A World of Knowledge
    Tipiṭaka / Tipiṭaka (English) / Majjhima Nikāya, English translation

    मज्झिम निकाय ५६

    Majjhima Nikāya 56

    The Middle-Length Suttas Collection 56



    With Upāli

    एवं मे सुतं—एकं समयं भगवा नाळन्दायं विहरति पावारिकम्बवने।

    Evaṁ me sutaṁ—ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā nāḷandāyaṁ viharati pāvārikambavane.

    So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying near Nāḷandā in Pāvārika’s mango grove.

    तेन खो पन समयेन निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो नाळन्दायं पटिवसति महतिया निगण्ठपरिसाय सद्धिं। अथ खो दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो नाळन्दायं पिण्डाय चरित्वा पच्छाभत्तं पिण्डपातपटिक्कन्तो येन पावारिकम्बवनं येन भगवा तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा भगवता सद्धिं सम्मोदि।

    Tena kho pana samayena nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto1 nāḷandāyaṁ paṭivasati mahatiyā nigaṇṭhaparisāya saddhiṁ. Atha kho dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho nāḷandāyaṁ piṇḍāya caritvā pacchābhattaṁ piṇḍapātapaṭikkanto yena pāvārikambavanaṁ yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavatā saddhiṁ sammodi.

    At that time the Jain ascetic of the Ñātika clan was residing at Nāḷandā together with a large assembly of Jain ascetics. Then the Jain ascetic Dīgha Tapassī wandered for alms in Nāḷandā. After the meal, on his return from almsround, he went to Pāvārika’s mango grove. There he approached the Buddha, and exchanged greetings with him.

    सम्मोदनीयं कथं सारणीयं वीतिसारेत्वा एकमन्तं अट्ठासि। एकमन्तं ठितं खो दीघतपस्सिं निगण्ठं भगवा एतदवोच: “संविज्जन्ति खो, तपस्सि, आसनानि; सचे आकङ्खसि निसीदा”ति।

    Sammodanīyaṁ kathaṁ sāraṇīyaṁ vītisāretvā ekamantaṁ aṭṭhāsi. Ekamantaṁ ṭhitaṁ kho dīghatapassiṁ nigaṇṭhaṁ bhagavā etadavoca: “saṁvijjanti kho, tapassi, āsanāni; sace ākaṅkhasi nisīdā”ti.

    When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he stood to one side. The Buddha said to him, “There are seats, Tapassī. Please sit if you wish.”

    एवं वुत्ते, दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो अञ्ञतरं नीचं आसनं गहेत्वा एकमन्तं निसीदि। एकमन्तं निसिन्नं खो दीघतपस्सिं निगण्ठं भगवा एतदवोच: “कति पन, तपस्सि, निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो कम्मानि पञ्ञपेति पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया”ति?

    Evaṁ vutte, dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho aññataraṁ nīcaṁ āsanaṁ gahetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinnaṁ kho dīghatapassiṁ nigaṇṭhaṁ bhagavā etadavoca: “kati pana, tapassi, nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto kammāni paññapeti pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā”ti?

    When he said this, Dīgha Tapassī took a low seat and sat to one side. The Buddha said to him, “Tapassī, how many kinds of deed does the Jain ascetic of the Ñātika clan describe for performing bad deeds?”

    “न खो, आवुसो गोतम, आचिण्णं निगण्ठस्स नाटपुत्तस्स ‘कम्मं, कम्मन्ऽति पञ्ञपेतुं; ‘दण्डं, दण्डन्ऽति खो, आवुसो गोतम, आचिण्णं निगण्ठस्स नाटपुत्तस्स पञ्ञपेतुन्”ति।

    “Na kho, āvuso gotama, āciṇṇaṁ nigaṇṭhassa nāṭaputtassa ‘kammaṁ, kamman’ti paññapetuṁ; ‘daṇḍaṁ, daṇḍan’ti kho, āvuso gotama, āciṇṇaṁ nigaṇṭhassa nāṭaputtassa paññapetun”ti.

    “Friend Gotama, the Jain Ñātika doesn’t usually speak in terms of ‘deeds’. He usually speaks in terms of ‘rods’.”

    “कति पन, तपस्सि, निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो दण्डानि पञ्ञपेति पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया”ति?

    “Kati pana, tapassi, nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto daṇḍāni paññapeti pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā”ti?

    “Then how many kinds of rod does the Jain Ñātika describe for performing bad deeds?”

    “तीणि खो, आवुसो गोतम, निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो दण्डानि पञ्ञपेति पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तियाति, सेय्यथिदं—कायदण्डं, वचीदण्डं, मनोदण्डन्”ति।

    “Tīṇi kho, āvuso gotama, nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto daṇḍāni paññapeti pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyāti, seyyathidaṁ—kāyadaṇḍaṁ, vacīdaṇḍaṁ, manodaṇḍan”ti.

    “The Jain Ñātika describes three kinds of rod for performing bad deeds: the physical rod, the verbal rod, and the mental rod.”

    “किं पन, तपस्सि, अञ्ञदेव कायदण्डं, अञ्ञं वचीदण्डं, अञ्ञं मनोदण्डन्”ति?

    “Kiṁ pana, tapassi, aññadeva kāyadaṇḍaṁ, aññaṁ vacīdaṇḍaṁ, aññaṁ manodaṇḍan”ti?

    “But are these kinds of rod all distinct from each other?”

    “अञ्ञदेव, आवुसो गोतम, कायदण्डं, अञ्ञं वचीदण्डं, अञ्ञं मनोदण्डन्”ति।

    “Aññadeva, āvuso gotama, kāyadaṇḍaṁ, aññaṁ vacīdaṇḍaṁ, aññaṁ manodaṇḍan”ti.

    “Yes, each is quite distinct.”

    “इमेसं पन, तपस्सि, तिण्णं दण्डानं एवं पटिविभत्तानं एवं पटिविसिट्ठानं कतमं दण्डं निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो महासावज्जतरं पञ्ञपेति पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया, यदि वा कायदण्डं, यदि वा वचीदण्डं, यदि वा मनोदण्डन्”ति?

    “Imesaṁ pana, tapassi, tiṇṇaṁ daṇḍānaṁ evaṁ paṭivibhattānaṁ evaṁ paṭivisiṭṭhānaṁ katamaṁ daṇḍaṁ nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto mahāsāvajjataraṁ paññapeti pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā, yadi vā kāyadaṇḍaṁ, yadi vā vacīdaṇḍaṁ, yadi vā manodaṇḍan”ti?

    “Of the three rods thus analyzed and differentiated, which rod does the Jain Ñātika describe as being the most blameworthy for performing bad deeds: the physical rod, the verbal rod, or the mental rod?”

    “इमेसं खो, आवुसो गोतम, तिण्णं दण्डानं एवं पटिविभत्तानं एवं पटिविसिट्ठानं कायदण्डं निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो महासावज्जतरं पञ्ञपेति पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया, नो तथा वचीदण्डं, नो तथा मनोदण्डन्”ति।

    “Imesaṁ kho, āvuso gotama, tiṇṇaṁ daṇḍānaṁ evaṁ paṭivibhattānaṁ evaṁ paṭivisiṭṭhānaṁ kāyadaṇḍaṁ nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto mahāsāvajjataraṁ paññapeti pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā, no tathā vacīdaṇḍaṁ, no tathā manodaṇḍan”ti.

    “The the Jain Ñātika describes the physical rod as being the most blameworthy for performing bad deeds, not so much the verbal rod or the mental rod.”

    “कायदण्डन्ति, तपस्सि, वदेसि”?

    “Kāyadaṇḍanti, tapassi, vadesi”?

    “Do you say the physical rod, Tapassī?”

    “कायदण्डन्ति, आवुसो गोतम, वदामि”।

    “Kāyadaṇḍanti, āvuso gotama, vadāmi”.

    “I say the physical rod, Friend Gotama.”

    “कायदण्डन्ति, तपस्सि, वदेसि”?

    “Kāyadaṇḍanti, tapassi, vadesi”?

    “Do you say the physical rod, Tapassī?”

    “कायदण्डन्ति, आवुसो गोतम, वदामि”।

    “Kāyadaṇḍanti, āvuso gotama, vadāmi”.

    “I say the physical rod, Friend Gotama.”

    “कायदण्डन्ति, तपस्सि, वदेसि”?

    “Kāyadaṇḍanti, tapassi, vadesi”?

    “Do you say the physical rod, Tapassī?”

    “कायदण्डन्ति, आवुसो गोतम, वदामी”ति।

    “Kāyadaṇḍanti, āvuso gotama, vadāmī”ti.

    “I say the physical rod, Friend Gotama.”

    इतिह भगवा दीघतपस्सिं निगण्ठं इमस्मिं कथावत्थुस्मिं यावततियकं पतिट्ठापेसि।

    Itiha bhagavā dīghatapassiṁ nigaṇṭhaṁ imasmiṁ kathāvatthusmiṁ yāvatatiyakaṁ patiṭṭhāpesi.

    Thus the Buddha made Dīgha Tapassī stand by this point up to the third time.

    एवं वुत्ते, दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो भगवन्तं एतदवोच: “त्वं पनावुसो गोतम, कति दण्डानि पञ्ञपेसि पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया”ति?

    Evaṁ vutte, dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: “tvaṁ panāvuso gotama, kati daṇḍāni paññapesi pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā”ti?

    When this was said, Dīgha Tapassī said to the Buddha, “But Friend Gotama, how many kinds of rod do you describe for performing bad deeds?”

    “न खो, तपस्सि, आचिण्णं तथागतस्स ‘दण्डं, दण्डन्ऽति पञ्ञपेतुं; ‘कम्मं, कम्मन्ऽति खो, तपस्सि, आचिण्णं तथागतस्स पञ्ञपेतुन्”ति?

    “Na kho, tapassi, āciṇṇaṁ tathāgatassa ‘daṇḍaṁ, daṇḍan’ti paññapetuṁ; ‘kammaṁ, kamman’ti kho, tapassi, āciṇṇaṁ tathāgatassa paññapetun”ti?

    “Tapassī, the Realized One doesn’t usually speak in terms of ‘rods’. He usually speaks in terms of ‘deeds’.”

    “त्वं पनावुसो गोतम, कति कम्मानि पञ्ञपेसि पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया”ति?

    “Tvaṁ panāvuso gotama, kati kammāni paññapesi pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā”ti?

    “Then how many kinds of deed do you describe for performing bad deeds?”

    “तीणि खो अहं, तपस्सि, कम्मानि पञ्ञपेमि पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया, सेय्यथिदं—कायकम्मं, वचीकम्मं, मनोकम्मन्”ति।

    “Tīṇi kho ahaṁ, tapassi, kammāni paññapemi pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā, seyyathidaṁ—kāyakammaṁ, vacīkammaṁ, manokamman”ti.

    “I describe three kinds of deed for performing bad deeds: physical deeds, verbal deeds, and mental deeds.”

    “किं पनावुसो गोतम, अञ्ञदेव कायकम्मं, अञ्ञं वचीकम्मं, अञ्ञं मनोकम्मन्”ति?

    “Kiṁ panāvuso gotama, aññadeva kāyakammaṁ, aññaṁ vacīkammaṁ, aññaṁ manokamman”ti?

    “But are these kinds of deed all distinct from each other?”

    “अञ्ञदेव, तपस्सि, कायकम्मं, अञ्ञं वचीकम्मं, अञ्ञं मनोकम्मन्”ति।

    “Aññadeva, tapassi, kāyakammaṁ, aññaṁ vacīkammaṁ, aññaṁ manokamman”ti.

    “Yes, each is quite distinct.”

    “इमेसं पनावुसो गोतम, तिण्णं कम्मानं एवं पटिविभत्तानं एवं पटिविसिट्ठानं कतमं कम्मं महासावज्जतरं पञ्ञपेसि पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया, यदि वा कायकम्मं, यदि वा वचीकम्मं, यदि वा मनोकम्मन्”ति?

    “Imesaṁ panāvuso gotama, tiṇṇaṁ kammānaṁ evaṁ paṭivibhattānaṁ evaṁ paṭivisiṭṭhānaṁ katamaṁ kammaṁ mahāsāvajjataraṁ paññapesi pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā, yadi vā kāyakammaṁ, yadi vā vacīkammaṁ, yadi vā manokamman”ti?

    “Of the three deeds thus analyzed and differentiated, which deed do you describe as being the most blameworthy for performing bad deeds: physical deeds, verbal deeds, or mental deeds?”

    “इमेसं खो अहं, तपस्सि, तिण्णं कम्मानं एवं पटिविभत्तानं एवं पटिविसिट्ठानं मनोकम्मं महासावज्जतरं पञ्ञपेमि पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया, नो तथा कायकम्मं, नो तथा वचीकम्मन्”ति।

    “Imesaṁ kho ahaṁ, tapassi, tiṇṇaṁ kammānaṁ evaṁ paṭivibhattānaṁ evaṁ paṭivisiṭṭhānaṁ manokammaṁ mahāsāvajjataraṁ paññapemi pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā, no tathā kāyakammaṁ, no tathā vacīkamman”ti.

    “I describe mental deeds as being the most blameworthy for performing bad deeds, not so much physical deeds or verbal deeds.”

    “मनोकम्मन्ति, आवुसो गोतम, वदेसि”?

    “Manokammanti, āvuso gotama, vadesi”?

    “Do you say mental deeds, Friend Gotama?”

    “मनोकम्मन्ति, तपस्सि, वदामि”।

    “Manokammanti, tapassi, vadāmi”.

    “I say mental deeds, Tapassī.”

    “मनोकम्मन्ति, आवुसो गोतम, वदेसि”?

    “Manokammanti, āvuso gotama, vadesi”?

    “Do you say mental deeds, Friend Gotama?”

    “मनोकम्मन्ति, तपस्सि, वदामि”।

    “Manokammanti, tapassi, vadāmi”.

    “I say mental deeds, Tapassī.”

    “मनोकम्मन्ति, आवुसो गोतम, वदेसि”?

    “Manokammanti, āvuso gotama, vadesi”?

    “Do you say mental deeds, Friend Gotama?”

    “मनोकम्मन्ति, तपस्सि, वदामी”ति।

    “Manokammanti, tapassi, vadāmī”ti.

    “I say mental deeds, Tapassī.”

