Health / Medical Topics

    Sinciput Presentation

    A fetal position during delivery in which the frontal part of the skull including forehead and the top of the head is first to descend into the birth canal. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Subsequent to; after.
    A synthetic C-terminal octapeptide identical to the sequences of the endogenous cholecystokinin hormone. Mimic action of cholecystokinin, sincalide induces gallbladder smooth muscle…
    A drug used to lower the amount of cholesterol and other harmful substances in the blood, such as triglycerides. It is also…
    The concurrent presence of three copies each of chromosomes 4 and 10.
    A symptom describing the inability to comprehend more than one element of a visual picture at a given moment, or to integrate…
    A device designed to create a test or training environment that approximates actual conditions.

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