति। अयं, भिक्खवे, भिक्खु न कत्थचि उपपज्जती”ति।
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhāya samannāgato hoti, sīlena … sutena … cāgena … paññāya samannāgato hoti. Tassa evaṁ hoti: ‘aho vatāhaṁ āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja vihareyyan’ti. So āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharati. Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu na katthaci upapajjatī”ti.
Furthermore, take a bhikkhu who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. They think: ‘If only I might realize the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life, and live having realized it with my own insight due to the ending of defilements.’ They realize the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life. And they live having realized it with their own insight due to the ending of defilements. And, bhikkhus, that bhikkhu is not reborn anywhere.”
इदमवोच भगवा। अत्तमना ते भिक्खू भगवतो भासितं अभिनन्दुन्ति।
Idamavoca bhagavā. Attamanā te bhikkhū bhagavato bhāsitaṁ abhinandunti.
That is what the Buddha said. Satisfied, the bhikkhus approved what the Buddha said.
सङ्खारुपपत्तिसुत्तं निट्ठितं दसमं।
Saṅkhārupapattisuttaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ dasamaṁ.
अनुपदवग्गो निट्ठितो दुतियो।
Anupadavaggo niṭṭhito dutiyo.
अनुपद सोधन पोरिसधम्मो, सेवितब्ब बहुधातु विभत्ति; बुद्धस्स कित्तिनाम चत्तारीसेन, आनापानो कायगतो उपपत्ति।
Anupada sodhana porisadhammo, Sevitabba bahudhātu vibhatti; Buddhassa kittināma cattārīsena, Ānāpāno kāyagato upapatti.
The authoritative text of the Majjhima Nikāya is the Pāli text. The English translation is provided as an aid to the study of the original Pāli text. [CREDITS »]