    इतिह दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो भगवन्तं इमस्मिं कथावत्थुस्मिं यावततियकं पतिट्ठापेत्वा उट्ठायासना येन निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो तेनुपसङ्कमि।

    Itiha dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho bhagavantaṁ imasmiṁ kathāvatthusmiṁ yāvatatiyakaṁ patiṭṭhāpetvā uṭṭhāyāsanā yena nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto tenupasaṅkami.

    Thus the Jain ascetic Dīgha Tapassī made the Buddha stand by this point up to the third time, after which he got up from his seat and went to see the Jain Ñātika.

    तेन खो पन समयेन निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो महतिया गिहिपरिसाय सद्धिं निसिन्नो होति बालकिनिया परिसाय उपालिपमुखाय। अद्दसा खो निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो दीघतपस्सिं निगण्ठं दूरतोव आगच्छन्तं; दिस्वान दीघतपस्सिं निगण्ठं एतदवोच: “हन्द कुतो नु त्वं, तपस्सि, आगच्छसि दिवा दिवस्सा”ति?

    Tena kho pana samayena nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto mahatiyā gihiparisāya saddhiṁ nisinno hoti bālakiniyā parisāya upālipamukhāya. Addasā kho nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto dīghatapassiṁ nigaṇṭhaṁ dūratova āgacchantaṁ; disvāna dīghatapassiṁ nigaṇṭhaṁ etadavoca: “handa kuto nu tvaṁ, tapassi, āgacchasi divā divassā”ti?

    Now at that time the Jain Ñātika was sitting together with a large assembly of laypeople of Bālaka headed by Upāli. The Jain Ñātika saw Dīgha Tapassī coming off in the distance and said to him, “So, Tapassī, where are you coming from in the middle of the day?”

    “इतो हि खो अहं, भन्ते, आगच्छामि समणस्स गोतमस्स सन्तिका”ति।

    “Ito hi kho ahaṁ, bhante, āgacchāmi samaṇassa gotamassa santikā”ti.

    “Just now, sir, I’ve come from the presence of the ascetic Gotama.”

    “अहु पन ते, तपस्सि, समणेन गोतमेन सद्धिं कोचिदेव कथासल्लापो”ति?

    “Ahu pana te, tapassi, samaṇena gotamena saddhiṁ kocideva kathāsallāpo”ti?

    “But did you have some discussion with him?”

    “अहु खो मे, भन्ते, समणेन गोतमेन सद्धिं कोचिदेव कथासल्लापो”ति।

    “Ahu kho me, bhante, samaṇena gotamena saddhiṁ kocideva kathāsallāpo”ti.

    “I did.”

    “यथा कथं पन ते, तपस्सि, अहु समणेन गोतमेन सद्धिं कोचिदेव कथासल्लापो”ति? अथ खो दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो यावतको अहोसि भगवता सद्धिं कथासल्लापो तं सब्बं निगण्ठस्स नाटपुत्तस्स आरोचेसि। एवं वुत्ते, निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो दीघतपस्सिं निगण्ठं एतदवोच: “साधु साधु, तपस्सि। यथा तं सुतवता सावकेन सम्मदेव सत्थुसासनं आजानन्तेन एवमेव दीघतपस्सिना निगण्ठेन समणस्स गोतमस्स ब्याकतं। किञ्हि सोभति छवो मनोदण्डो इमस्स एवं ओळारिकस्स कायदण्डस्स उपनिधाय। अथ खो कायदण्डोव महासावज्जतरो पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया, नो तथा वचीदण्डो, नो तथा मनोदण्डो”ति।

    “Yathā kathaṁ pana te, tapassi, ahu samaṇena gotamena saddhiṁ kocideva kathāsallāpo”ti? Atha kho dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho yāvatako ahosi bhagavatā saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ nigaṇṭhassa nāṭaputtassa ārocesi. Evaṁ vutte, nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto dīghatapassiṁ nigaṇṭhaṁ etadavoca: “sādhu sādhu, tapassi. Yathā taṁ sutavatā sāvakena sammadeva satthusāsanaṁ ājānantena evameva dīghatapassinā nigaṇṭhena samaṇassa gotamassa byākataṁ. Kiñhi sobhati chavo manodaṇḍo imassa evaṁ oḷārikassa kāyadaṇḍassa upanidhāya. Atha kho kāyadaṇḍova mahāsāvajjataro pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā, no tathā vacīdaṇḍo, no tathā manodaṇḍo”ti.

    “And what kind of discussion did you have with him?” Then Dīgha Tapassī informed the Jain Ñātika of all they had discussed. When he had spoken, the Jain Ñātika said to him, “Good, good, Tapassī! Dīgha Tapassī has answered the ascetic Gotama like a learned disciple who rightly understands their teacher’s instructions. For how impressive is the measly mental rod when compared with the substantial physical rod? Rather, the physical rod is the most blameworthy for performing bad deeds, not so much the verbal rod or the mental rod.”

    एवं वुत्ते, उपालि गहपति निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं एतदवोच: “साधु साधु, भन्ते दीघतपस्सी। यथा तं सुतवता सावकेन सम्मदेव सत्थुसासनं आजानन्तेन एवमेवं भदन्तेन तपस्सिना समणस्स गोतमस्स ब्याकतं। किञ्हि सोभति छवो मनोदण्डो इमस्स एवं ओळारिकस्स कायदण्डस्स उपनिधाय। अथ खो कायदण्डोव महासावज्जतरो पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया, नो तथा वचीदण्डो, नो तथा मनोदण्डो।

    Evaṁ vutte, upāli gahapati nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ etadavoca: “sādhu sādhu, bhante dīghatapassī. Yathā taṁ sutavatā sāvakena sammadeva satthusāsanaṁ ājānantena evamevaṁ bhadantena tapassinā samaṇassa gotamassa byākataṁ. Kiñhi sobhati chavo manodaṇḍo imassa evaṁ oḷārikassa kāyadaṇḍassa upanidhāya. Atha kho kāyadaṇḍova mahāsāvajjataro pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā, no tathā vacīdaṇḍo, no tathā manodaṇḍo.

    When he said this, the householder Upāli said to him, “Good, sir! Well done, Dīgha Tapassī! The Honorable Tapassī has answered the ascetic Gotama like a learned disciple who rightly understands their teacher’s instructions. For how impressive is the measly mental rod when compared with the substantial physical rod? Rather, the physical rod is the most blameworthy for performing bad deeds, not so much the verbal rod or the mental rod.

    हन्द चाहं, भन्ते, गच्छामि समणस्स गोतमस्स इमस्मिं कथावत्थुस्मिं वादं आरोपेस्सामि। सचे मे समणो गोतमो तथा पतिट्ठहिस्सति यथा भदन्तेन तपस्सिना पतिट्ठापितं; सेय्यथापि नाम बलवा पुरिसो दीघलोमिकं एळकं लोमेसु गहेत्वा आकड्ढेय्य परिकड्ढेय्य सम्परिकड्ढेय्य; एवमेवाहं समणं गोतमं वादेन वादं आकड्ढिस्सामि परिकड्ढिस्सामि सम्परिकड्ढिस्सामि। सेय्यथापि नाम बलवा सोण्डिकाकम्मकारो महन्तं सोण्डिकाकिलञ्जं गम्भीरे उदकरहदे पक्खिपित्वा कण्णे गहेत्वा आकड्ढेय्य परिकड्ढेय्य सम्परिकड्ढेय्य; एवमेवाहं समणं गोतमं वादेन वादं आकड्ढिस्सामि परिकड्ढिस्सामि सम्परिकड्ढिस्सामि। सेय्यथापि नाम बलवा सोण्डिकाधुत्तो वालं कण्णे गहेत्वा ओधुनेय्य निद्धुनेय्य निप्फोटेय्य; एवमेवाहं समणं गोतमं वादेन वादं ओधुनिस्सामि निद्धुनिस्सामि निप्फोटेस्सामि। सेय्यथापि नाम कुञ्जरो सट्ठिहायनो गम्भीरं पोक्खरणिं ओगाहेत्वा साणधोविकं नाम कीळितजातं कीळति; एवमेवाहं समणं गोतमं साणधोविकं मञ्ञे कीळितजातं कीळिस्सामि। हन्द चाहं, भन्ते, गच्छामि समणस्स गोतमस्स इमस्मिं कथावत्थुस्मिं वादं आरोपेस्सामी”ति।

    Handa cāhaṁ, bhante, gacchāmi samaṇassa gotamassa imasmiṁ kathāvatthusmiṁ vādaṁ āropessāmi. Sace me samaṇo gotamo tathā patiṭṭhahissati yathā bhadantena tapassinā patiṭṭhāpitaṁ; seyyathāpi nāma balavā puriso dīghalomikaṁ eḷakaṁ lomesu gahetvā ākaḍḍheyya parikaḍḍheyya samparikaḍḍheyya; evamevāhaṁ samaṇaṁ gotamaṁ vādena vādaṁ ākaḍḍhissāmi parikaḍḍhissāmi samparikaḍḍhissāmi. Seyyathāpi nāma balavā soṇḍikākammakāro mahantaṁ soṇḍikākilañjaṁ gambhīre udakarahade pakkhipitvā kaṇṇe gahetvā ākaḍḍheyya parikaḍḍheyya samparikaḍḍheyya; evamevāhaṁ samaṇaṁ gotamaṁ vādena vādaṁ ākaḍḍhissāmi parikaḍḍhissāmi samparikaḍḍhissāmi. Seyyathāpi nāma balavā soṇḍikādhutto vālaṁ2 kaṇṇe gahetvā odhuneyya niddhuneyya nipphoṭeyya; evamevāhaṁ samaṇaṁ gotamaṁ vādena vādaṁ odhunissāmi niddhunissāmi nipphoṭessāmi. Seyyathāpi nāma kuñjaro saṭṭhihāyano gambhīraṁ pokkharaṇiṁ ogāhetvā sāṇadhovikaṁ nāma kīḷitajātaṁ kīḷati; evamevāhaṁ samaṇaṁ gotamaṁ sāṇadhovikaṁ maññe kīḷitajātaṁ kīḷissāmi. Handa cāhaṁ, bhante, gacchāmi samaṇassa gotamassa imasmiṁ kathāvatthusmiṁ vādaṁ āropessāmī”ti.

    I’d better go and refute the ascetic Gotama’s doctrine regarding this point. If he stands by the position that he stated to Dīgha Tapassī, I’ll take him on in debate and drag him to and fro and round about, like a strong man would drag a fleecy sheep to and fro and round about! Taking him on in debate, I’ll drag him to and fro and round about, like a strong brewer’s worker would toss a large brewer’s sieve into a deep lake, grab it by the corners, and drag it to and fro and round about! Taking him on in debate, I’ll shake him down and about and give him a beating, like a strong brewer’s mixer would grab a strainer by the corners and shake it down and about, and give it a beating! I’ll play a game of ear-washing with the ascetic Gotama, like a sixty-year-old elephant would plunge into a deep lotus pond and play a game of ear-washing! Sir, I’d better go and refute the ascetic Gotama’s doctrine on this point.”

    “गच्छ त्वं, गहपति, समणस्स गोतमस्स इमस्मिं कथावत्थुस्मिं वादं आरोपेहि। अहं वा हि, गहपति, समणस्स गोतमस्स वादं आरोपेय्यं, दीघतपस्सी वा निगण्ठो, त्वं वा”ति।

    “Gaccha tvaṁ, gahapati, samaṇassa gotamassa imasmiṁ kathāvatthusmiṁ vādaṁ āropehi. Ahaṁ vā hi, gahapati, samaṇassa gotamassa vādaṁ āropeyyaṁ, dīghatapassī vā nigaṇṭho, tvaṁ vā”ti.

    “Go, householder, refute the ascetic Gotama’s doctrine on this point. For either I should do so, or Dīgha Tapassī, or you.”

    एवं वुत्ते, दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं एतदवोच: “न खो मेतं, भन्ते, रुच्चति यं उपालि गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स वादं आरोपेय्य। समणो हि, भन्ते, गोतमो मायावी आवट्टनिं मायं जानाति याय अञ्ञतित्थियानं सावके आवट्टेती”ति।

    Evaṁ vutte, dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ etadavoca: “na kho metaṁ, bhante, ruccati yaṁ upāli gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa vādaṁ āropeyya. Samaṇo hi, bhante, gotamo māyāvī āvaṭṭaniṁ māyaṁ jānāti yāya aññatitthiyānaṁ sāvake āvaṭṭetī”ti.

    When he said this, Dīgha Tapassī said to the Jain Ñātika, “Sir, I don’t believe it’s a good idea for the householder Upāli to rebut the ascetic Gotama’s doctrine. For the ascetic Gotama is a magician. He knows a conversion magic, and uses it to convert the disciples of other religions.”

    “अट्ठानं खो एतं, तपस्सि, अनवकासो यं उपालि गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स सावकत्तं उपगच्छेय्य। ठानञ्च खो एतं विज्जति यं समणो गोतमो उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स सावकत्तं उपगच्छेय्य। गच्छ त्वं, गहपति, समणस्स गोतमस्स इमस्मिं कथावत्थुस्मिं वादं आरोपेहि। अहं वा हि, गहपति, समणस्स गोतमस्स वादं आरोपेय्यं, दीघतपस्सी वा निगण्ठो, त्वं वा”ति।

    “Aṭṭhānaṁ kho etaṁ, tapassi, anavakāso yaṁ upāli gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyya. Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ samaṇo gotamo upālissa gahapatissa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyya. Gaccha tvaṁ, gahapati, samaṇassa gotamassa imasmiṁ kathāvatthusmiṁ vādaṁ āropehi. Ahaṁ vā hi, gahapati, samaṇassa gotamassa vādaṁ āropeyyaṁ, dīghatapassī vā nigaṇṭho, tvaṁ vā”ti.

    “It is impossible, Tapassī, it cannot happen that Upāli could become Gotama’s disciple. But it is possible that Gotama could become Upāli’s disciple. Go, householder, refute the ascetic Gotama’s doctrine on this point. For either I should do so, or Dīgha Tapassī, or you.”

