Library / English Dictionary


    Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

     I. (noun) 

    Sense 1


    Structure displaying a board on which advertisements can be postedplay


    the highway was lined with signboards


    sign; signboard

    Classified under:

    Nouns denoting man-made objects

    Hypernyms ("signboard" is a kind of...):

    construction; structure (a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts)

    Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "signboard"):

    billboard; hoarding (large outdoor signboard)

    sandwich board (signboard consisting of two hinged boards that hang front and back from the shoulders of a walker and are used to display advertisements)

    scoreboard (a large board for displaying the score of a contest (and some other information))

    shingle (a small signboard outside the office of a lawyer or doctor, e.g.)


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