Health / Medical Topics


    Where something is available or from where it originates. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A phonetic algorithm for indexing words by sound so that similar sounding words are encoded the same.
    A sterilization process that uses high-frequency sound waves to kill microorganisms.
    A device or material designed to attenuate sound energy.
    Mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium; the subjective sensation of hearing something; an audible event.
    The acetate salt form of sotrastaurin, an orally available pan-protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor with potential immunosuppressive and antineoplastic activities. Sotrastaurin inhibits…
    An orally available pan-protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor with potential immunosuppressive and antineoplastic activities. Sotrastaurin inhibits both T- and B-cell activations via…

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