    दुतियम्पि खो दीघतपस्सी …पे… ततियम्पि खो दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं एतदवोच: “न खो मेतं, भन्ते, रुच्चति यं उपालि गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स वादं आरोपेय्य। समणो हि, भन्ते, गोतमो मायावी आवट्टनिं मायं जानाति याय अञ्ञतित्थियानं सावके आवट्टेती”ति।

    Dutiyampi kho dīghatapassī …pe… tatiyampi kho dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ etadavoca: “na kho metaṁ, bhante, ruccati yaṁ upāli gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa vādaṁ āropeyya. Samaṇo hi, bhante, gotamo māyāvī āvaṭṭaniṁ māyaṁ jānāti yāya aññatitthiyānaṁ sāvake āvaṭṭetī”ti.

    For a second time … and a third time, Dīgha Tapassī said to the Jain Ñātika, “Sir, I don’t believe it’s a good idea for the householder Upāli to rebut the ascetic Gotama’s doctrine. For the ascetic Gotama is a magician. He knows a conversion magic, and uses it to convert the disciples of other religions.”

    “अट्ठानं खो एतं, तपस्सि, अनवकासो यं उपालि गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स सावकत्तं उपगच्छेय्य। ठानञ्च खो एतं विज्जति यं समणो गोतमो उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स सावकत्तं उपगच्छेय्य। गच्छ त्वं, गहपति, समणस्स गोतमस्स इमस्मिं कथावत्थुस्मिं वादं आरोपेहि। अहं वा हि, गहपति, समणस्स गोतमस्स वादं आरोपेय्यं, दीघतपस्सी वा निगण्ठो, त्वं वा”ति।

    “Aṭṭhānaṁ kho etaṁ, tapassi, anavakāso yaṁ upāli gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyya. Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ samaṇo gotamo upālissa gahapatissa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyya. Gaccha tvaṁ, gahapati, samaṇassa gotamassa imasmiṁ kathāvatthusmiṁ vādaṁ āropehi. Ahaṁ vā hi, gahapati, samaṇassa gotamassa vādaṁ āropeyyaṁ, dīghatapassī vā nigaṇṭho, tvaṁ vā”ti.

    “It is impossible, Tapassī, it cannot happen that Upāli could become Gotama’s disciple. But it is possible that Gotama could become Upāli’s disciple. Go, householder, refute the ascetic Gotama’s doctrine on this point. For either I should do so, or Dīgha Tapassī, or you.”

    “एवं, भन्ते”ति खो उपालि गहपति निगण्ठस्स नाटपुत्तस्स पटिस्सुत्वा उट्ठायासना निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं अभिवादेत्वा पदक्खिणं कत्वा येन पावारिकम्बवनं येन भगवा तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा भगवन्तं अभिवादेत्वा एकमन्तं निसीदि। एकमन्तं निसिन्नो खो उपालि गहपति भगवन्तं एतदवोच: “आगमा नु ख्विध, भन्ते, दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो”ति?

    “Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho upāli gahapati nigaṇṭhassa nāṭaputtassa paṭissutvā uṭṭhāyāsanā nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṁ katvā yena pāvārikambavanaṁ yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho upāli gahapati bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: “āgamā nu khvidha, bhante, dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho”ti?

    “Yes, sir,” replied the householder Upāli to the Jain Ñātika. He got up from his seat, bowed, and respectfully circled him, keeping him on his right. Then he went to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and said to him, “Sir, did the Jain ascetic Dīgha Tapassī come here?”

    “आगमा ख्विध, गहपति, दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो”ति।

    “Āgamā khvidha, gahapati, dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho”ti.

    “He did, householder.”

    “अहु खो पन ते, भन्ते, दीघतपस्सिना निगण्ठेन सद्धिं कोचिदेव कथासल्लापो”ति?

    “Ahu kho pana te, bhante, dīghatapassinā nigaṇṭhena saddhiṁ kocideva kathāsallāpo”ti?

    “But did you have some discussion with him?”

    “अहु खो मे, गहपति, दीघतपस्सिना निगण्ठेन सद्धिं कोचिदेव कथासल्लापो”ति।

    “Ahu kho me, gahapati, dīghatapassinā nigaṇṭhena saddhiṁ kocideva kathāsallāpo”ti.

    “I did.”

    “यथा कथं पन ते, भन्ते, अहु दीघतपस्सिना निगण्ठेन सद्धिं कोचिदेव कथासल्लापो”ति?

    “Yathā kathaṁ pana te, bhante, ahu dīghatapassinā nigaṇṭhena saddhiṁ kocideva kathāsallāpo”ti?

    “And what kind of discussion did you have with him?”

    अथ खो भगवा यावतको अहोसि दीघतपस्सिना निगण्ठेन सद्धिं कथासल्लापो तं सब्बं उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स आरोचेसि।

    Atha kho bhagavā yāvatako ahosi dīghatapassinā nigaṇṭhena saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ upālissa gahapatissa ārocesi.

    Then the Buddha informed Upāli of all they had discussed.

    एवं वुत्ते, उपालि गहपति भगवन्तं एतदवोच: “साधु साधु, भन्ते तपस्सी। यथा तं सुतवता सावकेन सम्मदेव सत्थुसासनं आजानन्तेन एवमेवं दीघतपस्सिना निगण्ठेन भगवतो ब्याकतं। किञ्हि सोभति छवो मनोदण्डो इमस्स एवं ओळारिकस्स कायदण्डस्स उपनिधाय? अथ खो कायदण्डोव महासावज्जतरो पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया, नो तथा वचीदण्डो, नो तथा मनोदण्डो”ति।

    Evaṁ vutte, upāli gahapati bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: “sādhu sādhu, bhante tapassī. Yathā taṁ sutavatā sāvakena sammadeva satthusāsanaṁ ājānantena evamevaṁ dīghatapassinā nigaṇṭhena bhagavato byākataṁ. Kiñhi sobhati chavo manodaṇḍo imassa evaṁ oḷārikassa kāyadaṇḍassa upanidhāya? Atha kho kāyadaṇḍova mahāsāvajjataro pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā, no tathā vacīdaṇḍo, no tathā manodaṇḍo”ti.

    When he said this, the householder Upāli said to him, “Good, sir, well done by Tapassī! The Honorable Tapassī has answered the ascetic Gotama like a learned disciple who rightly understands their teacher’s instructions. For how impressive is the measly mental rod when compared with the substantial physical rod? Rather, the physical rod is the most blameworthy for performing bad deeds, not so much the verbal rod or the mental rod.”

    “सचे खो त्वं, गहपति, सच्चे पतिट्ठाय मन्तेय्यासि सिया नो एत्थ कथासल्लापो”ति।

    “Sace kho tvaṁ, gahapati, sacce patiṭṭhāya manteyyāsi siyā no ettha kathāsallāpo”ti.

    “Householder, so long as you debate on the basis of truth, we can have some discussion about this.”

    “सच्चे अहं, भन्ते, पतिट्ठाय मन्तेस्सामि; होतु नो एत्थ कथासल्लापो”ति।

    “Sacce ahaṁ, bhante, patiṭṭhāya mantessāmi; hotu no ettha kathāsallāpo”ti.

    “I will debate on the basis of truth, sir. Let us have some discussion about this.”

    “तं किं मञ्ञसि, गहपति, इधस्स निगण्ठो आबाधिको दुक्खितो बाळ्हगिलानो सीतोदकपटिक्खित्तो उण्होदकपटिसेवी। सो सीतोदकं अलभमानो कालं करेय्य। इमस्स पन, गहपति, निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो कत्थूपपत्तिं पञ्ञपेती”ति?

    “Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, gahapati, idhassa nigaṇṭho ābādhiko dukkhito bāḷhagilāno sītodakapaṭikkhitto uṇhodakapaṭisevī. So sītodakaṁ alabhamāno kālaṁ kareyya. Imassa pana, gahapati, nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto katthūpapattiṁ paññapetī”ti?

    “What do you think, householder? Take a Jain ascetic who is sick, suffering, gravely ill. They reject cold water and use only hot water. Not getting cold water, they might die. Now, where does the Jain Ñātika say they would be reborn?”

    “अत्थि, भन्ते, मनोसत्ता नाम देवा तत्थ सो उपपज्जति”। “तं किस्स हेतु”? “असु हि, भन्ते, मनोपटिबद्धो कालं करोती”ति।

    “Atthi, bhante, manosattā nāma devā tattha so upapajjati”. “Taṁ kissa hetu”? “Asu hi, bhante, manopaṭibaddho kālaṁ karotī”ti.

    “Sir, there are gods called ‘mind-bound’. They would be reborn there. Why is that? Because they died with mental attachment.”

    “मनसि करोहि, गहपति, मनसि करित्वा खो, गहपति, ब्याकरोहि। न खो ते सन्धियति पुरिमेन वा पच्छिमं, पच्छिमेन वा पुरिमं। भासिता खो पन ते, गहपति, एसा वाचा: ‘सच्चे अहं, भन्ते, पतिट्ठाय मन्तेस्सामि, होतु नो एत्थ कथासल्लापोऽ”ति।

    “Manasi karohi, gahapati, manasi karitvā kho, gahapati, byākarohi. Na kho te sandhiyati purimena vā pacchimaṁ, pacchimena vā purimaṁ. Bhāsitā kho pana te, gahapati, esā vācā: ‘sacce ahaṁ, bhante, patiṭṭhāya mantessāmi, hotu no ettha kathāsallāpo’”ti.

    “Think about it, householder! You should think before answering. What you said before and what you said after don’t match up. But you said that you would debate on the basis of truth.”

    “किञ्चापि, भन्ते, भगवा एवमाह, अथ खो कायदण्डोव महासावज्जतरो पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया, नो तथा वचीदण्डो, नो तथा मनोदण्डो”ति।

    “Kiñcāpi, bhante, bhagavā evamāha, atha kho kāyadaṇḍova mahāsāvajjataro pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā, no tathā vacīdaṇḍo, no tathā manodaṇḍo”ti.

    “Even though the Buddha says this, still the physical rod is the most blameworthy for performing bad deeds, not so much the verbal rod or the mental rod.”

    “तं किं मञ्ञसि, गहपति, इधस्स निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो चातुयामसंवरसंवुतो सब्बवारिवारितो सब्बवारियुत्तो सब्बवारिधुतो सब्बवारिफुटो। सो अभिक्कमन्तो पटिक्कमन्तो बहू खुद्दके पाणे सङ्घातं आपादेति। इमस्स पन, गहपति, निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो कं विपाकं पञ्ञपेती”ति?

    “Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, gahapati, idhassa nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto cātuyāmasaṁvarasaṁvuto sabbavārivārito sabbavāriyutto sabbavāridhuto sabbavāriphuṭo. So abhikkamanto paṭikkamanto bahū khuddake pāṇe saṅghātaṁ āpādeti. Imassa pana, gahapati, nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto kaṁ vipākaṁ paññapetī”ti?

    “What do you think, householder? Take a Jain ascetic who is restrained in the fourfold restraint: obstructed by all water, devoted to all water, shaking off all water, pervaded by all water. When going out and coming back they accidentally injure many little creatures. Now, what result does the Jain Ñātika say they would incur?”

    “असञ्चेतनिकं, भन्ते, निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो नो महासावज्जं पञ्ञपेती”ति।

    “Asañcetanikaṁ, bhante, nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto no mahāsāvajjaṁ paññapetī”ti.

    “Sir, the Jain Ñātika says that unintentional acts are not very blameworthy.”

    “सचे पन, गहपति, चेतेती”ति?

    “Sace pana, gahapati, cetetī”ti?

    “But if they are intentional?”

    “महासावज्जं, भन्ते, होती”ति।

    “Mahāsāvajjaṁ, bhante, hotī”ti.

    “Then they are very blameworthy.”

    “चेतनं पन, गहपति, निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो किस्मिं पञ्ञपेती”ति?

    “Cetanaṁ pana, gahapati, nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto kismiṁ paññapetī”ti?

    “But where does the Jain Ñātika say that intention is classified?”

    “मनोदण्डस्मिं, भन्ते”ति।

    “Manodaṇḍasmiṁ, bhante”ti.

    “In the mental rod, sir.”

    “मनसि करोहि, गहपति, मनसि करित्वा खो, गहपति, ब्याकरोहि। न खो ते सन्धियति पुरिमेन वा पच्छिमं, पच्छिमेन वा पुरिमं। भासिता खो पन ते, गहपति, एसा वाचा: ‘सच्चे अहं, भन्ते, पतिट्ठाय मन्तेस्सामि; होतु नो एत्थ कथासल्लापोऽ”ति।

    “Manasi karohi, gahapati, manasi karitvā kho, gahapati, byākarohi. Na kho te sandhiyati purimena vā pacchimaṁ, pacchimena vā purimaṁ. Bhāsitā kho pana te, gahapati, esā vācā: ‘sacce ahaṁ, bhante, patiṭṭhāya mantessāmi; hotu no ettha kathāsallāpo’”ti.

    “Think about it, householder! You should think before answering. What you said before and what you said after don’t match up. But you said that you would debate on the basis of truth.”

    “किञ्चापि, भन्ते, भगवा एवमाह, अथ खो कायदण्डोव महासावज्जतरो पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया, नो तथा वचीदण्डो, नो तथा मनोदण्डो”ति।

    “Kiñcāpi, bhante, bhagavā evamāha, atha kho kāyadaṇḍova mahāsāvajjataro pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā, no tathā vacīdaṇḍo, no tathā manodaṇḍo”ti.

    “Even though the Buddha says this, still the physical rod is the most blameworthy for performing bad deeds, not so much the verbal rod or the mental rod.”

    “तं किं मञ्ञसि, गहपति, अयं नाळन्दा इद्धा चेव फीता च बहुजना आकिण्णमनुस्सा”ति?

    “Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, gahapati, ayaṁ nāḷandā iddhā ceva phītā ca bahujanā ākiṇṇamanussā”ti?

    “What do you think, householder? Is this Nāḷandā successful and prosperous, populous, full of people?”

    “एवं, भन्ते, अयं नाळन्दा इद्धा चेव फीता च बहुजना आकिण्णमनुस्सा”ति।

    “Evaṁ, bhante, ayaṁ nāḷandā iddhā ceva phītā ca bahujanā ākiṇṇamanussā”ti.

    “Indeed it is, sir.”

