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    Stage II laryngeal cancer


    Definition 1

    Stage II depends on where the cancer started. If it started in the supraglottis, then cancer is in more than one area of the supraglottis or surrounding tissue. If it started in the glottis, then cancer has spread to the supraglottis and/or the subglottis, and/or the vocal cords cannot move normally. If it started in the subglottis, then cancer has spread to one or both vocal cords, which may not move normally. (NCI Dictionary)

    Definition 2

    Stage II includes: T2, N0, M0. T2: (Supraglottis) Tumor invades mucosa of more than one adjacent subsite of supraglottis or glottis or region outside the supraglottis (e.g., mucosa of base of tongue, vallecula, medial wall of pyriform sinus) without fixation of the larynx. (Glottis) Tumor extends to supraglottis and/or subglottis, and/or with impaired vocal cord mobility. (Subglottis) Tumor extends to vocal cord(s) with normal or impaired mobility. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 6th and 7th eds.) (NCI Thesaurus)


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