A World of Knowledge
    Tipiṭaka / Tipiṭaka (English) / Aṅguttara Nikāya, English translation

    अङ्गुत्तर निकाय ४।१४०

    Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.140

    Numbered Discourses 4.140

    १४। पुग्गलवग्ग

    14. Puggalavagga

    14. Persons




    “चत्तारोमे, भिक्खवे, वादी। कतमे चत्तारो?

    “Cattārome, bhikkhave, vādī. Katame cattāro?

    “Bhikkhus, there are these four speakers. What four?

      अत्थि, भिक्खवे, वादी अत्थतो परियादानं गच्छति, नो ब्यञ्जनतो;

      Atthi, bhikkhave, vādī atthato pariyādānaṁ gacchati, no byañjanato;

      There’s a speaker who runs out of meaningful things to say, but not of ways of phrasing things.

    अत्थि, भिक्खवे, वादी ब्यञ्जनतो परियादानं गच्छति, नो अत्थतो;

    atthi, bhikkhave, vādī byañjanato pariyādānaṁ gacchati, no atthato;

    There’s a speaker who runs out of ways of phrasing things, but not of meaningful things to say.

    अत्थि, भिक्खवे, वादी अत्थतो च ब्यञ्जनतो च परियादानं गच्छति;

    atthi, bhikkhave, vādī atthato ca byañjanato ca pariyādānaṁ gacchati;

    There’s a speaker who runs out of both meaningful things to say, and ways of phrasing things.

    अत्थि, भिक्खवे, वादी नेवत्थतो नो ब्यञ्जनतो परियादानं गच्छति।

    atthi, bhikkhave, vādī nevatthato no byañjanato pariyādānaṁ gacchati.

    There’s a speaker who never runs out of meaningful things to say, or ways of phrasing things.

    इमे खो, भिक्खवे, चत्तारो वादी। अट्ठानमेतं, भिक्खवे, अनवकासो यं चतूहि पटिसम्भिदाहि समन्नागतो अत्थतो वा ब्यञ्जनतो वा परियादानं गच्छेय्या”ति।

    Ime kho, bhikkhave, cattāro vādī. Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ catūhi paṭisambhidāhi samannāgato1 atthato vā byañjanato vā pariyādānaṁ gaccheyyā”ti.

    These are the four speakers. It is impossible, it cannot happen that someone accomplished in the four kinds of textual analysis will ever run out of meaningful things to say, or ways of phrasing things.”



    पुग्गलवग्गो चतुत्थो।

    Puggalavaggo catuttho.



    संयोजनं पटिभानो, उग्घटितञ्ञु उट्ठानं; सावज्जो द्वे च सीलानि, निकट्ठ धम्म वादी चाति।

    Saṁyojanaṁ paṭibhāno, ugghaṭitaññu uṭṭhānaṁ; Sāvajjo dve ca sīlāni, nikaṭṭha dhamma vādī cāti.

    The authoritative text of the Aṅguttara Nikāya is the Pāli text. The English translation is provided as an aid to the study of the original Pāli text. [CREDITS »]

    1. samannāgato → samannāgato bhikkhu (bj, sya-all, km)

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