    “तं किं मञ्ञसि, गहपति, इध पुरिसो आगच्छेय्य उक्खित्तासिको। सो एवं वदेय्य: ‘अहं यावतिका इमिस्सा नाळन्दाय पाणा ते एकेन खणेन एकेन मुहुत्तेन एकं मंसखलं एकं मंसपुञ्जं करिस्सामीऽति। तं किं मञ्ञसि, गहपति, पहोति नु खो सो पुरिसो यावतिका इमिस्सा नाळन्दाय पाणा ते एकेन खणेन एकेन मुहुत्तेन एकं मंसखलं एकं मंसपुञ्जं कातुन्”ति?

    “Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, gahapati, idha puriso āgaccheyya ukkhittāsiko. So evaṁ vadeyya: ‘ahaṁ yāvatikā imissā nāḷandāya pāṇā te ekena khaṇena ekena muhuttena ekaṁ maṁsakhalaṁ ekaṁ maṁsapuñjaṁ karissāmī’ti. Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, gahapati, pahoti nu kho so puriso yāvatikā imissā nāḷandāya pāṇā te ekena khaṇena ekena muhuttena ekaṁ maṁsakhalaṁ ekaṁ maṁsapuñjaṁ kātun”ti?

    “What do you think, householder? Suppose a man were to come along with a drawn sword and say: ‘In one moment I will reduce all the living creatures within the bounds of Nāḷandā to one heap and mass of flesh!’ What do you think, householder? Could he do that?”

    “दसपि, भन्ते, पुरिसा, वीसम्पि, भन्ते, पुरिसा, तिंसम्पि, भन्ते, पुरिसा, चत्तारीसम्पि, भन्ते, पुरिसा, पञ्ञासम्पि, भन्ते, पुरिसा नप्पहोन्ति यावतिका इमिस्सा नाळन्दाय पाणा ते एकेन खणेन एकेन मुहुत्तेन एकं मंसखलं एकं मंसपुञ्जं कातुं। किञ्हि सोभति एको छवो पुरिसो”ति।

    “Dasapi, bhante, purisā, vīsampi, bhante, purisā, tiṁsampi, bhante, purisā, cattārīsampi, bhante, purisā, paññāsampi, bhante, purisā nappahonti yāvatikā imissā nāḷandāya pāṇā te ekena khaṇena ekena muhuttena ekaṁ maṁsakhalaṁ ekaṁ maṁsapuñjaṁ kātuṁ. Kiñhi sobhati eko chavo puriso”ti.

    “Sir, even ten, twenty, thirty, forty, or fifty men couldn’t do that. How impressive is one measly man?”

    “तं किं मञ्ञसि, गहपति, इध आगच्छेय्य समणो वा ब्राह्मणो वा इद्धिमा चेतोवसिप्पत्तो। सो एवं वदेय्य: ‘अहं इमं नाळन्दं एकेन मनोपदोसेन भस्मं करिस्सामीऽति। तं किं मञ्ञसि, गहपति, पहोति नु खो सो समणो वा ब्राह्मणो वा इद्धिमा चेतोवसिप्पत्तो इमं नाळन्दं एकेन मनोपदोसेन भस्मं कातुन्”ति?

    “Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, gahapati, idha āgaccheyya samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā iddhimā cetovasippatto. So evaṁ vadeyya: ‘ahaṁ imaṁ nāḷandaṁ ekena manopadosena bhasmaṁ karissāmī’ti. Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, gahapati, pahoti nu kho so samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā iddhimā cetovasippatto imaṁ nāḷandaṁ ekena manopadosena bhasmaṁ kātun”ti?

    “What do you think, householder? Suppose an ascetic or brahmin with psychic power, who has achieved mastery of the mind, were to come along and say: ‘I will reduce Nāḷandā to ashes with a single malevolent act of will!’ What do you think, householder? Could he do that?”

    “दसपि, भन्ते, नाळन्दा, वीसम्पि नाळन्दा, तिंसम्पि नाळन्दा, चत्तारीसम्पि नाळन्दा, पञ्ञासम्पि नाळन्दा पहोति सो समणो वा ब्राह्मणो वा इद्धिमा चेतोवसिप्पत्तो एकेन मनोपदोसेन भस्मं कातुं। किञ्हि सोभति एका छवा नाळन्दा”ति।

    “Dasapi, bhante, nāḷandā, vīsampi nāḷandā, tiṁsampi nāḷandā, cattārīsampi nāḷandā, paññāsampi nāḷandā pahoti so samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā iddhimā cetovasippatto ekena manopadosena bhasmaṁ kātuṁ. Kiñhi sobhati ekā chavā nāḷandā”ti.

    “Sir, an ascetic or brahmin with psychic power, who has achieved mastery of the mind, could reduce ten, twenty, thirty, forty, or fifty Nāḷandās to ashes with a single malevolent act of will. How impressive is one measly Nāḷandā?”

    “मनसि करोहि, गहपति, मनसि करित्वा खो, गहपति, ब्याकरोहि। न खो ते सन्धियति पुरिमेन वा पच्छिमं, पच्छिमेन वा पुरिमं। भासिता खो पन ते, गहपति, एसा वाचा: ‘सच्चे अहं, भन्ते, पतिट्ठाय मन्तेस्सामि; होतु नो एत्थ कथासल्लापोऽ”ति।

    “Manasi karohi, gahapati, manasi karitvā kho, gahapati, byākarohi. Na kho te sandhiyati purimena vā pacchimaṁ, pacchimena vā purimaṁ. Bhāsitā kho pana te, gahapati, esā vācā: ‘sacce ahaṁ, bhante, patiṭṭhāya mantessāmi; hotu no ettha kathāsallāpo’”ti.

    “Think about it, householder! You should think before answering. What you said before and what you said after don’t match up. But you said that you would debate on the basis of truth.”

    “किञ्चापि, भन्ते, भगवा एवमाह, अथ खो कायदण्डोव महासावज्जतरो पापस्स कम्मस्स किरियाय पापस्स कम्मस्स पवत्तिया, नो तथा वचीदण्डो, नो तथा मनोदण्डो”ति।

    “Kiñcāpi, bhante, bhagavā evamāha, atha kho kāyadaṇḍova mahāsāvajjataro pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā, no tathā vacīdaṇḍo, no tathā manodaṇḍo”ti.

    “Even though the Buddha says this, still the physical rod is the most blameworthy for performing bad deeds, not so much the verbal rod or the mental rod.”

    “तं किं मञ्ञसि, गहपति, सुतं ते दण्डकीरञ्ञं कालिङ्गारञ्ञं मज्झारञ्ञं मातङ्गारञ्ञं अरञ्ञं अरञ्ञभूतन्”ति?

    “Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, gahapati, sutaṁ te daṇḍakīraññaṁ kāliṅgāraññaṁ majjhāraññaṁ3 mātaṅgāraññaṁ araññaṁ araññabhūtan”ti?

    “What do you think, householder? Have you heard how the wildernesses of Daṇḍaka, Kaliṅga, Mejjha, and Mātaṅga came to be that way?”

    “एवं, भन्ते, सुतं मे दण्डकीरञ्ञं कालिङ्गारञ्ञं मज्झारञ्ञं मातङ्गारञ्ञं अरञ्ञं अरञ्ञभूतन्”ति।

    “Evaṁ, bhante, sutaṁ me daṇḍakīraññaṁ kāliṅgāraññaṁ majjhāraññaṁ mātaṅgāraññaṁ araññaṁ araññabhūtan”ti.

    “I have, sir.”

    “तं किं मञ्ञसि, गहपति, किन्ति ते सुतं केन तं दण्डकीरञ्ञं कालिङ्गारञ्ञं मज्झारञ्ञं मातङ्गारञ्ञं अरञ्ञं अरञ्ञभूतन्”ति?

    “Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, gahapati, kinti te sutaṁ kena taṁ daṇḍakīraññaṁ kāliṅgāraññaṁ majjhāraññaṁ mātaṅgāraññaṁ araññaṁ araññabhūtan”ti?

    “What have you heard?”

    “सुतं मेतं, भन्ते, इसीनं मनोपदोसेन तं दण्डकीरञ्ञं कालिङ्गारञ्ञं मज्झारञ्ञं मातङ्गारञ्ञं अरञ्ञं अरञ्ञभूतन्”ति।

    “Sutaṁ metaṁ, bhante, isīnaṁ manopadosena taṁ daṇḍakīraññaṁ kāliṅgāraññaṁ majjhāraññaṁ mātaṅgāraññaṁ araññaṁ araññabhūtan”ti.

    “I heard that it was because of a malevolent act of will by seers that the wildernesses of Daṇḍaka, Kaliṅga, Mejjha, and Mātaṅga came to be that way.”

    “मनसि करोहि, गहपति, मनसि करित्वा खो, गहपति, ब्याकरोहि। न खो ते सन्धियति पुरिमेन वा पच्छिमं, पच्छिमेन वा पुरिमं। भासिता खो पन ते, गहपति, एसा वाचा: ‘सच्चे अहं, भन्ते, पतिट्ठाय मन्तेस्सामि; होतु नो एत्थ कथासल्लापोऽ”ति।

    “Manasi karohi, gahapati, manasi karitvā kho, gahapati, byākarohi. Na kho te sandhiyati purimena vā pacchimaṁ, pacchimena vā purimaṁ. Bhāsitā kho pana te, gahapati, esā vācā: ‘sacce ahaṁ, bhante, patiṭṭhāya mantessāmi; hotu no ettha kathāsallāpo’”ti.

    “Think about it, householder! You should think before answering. What you said before and what you said after don’t match up. But you said that you would debate on the basis of truth.”

    “पुरिमेनेवाहं, भन्ते, ओपम्मेन भगवतो अत्तमनो अभिरद्धो। अपि चाहं इमानि भगवतो विचित्रानि पञ्हपटिभानानि सोतुकामो, एवाहं भगवन्तं पच्चनीकं कातब्बं अमञ्ञिस्सं।

    “Purimenevāhaṁ, bhante, opammena bhagavato attamano abhiraddho. Api cāhaṁ imāni bhagavato vicitrāni pañhapaṭibhānāni sotukāmo, evāhaṁ bhagavantaṁ paccanīkaṁ kātabbaṁ amaññissaṁ.

    “Sir, I was already delighted and satisfied by the Buddha’s very first simile. Nevertheless, I wanted to hear the Buddha’s various solutions to the problem, so I thought I’d oppose you in this way.

    अभिक्कन्तं, भन्ते, अभिक्कन्तं, भन्ते। सेय्यथापि, भन्ते, निक्कुज्जितं वा उक्कुज्जेय्य, पटिच्छन्नं वा विवरेय्य, मूळ्हस्स वा मग्गं आचिक्खेय्य, अन्धकारे वा तेलपज्जोतं धारेय्य: ‘चक्खुमन्तो रूपानि दक्खन्तीऽति; एवमेवं भगवता अनेकपरियायेन धम्मो पकासितो। एसाहं, भन्ते, भगवन्तं सरणं गच्छामि धम्मञ्च भिक्खुसङ्घञ्च। उपासकं मं भगवा धारेतु अज्जतग्गे पाणुपेतं सरणं गतन्”ति।

    Abhikkantaṁ, bhante, abhikkantaṁ, bhante. Seyyathāpi, bhante, nikkujjitaṁ vā ukkujjeyya, paṭicchannaṁ vā vivareyya, mūḷhassa vā maggaṁ ācikkheyya, andhakāre vā telapajjotaṁ dhāreyya: ‘cakkhumanto rūpāni dakkhantī’ti; evamevaṁ bhagavatā anekapariyāyena dhammo pakāsito. Esāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavantaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi dhammañca bhikkhusaṅghañca. Upāsakaṁ maṁ bhagavā dhāretu ajjatagge pāṇupetaṁ saraṇaṁ gatan”ti.

    Excellent, sir! Excellent! As if he were righting the overturned, or revealing the hidden, or pointing out the path to the lost, or lighting a lamp in the dark so people with clear eyes can see what’s there, the Buddha has made the teaching clear in many ways. I go for refuge to the Buddha, to the teaching, and to the bhikkhu Saṅgha. From this day forth, may the Buddha remember me as a lay follower who has gone for refuge for life.”

    “अनुविच्चकारं खो, गहपति, करोहि, अनुविच्चकारो तुम्हादिसानं ञातमनुस्सानं साधु होती”ति।

    “Anuviccakāraṁ kho, gahapati, karohi, anuviccakāro tumhādisānaṁ ñātamanussānaṁ sādhu hotī”ti.

    “Householder, you should act after careful consideration. It’s good for well-known people such as yourself to act after careful consideration.”

    “इमिनापाहं, भन्ते, भगवतो भिय्योसो मत्ताय अत्तमनो अभिरद्धो यं मं भगवा एवमाह: ‘अनुविच्चकारं खो, गहपति, करोहि, अनुविच्चकारो तुम्हादिसानं ञातमनुस्सानं साधु होतीऽति। मञ्हि, भन्ते, अञ्ञतित्थिया सावकं लभित्वा केवलकप्पं नाळन्दं पटाकं परिहरेय्युं: ‘उपालि अम्हाकं गहपति सावकत्तं उपगतोऽति। अथ च पन मं भगवा एवमाह: ‘अनुविच्चकारं खो, गहपति, करोहि, अनुविच्चकारो तुम्हादिसानं ञातमनुस्सानं साधु होतीऽति।

    “Imināpāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavato bhiyyoso mattāya attamano abhiraddho yaṁ maṁ bhagavā evamāha: ‘anuviccakāraṁ kho, gahapati, karohi, anuviccakāro tumhādisānaṁ ñātamanussānaṁ sādhu hotī’ti. Mañhi, bhante, aññatitthiyā sāvakaṁ labhitvā kevalakappaṁ nāḷandaṁ paṭākaṁ parihareyyuṁ: ‘upāli amhākaṁ gahapati sāvakattaṁ upagato’ti. Atha ca pana maṁ bhagavā evamāha: ‘anuviccakāraṁ kho, gahapati, karohi, anuviccakāro tumhādisānaṁ ñātamanussānaṁ sādhu hotī’ti.

    “Now I’m even more delighted and satisfied with the Buddha, since he tells me to act after careful consideration. For if the followers of other religions were to gain me as a disciple, they’d carry a banner all over Nāḷandā, saying: ‘The householder Upāli has become our disciple!’ And yet the Buddha says: ‘Householder, you should act after careful consideration. It’s good for well-known people such as yourself to act after careful consideration.’

    एसाहं, भन्ते, दुतियम्पि भगवन्तं सरणं गच्छामि धम्मञ्च भिक्खुसङ्घञ्च। उपासकं मं भगवा धारेतु अज्जतग्गे पाणुपेतं सरणं गतन्”ति।

    Esāhaṁ, bhante, dutiyampi bhagavantaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi dhammañca bhikkhusaṅghañca. Upāsakaṁ maṁ bhagavā dhāretu ajjatagge pāṇupetaṁ saraṇaṁ gatan”ti.

    For a second time, I go for refuge to the Buddha, to the teaching, and to the bhikkhu Saṅgha. From this day forth, may the Buddha remember me as a lay follower who has gone for refuge for life.”

    “दीघरत्तं खो ते, गहपति, निगण्ठानं ओपानभूतं कुलं येन नेसं उपगतानं पिण्डकं दातब्बं मञ्ञेय्यासी”ति।

    “Dīgharattaṁ kho te, gahapati, nigaṇṭhānaṁ opānabhūtaṁ kulaṁ yena nesaṁ upagatānaṁ piṇḍakaṁ dātabbaṁ maññeyyāsī”ti.

    “For a long time now, householder, your family has been a well-spring of support for the Jain ascetics. You should consider giving to them when they come.”

    “इमिनापाहं, भन्ते, भगवतो भिय्योसो मत्ताय अत्तमनो अभिरद्धो यं मं भगवा एवमाह: ‘दीघरत्तं खो ते, गहपति, निगण्ठानं ओपानभूतं कुलं येन नेसं उपगतानं पिण्डकं दातब्बं मञ्ञेय्यासीऽति। सुतं मेतं, भन्ते, समणो गोतमो एवमाह: ‘मय्हमेव दानं दातब्बं, नाञ्ञेसं दानं दातब्बं; मय्हमेव सावकानं दानं दातब्बं, नाञ्ञेसं सावकानं दानं दातब्बं; मय्हमेव दिन्नं महप्फलं, नाञ्ञेसं दिन्नं महप्फलं; मय्हमेव सावकानं दिन्नं महप्फलं, नाञ्ञेसं सावकानं दिन्नं महप्फलन्ऽति। अथ च पन मं भगवा निगण्ठेसुपि दाने समादपेति। अपि च, भन्ते, मयमेत्थ कालं जानिस्साम।

    “Imināpāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavato bhiyyoso mattāya attamano abhiraddho yaṁ maṁ bhagavā evamāha: ‘dīgharattaṁ kho te, gahapati, nigaṇṭhānaṁ opānabhūtaṁ kulaṁ yena nesaṁ upagatānaṁ piṇḍakaṁ dātabbaṁ maññeyyāsī’ti. Sutaṁ metaṁ, bhante, samaṇo gotamo evamāha: ‘mayhameva dānaṁ dātabbaṁ, nāññesaṁ dānaṁ dātabbaṁ; mayhameva sāvakānaṁ dānaṁ dātabbaṁ, nāññesaṁ sāvakānaṁ dānaṁ dātabbaṁ; mayhameva dinnaṁ mahapphalaṁ, nāññesaṁ dinnaṁ mahapphalaṁ; mayhameva sāvakānaṁ dinnaṁ mahapphalaṁ, nāññesaṁ sāvakānaṁ dinnaṁ mahapphalan’ti. Atha ca pana maṁ bhagavā nigaṇṭhesupi dāne samādapeti. Api ca, bhante, mayamettha kālaṁ jānissāma.

    “Now I’m even more delighted and satisfied with the Buddha, since he tells me to consider giving to the Jain ascetics when they come. I have heard, sir, that the ascetic Gotama says this: ‘Gifts should only be given to me, not to others. Gifts should only be given to my disciples, not to the disciples of others. Only what is given to me is very fruitful, not what is given to others. Only what is given to my disciples is very fruitful, not what is given to the disciples of others.’ Yet the Buddha encourages me to give to the Jain ascetics. Well, sir, we’ll know the proper time for that.

    एसाहं, भन्ते, ततियम्पि भगवन्तं सरणं गच्छामि धम्मञ्च भिक्खुसङ्घञ्च। उपासकं मं भगवा धारेतु अज्जतग्गे पाणुपेतं सरणं गतन्”ति।

    Esāhaṁ, bhante, tatiyampi bhagavantaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi dhammañca bhikkhusaṅghañca. Upāsakaṁ maṁ bhagavā dhāretu ajjatagge pāṇupetaṁ saraṇaṁ gatan”ti.

    For a third time, I go for refuge to the Buddha, to the teaching, and to the bhikkhu Saṅgha. From this day forth, may the Buddha remember me as a lay follower who has gone for refuge for life.”

    अथ खो भगवा उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स अनुपुब्बिं कथं कथेसि, सेय्यथिदं—दानकथं सीलकथं सग्गकथं, कामानं आदीनवं ओकारं सङ्किलेसं, नेक्खम्मे आनिसंसं पकासेसि। यदा भगवा अञ्ञासि उपालिं गहपतिं कल्लचित्तं मुदुचित्तं विनीवरणचित्तं उदग्गचित्तं पसन्नचित्तं, अथ या बुद्धानं सामुक्कंसिका धम्मदेसना तं पकासेसि—दुक्खं, समुदयं, निरोधं, मग्गं। सेय्यथापि नाम सुद्धं वत्थं अपगतकाळकं सम्मदेव रजनं पटिग्गण्हेय्य; एवमेव उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स तस्मिंयेव आसने विरजं वीतमलं धम्मचक्खुं उदपादि: “यं किञ्चि समुदयधम्मं सब्बं तं निरोधधम्मन्”ति। अथ खो उपालि गहपति दिट्ठधम्मो पत्तधम्मो विदितधम्मो परियोगाळ्हधम्मो तिण्णविचिकिच्छो विगतकथङ्कथो वेसारज्जप्पत्तो अपरप्पच्चयो सत्थुसासने भगवन्तं एतदवोच:

    Atha kho bhagavā upālissa gahapatissa anupubbiṁ kathaṁ4 kathesi, seyyathidaṁ—dānakathaṁ sīlakathaṁ saggakathaṁ, kāmānaṁ ādīnavaṁ okāraṁ saṅkilesaṁ, nekkhamme ānisaṁsaṁ pakāsesi. Yadā bhagavā aññāsi upāliṁ gahapatiṁ kallacittaṁ muducittaṁ vinīvaraṇacittaṁ udaggacittaṁ pasannacittaṁ, atha yā buddhānaṁ sāmukkaṁsikā dhammadesanā taṁ pakāsesi—dukkhaṁ, samudayaṁ, nirodhaṁ, maggaṁ. Seyyathāpi nāma suddhaṁ vatthaṁ apagatakāḷakaṁ sammadeva rajanaṁ paṭiggaṇheyya; evameva upālissa gahapatissa tasmiṁyeva āsane virajaṁ vītamalaṁ dhammacakkhuṁ udapādi: “yaṁ kiñci samudayadhammaṁ sabbaṁ taṁ nirodhadhamman”ti. Atha kho upāli gahapati diṭṭhadhammo pattadhammo viditadhammo pariyogāḷhadhammo tiṇṇavicikiccho vigatakathaṅkatho vesārajjappatto aparappaccayo satthusāsane bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:

    Then the Buddha taught the householder Upāli step by step, with a talk on giving, ethical conduct, and heaven. He explained the drawbacks of sensual pleasures, so sordid and corrupt, and the benefit of renunciation. And when he knew that Upāli’s mind was ready, pliable, rid of hindrances, elated, and confident he explained the special teaching of the Buddhas: suffering, its origin, its cessation, and the path. Just as a clean cloth rid of stains would properly absorb dye, in that very seat the stainless, immaculate vision of the Dhamma arose in Upāli: “Everything that has a beginning has an end.” Then Upāli saw, attained, understood, and fathomed the Dhamma. He went beyond doubt, got rid of indecision, and became self-assured and independent of others regarding the Teacher’s instructions.

    “हन्द च दानि मयं, भन्ते, गच्छाम, बहुकिच्चा मयं बहुकरणीया”ति।

    “handa ca dāni mayaṁ, bhante, gacchāma, bahukiccā mayaṁ bahukaraṇīyā”ti.

    He said to the Buddha, “Well, now, sir, I must go. I have many duties, and much to do.”

    “यस्सदानि त्वं, गहपति, कालं मञ्ञसी”ति।

    “Yassadāni tvaṁ, gahapati, kālaṁ maññasī”ti.

    “Please, householder, go at your convenience.”

    अथ खो उपालि गहपति भगवतो भासितं अभिनन्दित्वा अनुमोदित्वा उट्ठायासना भगवन्तं अभिवादेत्वा पदक्खिणं कत्वा येन सकं निवेसनं तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा दोवारिकं आमन्तेसि: “अज्जतग्गे, सम्म दोवारिक, आवरामि द्वारं निगण्ठानं निगण्ठीनं, अनावटं द्वारं भगवतो भिक्खूनं भिक्खुनीनं उपासकानं उपासिकानं। सचे कोचि निगण्ठो आगच्छति तमेनं त्वं एवं वदेय्यासि: ‘तिट्ठ, भन्ते, मा पाविसि। अज्जतग्गे उपालि गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स सावकत्तं उपगतो। आवटं द्वारं निगण्ठानं निगण्ठीनं, अनावटं द्वारं भगवतो भिक्खूनं भिक्खुनीनं उपासकानं उपासिकानं। सचे ते, भन्ते, पिण्डकेन अत्थो, एत्थेव तिट्ठ, एत्थेव ते आहरिस्सन्तीऽ”ति।

    Atha kho upāli gahapati bhagavato bhāsitaṁ abhinanditvā anumoditvā uṭṭhāyāsanā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṁ katvā yena sakaṁ nivesanaṁ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā dovārikaṁ āmantesi: “ajjatagge, samma dovārika, āvarāmi dvāraṁ nigaṇṭhānaṁ nigaṇṭhīnaṁ, anāvaṭaṁ dvāraṁ bhagavato bhikkhūnaṁ bhikkhunīnaṁ upāsakānaṁ upāsikānaṁ. Sace koci nigaṇṭho āgacchati tamenaṁ tvaṁ evaṁ vadeyyāsi: ‘tiṭṭha, bhante, mā pāvisi. Ajjatagge upāli gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa sāvakattaṁ upagato. Āvaṭaṁ dvāraṁ nigaṇṭhānaṁ nigaṇṭhīnaṁ, anāvaṭaṁ dvāraṁ bhagavato bhikkhūnaṁ bhikkhunīnaṁ upāsakānaṁ upāsikānaṁ. Sace te, bhante, piṇḍakena attho, ettheva tiṭṭha, ettheva te āharissantī’”ti.

    And then the householder Upāli approved and agreed with what the Buddha said. He got up from his seat, bowed, and respectfully circled the Buddha, keeping him on his right. Then he went back to his own home, where he addressed the gatekeeper, “My good gatekeeper, from this day forth close the gate to Jain monks and nuns, and open it for the Buddha’s monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen. If any Jain ascetics come, say this to them: ‘Wait, sir, do not enter. From now on the householder Upāli has become a disciple of the ascetic Gotama. His gate is closed to Jain monks and nuns, and opened for the Buddha’s monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen. If you require almsfood, wait here, they will bring it to you.’”

    “एवं, भन्ते”ति खो दोवारिको उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स पच्चस्सोसि।

    “Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho dovāriko upālissa gahapatissa paccassosi.

    “Yes, sir,” replied the gatekeeper.

    अस्सोसि खो दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो: “उपालि किर गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स सावकत्तं उपगतो”ति। अथ खो दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो येन निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं एतदवोच: “सुतं मेतं, भन्ते, उपालि किर गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स सावकत्तं उपगतो”ति।

    Assosi kho dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho: “upāli kira gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa sāvakattaṁ upagato”ti. Atha kho dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho yena nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ etadavoca: “sutaṁ metaṁ, bhante, upāli kira gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa sāvakattaṁ upagato”ti.

    Dīgha Tapassī heard that Upāli had become a disciple of the ascetic Gotama. He went to the Jain Ñātika and said to him, “Sir, they say that the householder Upāli has become a disciple of the ascetic Gotama.”

    “अट्ठानं खो एतं, तपस्सि, अनवकासो यं उपालि गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स सावकत्तं उपगच्छेय्य। ठानञ्च खो एतं विज्जति यं समणो गोतमो उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स सावकत्तं उपगच्छेय्या”ति।

    “Aṭṭhānaṁ kho etaṁ, tapassi, anavakāso yaṁ upāli gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyya. Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ samaṇo gotamo upālissa gahapatissa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyyā”ti.

    “It is impossible, Tapassī, it cannot happen that Upāli could become Gotama’s disciple. But it is possible that Gotama could become Upāli’s disciple.”

    दुतियम्पि खो दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो …पे… ततियम्पि खो दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं एतदवोच: “सुतं मेतं, भन्ते …

    Dutiyampi kho dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho …pe… tatiyampi kho dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ etadavoca: “sutaṁ metaṁ, bhante …

    For a second time … and a third time, Dīgha Tapassī said to the Jain Ñātika, “Sir, they say that the householder Upāli has become a disciple of the ascetic Gotama.”

    पे… उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स सावकत्तं उपगच्छेय्या”ति।

    pe… upālissa gahapatissa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyyā”ti.

    “It is impossible, Tapassī, it cannot happen that Upāli could become Gotama’s disciple. But it is possible that Gotama could become Upāli’s disciple.”

    “हन्दाहं, भन्ते, गच्छामि याव जानामि यदि वा उपालि गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स सावकत्तं उपगतो यदि वा नो”ति।

    “Handāhaṁ, bhante, gacchāmi yāva jānāmi yadi vā upāli gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa sāvakattaṁ upagato yadi vā no”ti.

    “Well, sir, I’d better go and find out whether or not Upāli has become Gotama’s disciple.”

    “गच्छ त्वं, तपस्सि, जानाहि यदि वा उपालि गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स सावकत्तं उपगतो यदि वा नो”ति।

    “Gaccha tvaṁ, tapassi, jānāhi yadi vā upāli gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa sāvakattaṁ upagato yadi vā no”ti.

    “Go, Tapassī, and find out whether or not Upāli has become Gotama’s disciple.”

    अथ खो दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो येन उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स निवेसनं तेनुपसङ्कमि। अद्दसा खो दोवारिको दीघतपस्सिं निगण्ठं दूरतोव आगच्छन्तं। दिस्वान दीघतपस्सिं निगण्ठं एतदवोच: “तिट्ठ, भन्ते, मा पाविसि। अज्जतग्गे उपालि गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स सावकत्तं उपगतो। आवटं द्वारं निगण्ठानं निगण्ठीनं, अनावटं द्वारं भगवतो भिक्खूनं भिक्खुनीनं उपासकानं उपासिकानं। सचे ते, भन्ते, पिण्डकेन अत्थो, एत्थेव तिट्ठ, एत्थेव ते आहरिस्सन्ती”ति।

    Atha kho dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho yena upālissa gahapatissa nivesanaṁ tenupasaṅkami. Addasā kho dovāriko dīghatapassiṁ nigaṇṭhaṁ dūratova āgacchantaṁ. Disvāna dīghatapassiṁ nigaṇṭhaṁ etadavoca: “tiṭṭha, bhante, mā pāvisi. Ajjatagge upāli gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa sāvakattaṁ upagato. Āvaṭaṁ dvāraṁ nigaṇṭhānaṁ nigaṇṭhīnaṁ, anāvaṭaṁ dvāraṁ bhagavato bhikkhūnaṁ bhikkhunīnaṁ upāsakānaṁ upāsikānaṁ. Sace te, bhante, piṇḍakena attho, ettheva tiṭṭha, ettheva te āharissantī”ti.

    Then Dīgha Tapassī went to Upāli’s home. The gatekeeper saw him coming off in the distance and said to him, “Wait, sir, do not enter. From now on the householder Upāli has become a disciple of the ascetic Gotama. His gate is closed to Jain monks and nuns, and opened for the Buddha’s monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen. If you require almsfood, wait here, they will bring it to you.”

    “न मे, आवुसो, पिण्डकेन अत्थो”ति वत्वा ततो पटिनिवत्तित्वा येन निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं एतदवोच: “सच्चंयेव खो, भन्ते, यं उपालि गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स सावकत्तं उपगतो। एतं खो ते अहं, भन्ते, नालत्थं, न खो मे, भन्ते, रुच्चति यं उपालि गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स वादं आरोपेय्य। समणो हि, भन्ते, गोतमो मायावी आवट्टनिं मायं जानाति याय अञ्ञतित्थियानं सावके आवट्टेतीति। आवट्टो खो ते, भन्ते, उपालि गहपति समणेन गोतमेन आवट्टनिया मायाया”ति।

    “Na me, āvuso, piṇḍakena attho”ti vatvā tato paṭinivattitvā yena nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ etadavoca: “saccaṁyeva kho, bhante, yaṁ upāli gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa sāvakattaṁ upagato. Etaṁ kho te ahaṁ, bhante, nālatthaṁ, na kho me, bhante, ruccati yaṁ upāli gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa vādaṁ āropeyya. Samaṇo hi, bhante, gotamo māyāvī āvaṭṭaniṁ māyaṁ jānāti yāya aññatitthiyānaṁ sāvake āvaṭṭetīti. Āvaṭṭo kho te, bhante, upāli gahapati samaṇena gotamena āvaṭṭaniyā māyāyā”ti.

    Saying, “No, mister, I do not require almsfood,” he turned back and went to the Jain Ñātika and said to him, “Sir, it’s really true that Upāli has become Gotama’s disciple. Sir, I couldn’t get you to accept that it wasn’t a good idea for the householder Upāli to rebut the ascetic Gotama’s doctrine. For the ascetic Gotama is a magician. He knows a conversion magic, and uses it to convert the disciples of other religions. The householder Upāli has been converted by the ascetic Gotama’s conversion magic!”

    “अट्ठानं खो एतं, तपस्सि, अनवकासो यं उपालि गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स सावकत्तं उपगच्छेय्य। ठानञ्च खो एतं विज्जति यं समणो गोतमो उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स सावकत्तं उपगच्छेय्या”ति।

    “Aṭṭhānaṁ kho etaṁ, tapassi, anavakāso yaṁ upāli gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyya. Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ samaṇo gotamo upālissa gahapatissa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyyā”ti.

    “It is impossible, Tapassī, it cannot happen that Upāli could become Gotama’s disciple. But it is possible that Gotama could become Upāli’s disciple.”

    दुतियम्पि खो दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं एतदवोच: “सच्चंयेव, भन्ते …पे… उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स सावकत्तं उपगच्छेय्या”ति। ततियम्पि खो दीघतपस्सी निगण्ठो निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं एतदवोच: “सच्चंयेव खो, भन्ते …

    Dutiyampi kho dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ etadavoca: “saccaṁyeva, bhante …pe… upālissa gahapatissa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyyā”ti. Tatiyampi kho dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ etadavoca: “saccaṁyeva kho, bhante …

    For a second time … and a third time, Dīgha Tapassī told the Jain Ñātika that it was really true.

    पे… उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स सावकत्तं उपगच्छेय्या”ति।

    pe… upālissa gahapatissa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyyā”ti.

    “It is impossible …

    “हन्द चाहं, तपस्सि, गच्छामि याव चाहं सामंयेव जानामि यदि वा उपालि गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स सावकत्तं उपगतो यदि वा नो”ति।

    “Handa cāhaṁ, tapassi, gacchāmi yāva cāhaṁ sāmaṁyeva jānāmi yadi vā upāli gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa sāvakattaṁ upagato yadi vā no”ti.

    Well, Tapassī, I’d better go and find out for myself whether or not Upāli has become Gotama’s disciple.”

    अथ खो निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो महतिया निगण्ठपरिसाय सद्धिं येन उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स निवेसनं तेनुपसङ्कमि। अद्दसा खो दोवारिको निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं दूरतोव आगच्छन्तं। दिस्वान निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं एतदवोच: “तिट्ठ, भन्ते, मा पाविसि। अज्जतग्गे उपालि गहपति समणस्स गोतमस्स सावकत्तं उपगतो। आवटं द्वारं निगण्ठानं निगण्ठीनं, अनावटं द्वारं भगवतो भिक्खूनं भिक्खुनीनं उपासकानं उपासिकानं। सचे ते, भन्ते, पिण्डकेन अत्थो, एत्थेव तिट्ठ, एत्थेव ते आहरिस्सन्ती”ति।

    Atha kho nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto mahatiyā nigaṇṭhaparisāya saddhiṁ yena upālissa gahapatissa nivesanaṁ tenupasaṅkami. Addasā kho dovāriko nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ dūratova āgacchantaṁ. Disvāna nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ etadavoca: “tiṭṭha, bhante, mā pāvisi. Ajjatagge upāli gahapati samaṇassa gotamassa sāvakattaṁ upagato. Āvaṭaṁ dvāraṁ nigaṇṭhānaṁ nigaṇṭhīnaṁ, anāvaṭaṁ dvāraṁ bhagavato bhikkhūnaṁ bhikkhunīnaṁ upāsakānaṁ upāsikānaṁ. Sace te, bhante, piṇḍakena attho, ettheva tiṭṭha, ettheva te āharissantī”ti.

    Then the Jain Ñātika went to Upāli’s home together with a large following of Jain ascetics. The gatekeeper saw him coming off in the distance and said to him: “Wait, sir, do not enter. From now on the householder Upāli has become a disciple of the ascetic Gotama. His gate is closed to Jain monks and nuns, and opened for the Buddha’s monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen. If you require almsfood, wait here, they will bring it to you.”

    “तेन हि, सम्म दोवारिक, येन उपालि गहपति तेनुपसङ्कम; उपसङ्कमित्वा उपालिं गहपतिं एवं वदेहि: ‘निगण्ठो, भन्ते, नाटपुत्तो महतिया निगण्ठपरिसाय सद्धिं बहिद्वारकोट्ठके ठितो; सो ते दस्सनकामोऽ”ति।

    “Tena hi, samma dovārika, yena upāli gahapati tenupasaṅkama; upasaṅkamitvā upāliṁ gahapatiṁ evaṁ vadehi: ‘nigaṇṭho, bhante, nāṭaputto mahatiyā nigaṇṭhaparisāya saddhiṁ bahidvārakoṭṭhake ṭhito; so te dassanakāmo’”ti.

    “Well then, my good gatekeeper, go to Upāli and say: ‘Sir, the Jain Ñātika is waiting outside the gates together with a large following of Jain ascetics. He wishes to see you.’”

    “एवं, भन्ते”ति खो दोवारिको निगण्ठस्स नाटपुत्तस्स पटिस्सुत्वा येन उपालि गहपति तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा उपालिं गहपतिं एतदवोच: “निगण्ठो, भन्ते, नाटपुत्तो महतिया निगण्ठपरिसाय सद्धिं बहिद्वारकोट्ठके ठितो; सो ते दस्सनकामो”ति। “तेन हि, सम्म दोवारिक, मज्झिमाय द्वारसालाय आसनानि पञ्ञपेही”ति।

    “Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho dovāriko nigaṇṭhassa nāṭaputtassa paṭissutvā yena upāli gahapati tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā upāliṁ gahapatiṁ etadavoca: “nigaṇṭho, bhante, nāṭaputto mahatiyā nigaṇṭhaparisāya saddhiṁ bahidvārakoṭṭhake ṭhito; so te dassanakāmo”ti. “Tena hi, samma dovārika, majjhimāya dvārasālāya āsanāni paññapehī”ti.

    “Yes, sir,” replied the gatekeeper. He went to Upāli and relayed what was said. Upāli said to him, “Well, then, my good gatekeeper, prepare seats in the hall of the middle gate.”

    “एवं, भन्ते”ति खो दोवारिको उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स पटिस्सुत्वा मज्झिमाय द्वारसालाय आसनानि पञ्ञपेत्वा येन उपालि गहपति तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा उपालिं गहपतिं एतदवोच: “पञ्ञत्तानि खो, भन्ते, मज्झिमाय द्वारसालाय आसनानि। यस्सदानि कालं मञ्ञसी”ति।

    “Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho dovāriko upālissa gahapatissa paṭissutvā majjhimāya dvārasālāya āsanāni paññapetvā yena upāli gahapati tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā upāliṁ gahapatiṁ etadavoca: “paññattāni kho, bhante, majjhimāya dvārasālāya āsanāni. Yassadāni kālaṁ maññasī”ti.

    “Yes, sir,” replied the gatekeeper. He did as he was asked, then returned to Upāli and said, “Sir, seats have been prepared in the hall of the middle gate. Please go at your convenience.”

    अथ खो उपालि गहपति येन मज्झिमा द्वारसाला तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा यं तत्थ आसनं अग्गञ्च सेट्ठञ्च उत्तमञ्च पणीतञ्च तत्थ सामं निसीदित्वा दोवारिकं आमन्तेसि: “तेन हि, सम्म दोवारिक, येन निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो तेनुपसङ्कम; उपसङ्कमित्वा निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं एवं वदेहि: ‘उपालि, भन्ते, गहपति एवमाह—पविस किर, भन्ते, सचे आकङ्खसीऽ”ति।

    Atha kho upāli gahapati yena majjhimā dvārasālā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā yaṁ tattha āsanaṁ aggañca seṭṭhañca uttamañca paṇītañca tattha sāmaṁ nisīditvā dovārikaṁ āmantesi: “tena hi, samma dovārika, yena nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto tenupasaṅkama; upasaṅkamitvā nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ evaṁ vadehi: ‘upāli, bhante, gahapati evamāha—pavisa kira, bhante, sace ākaṅkhasī’”ti.

    Then Upāli went to the hall of the middle gate, where he sat on the highest and finest seat. He addressed the gatekeeper, “Well then, my good gatekeeper, go to the Jain Ñātika and say to him: ‘Sir, Upāli says you may enter if you wish.’”

    “एवं, भन्ते”ति खो दोवारिको उपालिस्स गहपतिस्स पटिस्सुत्वा येन निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं एतदवोच: “उपालि, भन्ते, गहपति एवमाह: ‘पविस किर, भन्ते, सचे आकङ्खसीऽ”ति।

    “Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho dovāriko upālissa gahapatissa paṭissutvā yena nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ etadavoca: “upāli, bhante, gahapati evamāha: ‘pavisa kira, bhante, sace ākaṅkhasī’”ti.

    “Yes, sir,” replied the gatekeeper. He went to the Jain Ñātika and relayed what was said.

    अथ खो निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो महतिया निगण्ठपरिसाय सद्धिं येन मज्झिमा द्वारसाला तेनुपसङ्कमि। अथ खो उपालि गहपति—यं सुदं पुब्बे यतो पस्सति निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं दूरतोव आगच्छन्तं दिस्वान ततो पच्चुग्गन्त्वा यं तत्थ आसनं अग्गञ्च सेट्ठञ्च उत्तमञ्च पणीतञ्च तं उत्तरासङ्गेन सम्मज्जित्वा परिग्गहेत्वा निसीदापेति सो—दानि यं तत्थ आसनं अग्गञ्च सेट्ठञ्च उत्तमञ्च पणीतञ्च तत्थ सामं निसीदित्वा निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं एतदवोच: “संविज्जन्ति खो, भन्ते, आसनानि; सचे आकङ्खसि, निसीदा”ति।

    Atha kho nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto mahatiyā nigaṇṭhaparisāya saddhiṁ yena majjhimā dvārasālā tenupasaṅkami. Atha kho upāli gahapati—yaṁ sudaṁ pubbe yato passati nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ dūratova āgacchantaṁ disvāna tato paccuggantvā yaṁ tattha āsanaṁ aggañca seṭṭhañca uttamañca paṇītañca taṁ uttarāsaṅgena sammajjitvā5 pariggahetvā nisīdāpeti so—dāni yaṁ tattha āsanaṁ aggañca seṭṭhañca uttamañca paṇītañca tattha sāmaṁ nisīditvā nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ etadavoca: “saṁvijjanti kho, bhante, āsanāni; sace ākaṅkhasi, nisīdā”ti.

    Then the Jain Ñātika went to the hall of the middle gate together with a large following of Jain ascetics. Previously, when Upāli saw the Jain Ñātika coming, he would go out to greet him and, having wiped off the highest and finest seat with his upper robe, he would put his arms around him and sit him down. But today, having seated himself on the highest and finest seat, he said to the Jain Ñātika, “There are seats, sir. Please sit if you wish.”

    एवं वुत्ते, निगण्ठो नाटपुत्तो उपालिं गहपतिं एतदवोच: “उम्मत्तोसि त्वं, गहपति, दत्तोसि त्वं, गहपति। ‘गच्छामहं, भन्ते, समणस्स गोतमस्स वादं आरोपेस्सामीऽति गन्त्वा महतासि वादसङ्घाटेन पटिमुक्को आगतो। सेय्यथापि, गहपति, पुरिसो अण्डहारको गन्त्वा उब्भतेहि अण्डेहि आगच्छेय्य, सेय्यथा वा पन गहपति पुरिसो अक्खिकहारको गन्त्वा उब्भतेहि अक्खीहि आगच्छेय्य; एवमेव खो त्वं, गहपति, ‘गच्छामहं, भन्ते, समणस्स गोतमस्स वादं आरोपेस्सामीऽति गन्त्वा महतासि वादसङ्घाटेन पटिमुक्को आगतो। आवट्टोसि खो त्वं, गहपति, समणेन गोतमेन आवट्टनिया मायाया”ति।

    Evaṁ vutte, nigaṇṭho nāṭaputto upāliṁ gahapatiṁ etadavoca: “ummattosi tvaṁ, gahapati, dattosi tvaṁ, gahapati. ‘Gacchāmahaṁ, bhante, samaṇassa gotamassa vādaṁ āropessāmī’ti gantvā mahatāsi vādasaṅghāṭena paṭimukko āgato. Seyyathāpi, gahapati, puriso aṇḍahārako gantvā ubbhatehi aṇḍehi āgaccheyya, seyyathā vā pana gahapati puriso akkhikahārako gantvā ubbhatehi akkhīhi āgaccheyya; evameva kho tvaṁ, gahapati, ‘gacchāmahaṁ, bhante, samaṇassa gotamassa vādaṁ āropessāmī’ti gantvā mahatāsi vādasaṅghāṭena paṭimukko āgato. Āvaṭṭosi kho tvaṁ, gahapati, samaṇena gotamena āvaṭṭaniyā māyāyā”ti.

    When he said this, the Jain Ñātika said to him: “You’re mad, householder! You’re a moron! You said: ‘I’ll go and refute the ascetic Gotama’s doctrine.’ But you come back caught in the vast net of his doctrine. Suppose a man went to deliver a pair of balls, but came back castrated. Or they went to deliver eyes, but came back blinded. In the same way, you said: ‘I’ll go and refute the ascetic Gotama’s doctrine.’ But you come back caught in the vast net of his doctrine. You’ve been converted by the ascetic Gotama’s conversion magic!”

    “भद्दिका, भन्ते, आवट्टनी माया; कल्याणी, भन्ते, आवट्टनी माया; पिया मे, भन्ते, ञातिसालोहिता इमाय आवट्टनिया आवट्टेय्युं; पियानम्पि मे अस्स ञातिसालोहितानं दीघरत्तं हिताय सुखाय; सब्बे चेपि, भन्ते, खत्तिया इमाय आवट्टनिया आवट्टेय्युं; सब्बेसानम्पिस्स खत्तियानं दीघरत्तं हिताय सुखाय; सब्बे चेपि, भन्ते, ब्राह्मणा …पे… वेस्सा …पे… सुद्दा इमाय आवट्टनिया आवट्टेय्युं; सब्बेसानम्पिस्स सुद्दानं दीघरत्तं हिताय सुखाय; सदेवको चेपि, भन्ते, लोको समारको सब्रह्मको सस्समणब्राह्मणी पजा सदेवमनुस्सा इमाय आवट्टनिया आवट्टेय्युं; सदेवकस्सपिस्स लोकस्स समारकस्स सब्रह्मकस्स सस्समणब्राह्मणिया पजाय सदेवमनुस्साय दीघरत्तं हिताय सुखायाति। तेन हि, भन्ते, उपमं ते करिस्सामि। उपमायपिधेकच्चे विञ्ञू पुरिसा भासितस्स अत्थं आजानन्ति।

    “Bhaddikā, bhante, āvaṭṭanī māyā; kalyāṇī, bhante, āvaṭṭanī māyā; piyā me, bhante, ñātisālohitā imāya āvaṭṭaniyā āvaṭṭeyyuṁ; piyānampi me assa ñātisālohitānaṁ dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāya; sabbe cepi, bhante, khattiyā imāya āvaṭṭaniyā āvaṭṭeyyuṁ; sabbesānampissa khattiyānaṁ dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāya; sabbe cepi, bhante, brāhmaṇā …pe… vessā …pe… suddā imāya āvaṭṭaniyā āvaṭṭeyyuṁ; sabbesānampissa suddānaṁ dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāya; sadevako cepi, bhante, loko samārako sabrahmako sassamaṇabrāhmaṇī pajā sadevamanussā imāya āvaṭṭaniyā āvaṭṭeyyuṁ; sadevakassapissa lokassa samārakassa sabrahmakassa sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiyā pajāya sadevamanussāya dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāyāti. Tena hi, bhante, upamaṁ te karissāmi. Upamāyapidhekacce viññū purisā bhāsitassa atthaṁ ājānanti.

    “Sir, this conversion magic is excellent. This conversion magic is lovely! If my loved ones—relatives and kin—were to be converted by this, it would be for their lasting welfare and happiness. If all the aristocrats, brahmins, peasants, and menials were to be converted by this, it would be for their lasting welfare and happiness. If the whole world—with its gods, Māras and Brahmās, this population with its ascetics and brahmins, gods and humans—were to be converted by this, it would be for their lasting welfare and happiness. Well then, sir, I shall give you a simile. For by means of a simile some sensible people understand the meaning of what is said.

    भूतपुब्बं, भन्ते, अञ्ञतरस्स ब्राह्मणस्स जिण्णस्स वुड्ढस्स महल्लकस्स दहरा माणविका पजापती अहोसि गब्भिनी उपविजञ्ञा। अथ खो, भन्ते, सा माणविका तं ब्राह्मणं एतदवोच, ‘गच्छ त्वं, ब्राह्मण, आपणा मक्कटच्छापकं किणित्वा आनेहि, यो मे कुमारकस्स कीळापनको भविस्सतीऽति।

    Bhūtapubbaṁ, bhante, aññatarassa brāhmaṇassa jiṇṇassa vuḍḍhassa mahallakassa daharā māṇavikā pajāpatī ahosi gabbhinī upavijaññā. Atha kho, bhante, sā māṇavikā taṁ brāhmaṇaṁ etadavoca, ‘gaccha tvaṁ, brāhmaṇa, āpaṇā makkaṭacchāpakaṁ kiṇitvā ānehi, yo me kumārakassa kīḷāpanako bhavissatī’ti.

    Once upon a time there was an old brahmin, elderly and senior. His wife was a young brahmin lady who was pregnant and about to give birth. Then she said to the brahmin, ‘Go, brahmin, buy a baby monkey from the market and bring it back so it can be a playmate for my child.’

    एवं वुत्ते, सो ब्राह्मणो तं माणविकं एतदवोच: ‘आगमेहि ताव, भोति, याव विजायति। सचे त्वं, भोति, कुमारकं विजायिस्ससि, तस्सा ते अहं आपणा मक्कटच्छापकं किणित्वा आनेस्सामि, यो ते कुमारकस्स कीळापनको भविस्सति। सचे पन त्वं, भोति, कुमारिकं विजायिस्ससि, तस्सा ते अहं आपणा मक्कटच्छापिकं किणित्वा आनेस्सामि, या ते कुमारिकाय कीळापनिका भविस्सतीऽति।

    Evaṁ vutte, so brāhmaṇo taṁ māṇavikaṁ etadavoca: ‘āgamehi tāva, bhoti, yāva vijāyati. Sace tvaṁ, bhoti, kumārakaṁ vijāyissasi, tassā te ahaṁ āpaṇā makkaṭacchāpakaṁ kiṇitvā ānessāmi, yo te kumārakassa kīḷāpanako bhavissati. Sace pana tvaṁ, bhoti, kumārikaṁ vijāyissasi, tassā te ahaṁ āpaṇā makkaṭacchāpikaṁ kiṇitvā ānessāmi, yā te kumārikāya kīḷāpanikā bhavissatī’ti.

    When she said this, the brahmin said to her, ‘Wait, my dear, until you give birth. If your child is a boy, I’ll buy you a male monkey, but if it’s a girl, I’ll buy a female monkey.’

    दुतियम्पि खो, भन्ते, सा माणविका …पे… ततियम्पि खो, भन्ते, सा माणविका तं ब्राह्मणं एतदवोच: ‘गच्छ त्वं, ब्राह्मण, आपणा मक्कटच्छापकं किणित्वा आनेहि, यो मे कुमारकस्स कीळापनको भविस्सतीऽति।

    Dutiyampi kho, bhante, sā māṇavikā …pe… tatiyampi kho, bhante, sā māṇavikā taṁ brāhmaṇaṁ etadavoca: ‘gaccha tvaṁ, brāhmaṇa, āpaṇā makkaṭacchāpakaṁ kiṇitvā ānehi, yo me kumārakassa kīḷāpanako bhavissatī’ti.

    For a second time, and a third time she said to the brahmin, ‘Go, brahmin, buy a baby monkey from the market and bring it back so it can be a playmate for my child.’

    अथ खो, भन्ते, सो ब्राह्मणो तस्सा माणविकाय सारत्तो पटिबद्धचित्तो आपणा मक्कटच्छापकं किणित्वा आनेत्वा तं माणविकं एतदवोच: ‘अयं ते, भोति, आपणा मक्कटच्छापको किणित्वा आनीतो, यो ते कुमारकस्स कीळापनको भविस्सतीऽति।

    Atha kho, bhante, so brāhmaṇo tassā māṇavikāya sāratto paṭibaddhacitto āpaṇā makkaṭacchāpakaṁ kiṇitvā ānetvā taṁ māṇavikaṁ etadavoca: ‘ayaṁ te, bhoti, āpaṇā makkaṭacchāpako kiṇitvā ānīto, yo te kumārakassa kīḷāpanako bhavissatī’ti.

    Then that brahmin, because of his love for the brahmin lady, bought a male baby monkey at the market, brought it to her, and said, ‘I’ve bought this male baby monkey for you so it can be a playmate for your child.’

    एवं वुत्ते, भन्ते, सा माणविका तं ब्राह्मणं एतदवोच: ‘गच्छ त्वं, ब्राह्मण, इमं मक्कटच्छापकं आदाय येन रत्तपाणि रजकपुत्तो तेनुपसङ्कम; उपसङ्कमित्वा रत्तपाणिं रजकपुत्तं एवं वदेहि—इच्छामहं, सम्म रत्तपाणि, इमं मक्कटच्छापकं पीतावलेपनं नाम रङ्गजातं रजितं आकोटितपच्चाकोटितं उभतोभागविमट्ठन्ऽति।

    Evaṁ vutte, bhante, sā māṇavikā taṁ brāhmaṇaṁ etadavoca: ‘gaccha tvaṁ, brāhmaṇa, imaṁ makkaṭacchāpakaṁ ādāya yena rattapāṇi rajakaputto tenupasaṅkama; upasaṅkamitvā rattapāṇiṁ rajakaputtaṁ evaṁ vadehi—icchāmahaṁ, samma rattapāṇi, imaṁ makkaṭacchāpakaṁ pītāvalepanaṁ nāma raṅgajātaṁ rajitaṁ ākoṭitapaccākoṭitaṁ ubhatobhāgavimaṭṭhan’ti.

    When he said this, she said to him, ‘Go, brahmin, take this monkey to Rattapāṇi the dyer and say, “Mister Rattapāṇi, I wish to have this monkey dyed the color of yellow greasepaint, pounded and re-pounded, and pressed on both sides.”’

    अथ खो, भन्ते, सो ब्राह्मणो तस्सा माणविकाय सारत्तो पटिबद्धचित्तो तं मक्कटच्छापकं आदाय येन रत्तपाणि रजकपुत्तो तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा रत्तपाणिं रजकपुत्तं एतदवोच: ‘इच्छामहं, सम्म रत्तपाणि, इमं मक्कटच्छापकं पीतावलेपनं नाम रङ्गजातं रजितं आकोटितपच्चाकोटितं उभतोभागविमट्ठन्ऽति।

    Atha kho, bhante, so brāhmaṇo tassā māṇavikāya sāratto paṭibaddhacitto taṁ makkaṭacchāpakaṁ ādāya yena rattapāṇi rajakaputto tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā rattapāṇiṁ rajakaputtaṁ etadavoca: ‘icchāmahaṁ, samma rattapāṇi, imaṁ makkaṭacchāpakaṁ pītāvalepanaṁ nāma raṅgajātaṁ rajitaṁ ākoṭitapaccākoṭitaṁ ubhatobhāgavimaṭṭhan’ti.

    Then that brahmin, because of his love for the brahmin lady, took the monkey to Rattapāṇi the dyer and said, ‘Mister Rattapāṇi, I wish to have this monkey dyed the color of yellow greasepaint, pounded and re-pounded, and pressed on both sides.’

    एवं वुत्ते, भन्ते, रत्तपाणि रजकपुत्तो तं ब्राह्मणं एतदवोच: ‘अयं खो ते, भन्ते, मक्कटच्छापको रङ्गक्खमो हि खो, नो आकोटनक्खमो, नो विमज्जनक्खमोऽति।

    Evaṁ vutte, bhante, rattapāṇi rajakaputto taṁ brāhmaṇaṁ etadavoca: ‘ayaṁ kho te, bhante, makkaṭacchāpako raṅgakkhamo hi kho, no ākoṭanakkhamo, no vimajjanakkhamo’ti.

    When he said this, Rattapāṇi said to him, ‘Sir, this monkey can withstand a dying, but not a pounding or a pressing.’

    एवमेव खो, भन्ते, बालानं निगण्ठानं वादो रङ्गक्खमो हि खो बालानं नो पण्डितानं, नो अनुयोगक्खमो, नो विमज्जनक्खमो।

    Evameva kho, bhante, bālānaṁ nigaṇṭhānaṁ vādo raṅgakkhamo hi kho bālānaṁ no paṇḍitānaṁ, no anuyogakkhamo, no vimajjanakkhamo.

    In the same way, the doctrine of the foolish Jains looks fine initially—for fools, not for the astute—but can’t withstand being scrutinized or pressed.

    अथ खो, भन्ते, सो ब्राह्मणो अपरेन समयेन नवं दुस्सयुगं आदाय येन रत्तपाणि रजकपुत्तो तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा रत्तपाणिं रजकपुत्तं एतदवोच: ‘इच्छामहं, सम्म रत्तपाणि, इमं नवं दुस्सयुगं पीतावलेपनं नाम रङ्गजातं रजितं आकोटितपच्चाकोटितं उभतोभागविमट्ठन्ऽति।

    Atha kho, bhante, so brāhmaṇo aparena samayena navaṁ dussayugaṁ ādāya yena rattapāṇi rajakaputto tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā rattapāṇiṁ rajakaputtaṁ etadavoca: ‘icchāmahaṁ, samma rattapāṇi, imaṁ navaṁ dussayugaṁ pītāvalepanaṁ nāma raṅgajātaṁ rajitaṁ ākoṭitapaccākoṭitaṁ ubhatobhāgavimaṭṭhan’ti.

    Then some time later that brahmin took a new pair of garments to Rattapāṇi the dyer and said, ‘Mister Rattapāṇi, I wish to have this new pair of garments dyed the color of yellow greasepaint, pounded and re-pounded, and pressed on both sides.’

    एवं वुत्ते, भन्ते, रत्तपाणि रजकपुत्तो तं ब्राह्मणं एतदवोच: ‘इदं खो ते, भन्ते, नवं दुस्सयुगं रङ्गक्खमञ्चेव आकोटनक्खमञ्च विमज्जनक्खमञ्चाऽति।

    Evaṁ vutte, bhante, rattapāṇi rajakaputto taṁ brāhmaṇaṁ etadavoca: ‘idaṁ kho te, bhante, navaṁ dussayugaṁ raṅgakkhamañceva ākoṭanakkhamañca vimajjanakkhamañcā’ti.

    When he said this, Rattapāṇi said to him, ‘Sir, this pair of garments can withstand a dying, a pounding, and a pressing.’

    एवमेव खो, भन्ते, तस्स भगवतो वादो अरहतो सम्मासम्बुद्धस्स रङ्गक्खमो चेव पण्डितानं नो बालानं, अनुयोगक्खमो च विमज्जनक्खमो चा”ति।

    Evameva kho, bhante, tassa bhagavato vādo arahato sammāsambuddhassa raṅgakkhamo ceva paṇḍitānaṁ no bālānaṁ, anuyogakkhamo ca vimajjanakkhamo cā”ti.

    In the same way, the doctrine of the Buddha looks fine initially—for the astute, not for fools—and it can withstand being scrutinized and pressed.”

    “सराजिका खो, गहपति, परिसा एवं जानाति: ‘उपालि गहपति निगण्ठस्स नाटपुत्तस्स सावकोऽति। कस्स तं, गहपति, सावकं धारेमा”ति?

    “Sarājikā kho, gahapati, parisā evaṁ jānāti: ‘upāli gahapati nigaṇṭhassa nāṭaputtassa sāvako’ti. Kassa taṁ, gahapati, sāvakaṁ dhāremā”ti?

    “Householder, the king and his retinue know you as a disciple of the Jain Ñātika. Whose disciple should we remember you as?”

    एवं वुत्ते, उपालि गहपति उट्ठायासना एकंसं उत्तरासङ्गं करित्वा येन भगवा तेनञ्जलिं पणामेत्वा निगण्ठं नाटपुत्तं एतदवोच: “तेन हि, भन्ते, सुणोहि यस्साहं सावको”ति:

    Evaṁ vutte, upāli gahapati uṭṭhāyāsanā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā yena bhagavā tenañjaliṁ paṇāmetvā nigaṇṭhaṁ nāṭaputtaṁ etadavoca: “tena hi, bhante, suṇohi yassāhaṁ sāvako”ti:

    When he had spoken, the householder Upāli got up from his seat, arranged his robe over one shoulder, raised his joined palms in the direction of the Buddha, and said to the Jain Ñātika, “Well then, sir, hear whose disciple I am:

    “धीरस्स विगतमोहस्स, पभिन्नखीलस्स विजितविजयस्स; अनीघस्स सुसमचित्तस्स, वुद्धसीलस्स साधुपञ्ञस्स; वेसमन्तरस्स विमलस्स, भगवतो तस्स सावकोहमस्मि।

    “Dhīrassa vigatamohassa, Pabhinnakhīlassa vijitavijayassa; Anīghassa susamacittassa, Vuddhasīlassa sādhupaññassa; Vesamantarassa6 vimalassa, Bhagavato tassa sāvakohamasmi.

    The wise one, free of delusion, rid of barrenness, victor in battle; he’s untroubled and so even-minded, with the virtue of an elder and the wisdom of a saint, immaculate in the midst of it all: he is the Buddha, and I am his disciple.

    अकथङ्कथिस्स तुसितस्स, वन्तलोकामिसस्स मुदितस्स; कतसमणस्स मनुजस्स, अन्तिमसारीरस्स नरस्स; अनोपमस्स विरजस्स, भगवतो तस्स सावकोहमस्मि।

    Akathaṅkathissa tusitassa, Vantalokāmisassa muditassa; Katasamaṇassa manujassa, Antimasārīrassa narassa; Anopamassa virajassa, Bhagavato tassa sāvakohamasmi.

    He has no indecision, he’s content, joyful, he has spat out the world’s bait; he has completed the ascetic’s task as a human, a man who bears his final body; he’s beyond compare, he’s stainless: he is the Buddha, and I am his disciple.

    असंसयस्स कुसलस्स, वेनयिकस्स सारथिवरस्स; अनुत्तरस्स रुचिरधम्मस्स, निक्कङ्खस्स पभासकस्स; मानच्छिदस्स वीरस्स, भगवतो तस्स सावकोहमस्मि।

    Asaṁsayassa kusalassa, Venayikassa sārathivarassa; Anuttarassa ruciradhammassa, Nikkaṅkhassa pabhāsakassa; Mānacchidassa vīrassa, Bhagavato tassa sāvakohamasmi.

    He’s free of doubt, he’s skillful, he’s a trainer, an excellent charioteer; supreme, with brilliant qualities, confident, his light shines forth; he has cut off conceit, he’s a hero: he is the Buddha, and I am his disciple.

    निसभस्स अप्पमेय्यस्स, गम्भीरस्स मोनपत्तस्स; खेमङ्करस्स वेदस्स, धम्मट्ठस्स संवुतत्तस्स; सङ्गातिगस्स मुत्तस्स, भगवतो तस्स सावकोहमस्मि।

    Nisabhassa appameyyassa, Gambhīrassa monapattassa; Khemaṅkarassa vedassa, Dhammaṭṭhassa saṁvutattassa; Saṅgātigassa muttassa, Bhagavato tassa sāvakohamasmi.

    The chief bull, immeasurable, profound, sagacious; he is the maker of sanctuary, knowledgeable, firm in principle and restrained; he has slipped his chains and is liberated: he is the Buddha, and I am his disciple.

    नागस्स पन्तसेनस्स, खीणसंयोजनस्स मुत्तस्स; पटिमन्तकस्स धोनस्स, पन्नधजस्स वीतरागस्स; दन्तस्स निप्पपञ्चस्स, भगवतो तस्स सावकोहमस्मि।

    Nāgassa pantasenassa, Khīṇasaṁyojanassa muttassa; Paṭimantakassa7 dhonassa, Pannadhajassa vītarāgassa; Dantassa nippapañcassa, Bhagavato tassa sāvakohamasmi.

    He’s a giant, living remotely, he’s ended the fetters and is liberated; he’s skilled in dialogue and cleansed, with banner put down, desireless; he’s tamed, and doesn’t proliferate: he is the Buddha, and I am his disciple.

    इसिसत्तमस्स अकुहस्स, तेविज्जस्स ब्रह्मपत्तस्स; न्हातकस्स पदकस्स, पस्सद्धस्स विदितवेदस्स; पुरिन्ददस्स सक्कस्स, भगवतो तस्स सावकोहमस्मि।

    Isisattamassa akuhassa, Tevijjassa brahmapattassa; Nhātakassa8 padakassa, Passaddhassa viditavedassa; Purindadassa sakkassa, Bhagavato tassa sāvakohamasmi.

    He is the seventh sage, free of deceit, with three knowledges, he has attained to holiness, he has bathed, he knows philology, he’s tranquil, he understands what is known; he crushes resistance, he is the lord: he is the Buddha, and I am his disciple.

    अरियस्स भावितत्तस्स, पत्तिपत्तस्स वेय्याकरणस्स; सतिमतो विपस्सिस्स, अनभिनतस्स नो अपनतस्स; अनेजस्स वसिप्पत्तस्स, भगवतो तस्स सावकोहमस्मि।

    Ariyassa bhāvitattassa, Pattipattassa veyyākaraṇassa; Satimato vipassissa, Anabhinatassa no apanatassa; Anejassa vasippattassa, Bhagavato tassa sāvakohamasmi.

    The noble one, evolved, he has attained the goal and explains it; he is mindful, discerning, neither leaning forward nor pulling back, he’s unstirred, attained to mastery: he is the Buddha, and I am his disciple.

    समुग्गतस्स झायिस्स, अननुगतन्तरस्स सुद्धस्स; असितस्स हितस्स, पविवित्तस्स अग्गप्पत्तस्स; तिण्णस्स तारयन्तस्स, भगवतो तस्स सावकोहमस्मि।

    Samuggatassa9 jhāyissa, Ananugatantarassa suddhassa; Asitassa hitassa, Pavivittassa aggappattassa; Tiṇṇassa tārayantassa, Bhagavato tassa sāvakohamasmi.

    He has risen up, he practices jhāna, not following inner thoughts, he is pure, independent, and fearless; secluded, he has reached the peak, crossed over, he helps others across: he is the Buddha, and I am his disciple.

    सन्तस्स भूरिपञ्ञस्स, महापञ्ञस्स वीतलोभस्स; तथागतस्स सुगतस्स, अप्पटिपुग्गलस्स असमस्स; विसारदस्स निपुणस्स, भगवतो तस्स सावकोहमस्मि।

    Santassa bhūripaññassa, Mahāpaññassa vītalobhassa; Tathāgatassa sugatassa, Appaṭipuggalassa asamassa; Visāradassa nipuṇassa, Bhagavato tassa sāvakohamasmi.

    He’s peaceful, his wisdom is vast, with great wisdom, he’s free of greed; he is the Realized One, the Holy One, unrivaled, unequaled, assured, and subtle: he is the Buddha, and I am his disciple.

    तण्हच्छिदस्स बुद्धस्स, वीतधूमस्स अनुपलित्तस्स; आहुनेय्यस्स यक्खस्स, उत्तमपुग्गलस्स अतुलस्स; महतो यसग्गपत्तस्स, भगवतो तस्स सावकोहमस्मी”ति।

    Taṇhacchidassa buddhassa, Vītadhūmassa anupalittassa; Āhuneyyassa yakkhassa, Uttamapuggalassa atulassa; Mahato yasaggapattassa, Bhagavato tassa sāvakohamasmī”ti.

    He has cut off craving and is awakened, free of fuming, unsullied; a mighty spirit worthy of offerings, best of men, inestimable, grand, he has reached the peak of glory: he is the Buddha, and I am his disciple.”

    “कदा सञ्ञूळ्हा पन ते, गहपति, इमे समणस्स गोतमस्स वण्णा”ति?

    “Kadā saññūḷhā pana te, gahapati, ime samaṇassa gotamassa vaṇṇā”ti?

    “But when did you compose these praises of the ascetic Gotama’s beautiful qualities, householder?”

    “सेय्यथापि, भन्ते, नानापुप्फानं महापुप्फरासि, तमेनं दक्खो मालाकारो वा मालाकारन्तेवासी वा विचित्तं मालं गन्थेय्य; एवमेव खो, भन्ते, सो भगवा अनेकवण्णो अनेकसतवण्णो। को हि, भन्ते, वण्णारहस्स वण्णं न करिस्सती”ति?

    “Seyyathāpi, bhante, nānāpupphānaṁ mahāpuppharāsi, tamenaṁ dakkho mālākāro vā mālākārantevāsī vā vicittaṁ mālaṁ gantheyya; evameva kho, bhante, so bhagavā anekavaṇṇo anekasatavaṇṇo. Ko hi, bhante, vaṇṇārahassa vaṇṇaṁ na karissatī”ti?

    “Sir, suppose there was a large heap of many different flowers. A deft garland-maker or their apprentice could tie them into a colorful garland. In the same way, the Buddha has many beautiful qualities to praise, many hundreds of such qualities. Who, sir, would not praise the praiseworthy?”

    अथ खो निगण्ठस्स नाटपुत्तस्स भगवतो सक्कारं असहमानस्स तत्थेव उण्हं लोहितं मुखतो उग्गच्छीति।

    Atha kho nigaṇṭhassa nāṭaputtassa bhagavato sakkāraṁ asahamānassa tattheva uṇhaṁ lohitaṁ mukhato uggacchīti.

    Unable to bear this honor paid to the Buddha, the Jain Ñātika spewed hot blood from his mouth there and then.

    उपालिसुत्तं निट्ठितं छट्ठं।

    Upālisuttaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ chaṭṭhaṁ.

    The authoritative text of the Majjhima Nikāya is the Pāli text. The English translation is provided as an aid to the study of the original Pāli text. [CREDITS »]

    1. nāṭaputto → nātaputto (bj, pts1ed)
    2. vālaṁ → thālaṁ (sya-all, mr)
    3. majjhāraññaṁ → mejjhāraññaṁ (bj, sya-all, km, pts1ed)
    4. anupubbiṁ kathaṁ → ānupubbīkathaṁ (bj); anupubbikathaṁ (sya-all, km, mr); ānupubbikathaṁ (pts1ed)
    5. sammajjitvā → pamajjitvā (bj, pts1ed); saṁmajjitvā (sya-all)
    6. Vesamantarassa → vessantarassa (bj, pts1ed)
    7. Paṭimantakassa → paṭimantassa (mr)
    8. Nhātakassa → nahātakassa (bj, pts1ed); ṇhātakassa (cck)
    9. Samuggatassa → sammaggatassa (bj, sya-all, pts1ed)

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